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  1. I am trying to join clips of audio to make one audio file, but I wanted to know what program would be best for that. Im trying to use audacity, but im having a hard time figuring out how to join the clips so that you dont hear any pop or shift in the audio when it goes to the next clip.

    What Im doing is taking a short audio clip and copying it, then pasting it over and over ontot he end of the previous clip in order to make the audio longer. Im just wanting it to loop over and over so that its 3 minutes long instead of 30 seconds. is there an easier way of doing this so that the transition to the next clip is seamless? Ive been using audacity and i just cant get a smooth transition, its like its just off by a couple beats. If anyone could give me some tips, that would be be great. Thanks
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  2. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    You can butt it up next to the end of the first clip. Just highlight and erase any empty space. You can simply copy and paste it over and over again as many times as you want.

    If you want a smoother transition you can do a fade in/out.
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  3. well i did try cutting off the empty space, but i can still hear an audible click when it moves to the next clip.

    when i said transition, i meant something that would blend the end of the first clip with the begining of the next clip.
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  4. Greetings Supreme2k's Avatar
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    You should be able to mix the sounds by selecting the end of the first sound and chosing "mix from this point/start marker". I havent used it in a while, so I'm a little rusty.

    Maybe even try something like this?
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