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  1. I have a 2 year old Panasonic E85H that is working fine, except that my commercial skip button on the remote is no longer responsive. I suspect that it is simply dirty after 2 years of use. Normally I would simply take the remote apart and clean the contact pad underneath the button, however, I have run into a stumbling block. I can't figure out how to open up the remote! I removed the batteries assuming the usual screw fasteners would be revealed, but there are none! I don't see any fasteners anywhere. I am reluctant to try prying it apart for fear of destroying it if there is some hidden secret to opening it up. Anyone have a clue about this?

    Thanks for your time.

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  2. Why not just buy a new one? They might be on Ebay. You could buy one from Panasonic, I think they are about $29.

    Also, you can use the time slip instead. Just push it, push for three minutes & then enter.
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