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  1. I just converted a 3 hour baseball event from vhs to dvd with my standalone dvd recorder. I prefer to edit the audio and video with my computer, so I rip the dvd to my computer and edit it there.

    When I demux the video, I am left with a .wav file that is 2.05gb. I have read that .wav files have a 2gb limit so I am having trouble getting around this. Is there a way I can still edit the file? I was able to split the audio in two different parts but after editing the 2 audio files, I am unable to convert the .wav file back to ac3 which I need for dvd authoring. Is there a program that will convert 2gb .wav file to ac3?

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  2. Member
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    I do not know what you use to convert to AC3. Try
    and download BeSweet and BeLight.
    I use it and it works OK for DVD audio.
    I do not know about 2G limit, but the software is free so it is worth to try
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  3. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    WAV format has a 4GB limit, but because of the use of signed number coding, MANY apps get confused into thinking it has a 2GB limit. The better/pro audio apps aren't confused. Try ProTools, SoundForge, Audition/Cooledit, even Audacity.

    Beyond the 4GB limit, one has to use a different format--W64 (Sony's 64bit WAV format), raw PCM, Matroska, AVI2/OpenDML, WMV-lossless, AC3, etc.

    If you're ripping a DVD-Video and you end up with an PCM audio file larger than 4GB (wrapped in WAV or not), I've got to ask--Where'd your video go?

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  4. Member
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    Can you select AC3 instead of PCM on your DVD recorder? My DVR-320 will automatically record in AC3 if putting anything longer then 1hr on a DVD. Typically DVD recorders do this to conserve space for video bitrate...

    With your current settings: 3hrs video with 2GB audio (PCM) works out to a video bitrate of 1815 kbit/sec. This is HORRIBLE! especially for sports or other fast paced action. I also wonder what resolution you're getting...

    If possible... rerecord the baseball event (still got in on DVR or VHS?) using AC3 sound. If you can manage to use 256 kbit/sec AC3 audio, you'll increase your video bitrate from 1815 to 3126.
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  5. Here is exactly what I did with this project and the programs I use:

    First I recorded the baseball game (game 7 2001 WS) in flex mode 3hr to dvdrw. I then ripped it to my computer and edited out the commercials with Mpeg video wizard.

    Then I demux the video and audio with tmpgnc. This gives me a .m2v video file and ac3 audio. I then use goldwave to covert the ac3 to wav so I can edit the audio (this is where the 2gb file size comes into play). I take this wave file and load it into soundforge 6.0. This is where the problem occurs. Soundforge says and cannot open the file.

    So I tried cool edit pro and was able to edit the audio there, but after editing I am still left with a 2gb wav file that I need converted back to ac3 so I can author my dvd. I usually use ffmpeg to do this but I cannot get it to work. I guess the key step is converting my wav file back to ac3.

    I hope this makes sense. Is there a better process for doing this?
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