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  1. I was trying to do some research on this, and did come across one example of the problem, but with no solution proposed. In this case, it had nothing to do with subtitles, but with the source AVI being DivX, being reencoded to XviD.

    So, are your source AVIs also DivX 5.0, or perhaps some other DivX files (if you don't know, open them in GSpot)? Are you converting to XviD also? Have you done any other AutoGK AVI conversions, but without subs, and had the problem? Can you show me a *_agk_movie.avs? Although I don't think it'll enlighten us at all. And can you see that out-of-place frame when just opening the *_agk_movie.avs in VDubMod and advancing to the first frame? Can you do the conversion to DivX to see if the same thing happens?

    And if the ultimate goal is to make a DVD, you don't need the AutoGK step. You can make the subs selectable in the DVD, rather than being burned in. Give DVD Flick a try. Or AVI2DVD.
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    Lots of things to I will experiment over the next few days and see what I can discover.

    Thank you for all the input and ideas.

    In th short term, I used AVI2DVD as per your recommendation and then CLONEDVD2 to create a dvd with subtitles as an option.

    Now if I can just learn how to make a decent menu with AVI2DVD, I'll be set.

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  3. Hi-

    Good, making progress.

    Now if I can just learn how to make a decent menu with AVI2DVD, I'll be set.
    Here's kschang's guide to AVI2DVD, with a section on how to improve on the very basic menu:
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    I think my wife is going to kill me. This process is entirely too addictive.

    That menu guide was good stuff. I think eventually I will have to learn to program myself.

    I like too many things from different programs.

    I like the ability in AutoGK to change the quality settings for the credits; thus enhancing vid quality/reducing file size.

    But I really like the way AVI2DVD lets you put in subs as an option, not hard coded.

    And Nero's built in menus are pretty nice and easy.

    Sorry if I took this thread off track.

    I promise I'm still investigating the phantom frame in AutoGk!
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    I can't get this to work

    I have an xvid with sub and idx files

    VirtualDubMod runs the compatibility test but then stops with an error message:

    Avisynth open failure:
    TextSub: Can't open "D:\My Videos\
    (D:\My Videos\
    ThisMovie\agk_tmp\ThisMovie.2006.dvdrip.xvid.cd1_agk_comptest.avs, line 22)
    The AutoGK log says:

    EXCEPTION: Cannot open file "D:\My Videos\
    ThisMovie\agk_tmp\frames.log". The system cannot find the file specified
    And it's true - there's no frames.log file.

    Anyone know where I can get me a frames.log?

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    Hey everyone.

    I'm a complete and total newcomer to the realm of DVD ripping encoding. But I'm a fairly fast learner.

    I wanted to embed subtitles that I made in Subtitle Workshop onto the video file, and I've followed the guide at the start of this thread to a T. But when it gets to the end it gives me this error in VirtualDubMob:

    "AviSynth open failure: Text Sub: Can't open "C:\ [censored] \DTG1Sub.sub" (C:\ [censored] \agk_tmp\DTG_CP1_agk_comptest.avs, line 24)"

    I have no idea what it's on about, the only thing I can think of is that it doesn't recognise the sub file... Any ideas?

    Many thanks! Apologies if the solution is infact already in the thread and I totally missed it...
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    i keep getting the "D:\My Videos\ThisMovie\agk_tmp\frames.log" thing as well... anyone know how to fix it? >_< would be great. ^^ thanks
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    can you help me....

    i want to add permanent subtitle to avi....

    i've download AutoGK but when i press F-8 nothing change....
    FYI there is a subtitle track in AutoGK but there is no option for subtitle.
    i cannot choose subtitle....u can see the picture below.please help me guysssssss

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  9. Open your video first.
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    I'm new to this and I'd like some help because I ran into an error when trying to embed my external subs into my video file.

    Video file: .avi
    Subs: .srt

    I followed all the steps throughly and I ended up with an error message and a couple of incomplete files.

    Here's the error message: Video compression error: The source image format is not acceptable. (error code -2)
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    Ah, thank you for providing the links.

    Unfortunately, I'm still new to most of this and I'm still unsure of what to do. Would you be as so kind to walk me through what my problem is and the solution as well?

    Much thanks.
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  12. Hi-

    What the problem is? Hehe, I haven't the foggiest idea. Telemachus says it might be:
    Anything could have changed that value really. On my system it defaults to the ATI YV12 dll, because I have a tv tunner card, and when I install the software for it, it changes that value. It could have been changed by tv software, or a video player you installed, or a video editor you installed, I really don't know.
    That is, some value in the registry got changed and you have to change it back. So, get into the registry (Start->Run->Regedit). It's said to be a good idea to back up your registry before making changes. Doing something wrong can really mess things up. Then find the place in the registry that telemachus mentions:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32\VIDC.YV12
    And if it says something besides Xvid.Dll or DivX.dll, change it to one or the other (I'd change it to XviD.dll, myself). Save it and with any luck you'll be able to encode.
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    Ah, thanks so much for the help manono!

    I was surprised that it worked.

    Again, I really appreciate the help.
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    *edit* Nevermind, figured out the problem.
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    I get this error message and cannot find the avi file
    EXCEPTION: Cannot open file "D:\media\movies\agk_tmp\frames.log". The system cannot find the file specified
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    Hey All,

    Having problems with AutoGK.

    Before reformatting used to always work now rarely when I add external subs

    message in log is unsupported audio

    Audio is MPEG Layer-3 128kbps
    Do I have to change the audio?
    Or is there something within AutoGK I can do

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  17. Banned
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    Nice guide, too bad AGK eats away movie content horizontally, even if you activate crop and set all values to 0 , therefor making the tool worthless when going for quality encodings.
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  18. Nonsense. It can indeed crop from the sides, in order to maintain the aspect ratio. That is, in my opinion, better than cropping from the top and bottom if something has to be cropped from the active video. It's one of the other, unless you're happy with bad aspect ratio off by up to 2.5-3%. In addition, in the Hidden Options you can set it to crop as much or as little as you like, or have it not crop at all. To not have it crop anything, you check the "Tune auto crop parameters" box and set the threshold to zero, not have the crops all set to zero.

    When you talk about lost picture, are you noticing this when watching in your standalone, and are really losing picture to the TV set's overscan and not because of anything AutoGK did or didn't do? Anyway, do you have a log file to try and prove your baseless accusations?
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    i have a 700mb avi file that i would like to add subtitles too, i followed the instructions perfectly but when i played the file the audio and video were not synced, so i tried saving the audio using virtualdub and then using autogk to add the subs to a audio less video then added the audio back with virtualdub but still the audio and video are not synced, what else could i do?
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  20. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Why permanent subs? It's generally better to have a separate .srt (or other format) subtitle file and have it rendederd at playback. Most AVI capable players (both soft- and harware) handle external subs fine.
    Your problem may be due to VBR audio, which is well known to throw encoders off.

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  21. what else could i do?
    It may have had a delay in there which AutoGK wouldn't have known about. Assuming a constant delay (off by the same amount all the way through), here's how you synch the audio with the video:

    Open the finished and out-of-synch AVI in Media Player Classic. Right-click the screen and go Options->Filter->Audio Switcher->check the "audio time shift" box, and fill in an estimate of the amount of asynch. Hit "Apply" and test it out. Negative values are to make the audio play earlier. 1000 ms= 1 second. Resume playback. Adjust until you get it right. At that point you'll know how much the audio is out of synch and how much to set the delay in VDubMod. Open the AVI in VDubMod, set the Video for Direct Stream Copy, go Streams->Stream List->Right-click the audio->Interleaving->Audio Skew Correction, and set the same delay as you found using MPC. OK your way out of there, go File->Save As, give it a new name, wait a minute or 2, and test it out.

    When all done, either uncheck the box or set the audio time shift back to 0 in MPC.
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    AutoG is very easy and simple!!
    I have an avi file and a srt file for this video.
    I would like to ask:

    if there is a way to adjust the subtitles?? I mean colour,position,size like VitrualDub when you choose vobsub or text sub filter.
    I did a conversion with aviand subs, but the subtitles r small!!!
    Is there an option to change the size of subtitles before conversion??
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  23. Is there an option to change the size of subtitles before conversion??
    Not if using SRT subtitles. Convert to SSA and then you can set the size (or color, position, font, etc.) in the file.
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    i got this error:

    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] AutoGK 2.45
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] OS: WinXP (5.1.2600).2
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Job started.
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Input file: D:\DVDrip\TheSimpsonsMovieDVDRIP\simpsons\simpsons .avi
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Input codec: XviD
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Source duration: 1h 23mn 39s 520ms
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Output file: D:\DVDrip\TheSimpsonsMovieDVDRiP\simpsons\AutoGK\s impsons_agk.avi
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Output codec: DivX
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Audio 1: 132 Kbps MPEG-1/2 L3 2ch
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Subtitles: from external file: D:\DVDrip\TheSimpsonsMovieDVDRiP\simpsons\simpsons .sub
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Format: AVI
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Target size: 2040Mb
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Audio 1 settings: Original
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Started encoding.
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Source resolution: 656x272
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Source fps: 23.976
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Output will contain 120348 frames
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Demuxing audio.
    EXCEPTION: Unsupported audio type.
    [19/12/2007 19:10:01] Job finished. Total time: 0 seconds
    ================================================== ==

    The audio is: 132kbps MPEG-1/2 L3 2ch

    any help here?
    Profoundly deaf.
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  25. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Something wrong/odd with the audio. Sure it's MP3? (Seems like VBR MP3, so that could be an issue, but not Unsupported...)

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    anyway i can fix it?
    Profoundly deaf.
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  27. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Doesn't AutoGK allow for audio pass thru? I think it does...

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  28. Member
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    Hi there,

    i installed AutoGK 2.45 as a standard installation, and eerytime i try to load the input file the following message appear:

    Cannot open file "C:\DOCUME~1\m001750\LOCALS~1\Temp\agk.tbl". The system cannot find the file specified

    i also tried to put it on other PC the same thing happen, so please help me
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  29. I'm new to this, but I got past most of this. Thanks for the help. I have one question, is it possible to change the outline colour of the subs and take of the shadow?
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