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  1. Member
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    Hi all,

    I am looking for a video capture card which allows me to record a standard video signal with 50 or 60 Hz. We are testing the new Nintendo Wii console. this console is able to show the PAL video signal in 50Hz or 60 Hz.

    can you guys help me? Which card can i use?
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  2. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Seems like a pretty basic task for a capture card - Unless I'm misunderstanding you. At least my Hauppage 250 card has composite video in. (along with SVideo & RF)

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  3. Member The_Doman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by mats.hogberg
    Seems like a pretty basic task for a capture card - Unless I'm misunderstanding you. At least my Hauppage 250 card has composite video in. (along with SVideo & RF)
    Not a pretty basic task because the card needs to support the PAL-60 mode!

    Hauppauge for example is still UNWILLING to support this videomode in their application software (WINTV2000) despite the drivers for the PVR150/500 already support it for almost a year now!

    SHSPVR Forum: WinTV2000 and PAL60 mode?
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  4. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    record a standard video signal with 50 or 60 Hz.
    (My emphasis)
    If the Wii can output 50 and 60 Hz, why not go for the supported 50 Hz mode?
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  5. Member
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    I HAVE to record in 60 Hz

    Our game testers have to play the game in all video modes and record them. If an error occurs, we have to have it recorded so our developers can fix it.

    We are talking about two different things.

    1. I need the card which allows to record 50Hz and 60Hz PAL

    2. for another project I need a card with YUV-IN

    Thx for your help

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  6. Member
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    If you input a PAL 60 signal it will not record it as PAL but as NTSC.

    PAL 60 is not a recording format but a playback format.

    When NTSC video tapes are played back in PAL 60 the you have the base NTSC signal ie 525/60 with the colour component at the PAL frequency.

    To record a PAL 60 signal the inout device has to look for the colour component at the correct frequency.
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  7. Member
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    60Hz pal is known as PAL M as used in South America. 59.98 frame rate 3.58 swinging burst is that what thw Wii puts out? So just find a board that does Pal M in the menu.
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  8. Member 2Bdecided's Avatar
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    No, the PAL-60 referred to here is a hybrid format - it's not used for broadcasting anywhere. The various 60Hz PAL format(s) used in broadcasting are different.

    If you connect PAL-60 into a normal capture card, it will capture it as monochrome NTSC with the undecoded colour subcarrier giving noise on top of the picture. I assume that's not good enough?

    A Google for capture card PAL60 produces lots of advice - even a YouTube video about the issue!

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  9. Banned
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    Originally Posted by 2Bdecided
    No, the PAL-60 referred to here is a hybrid format - it's not used for broadcasting anywhere. The various 60Hz PAL format(s) used in broadcasting are different.

    If you connect PAL-60 into a normal capture card, it will capture it as monochrome NTSC with the undecoded colour subcarrier giving noise on top of the picture. I assume that's not good enough?

    A Google for capture card PAL60 produces lots of advice - even a YouTube video about the issue!

    Good advice. We get that question enough here that it should probably be a sticky. A Google search will give the information on the models that can record in PAL 60 mode.

    Note that the YouTube video I think 2Bdecided is talking about was discussed here recently and one guy apparently came to the wrong conclusion after watching it. He decided that the video said that it was possible to get his capture card to support PAL 60 capture while another guy pointed out that the video said that it was not possible for this card. So if anyone finds this video, please pay careful attention to it so you don't make a mistake here.
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