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  1. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    Other really good forums for Liteon-5045 recorders, etc.
    and and finally this place: (really good site).
    Enjoy there is lots of good reading at the above sites. Some focus specifically on DVD drive replacement.
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  2. bithead9... First let me say Thank you and all the other contributors for the abundance of info provided in this forum. I have a Liteon-5045 that has been upgraded to the 500GB , Level 0204 code. I installed a 500GB drive and while it works fine, on occasion, one error does occur. At some random point while recording a timed event, it will shut down. When I look at the scheduled event I was attempting to record, there is an error message at the bottom indicating .. Failed due to CP Protected Data... The material I was attempting to record was not from a Pay Channel or HBO, etc. It was just old movies on TCM. I never saw this occur when I had the 160GB drive at Level 0197 Code. What I would like to do is go back to the 0197 code for test purposes and keep my 500GB Hard Drive. Don't know if the 0204 code is the cause , but I seem to recall on the TechoLIO forum, back in the prime days of the 5045 there was much debate concerning code after 0197. I do know that I stayed with 0197 and never had any issues until I did this upgrade. I believe in one of your earlier posts you indicated that you have both the 0197,RevB and 0197,RevA codes. Could you update both of these to support the 500GB drive and post them so I could download them. I could go back to the 160GB Drive, and the non 500GB 0197 Code, but I am spoiled with the 500GB Dr and really do not want to give that up, but I do want to test with 0197. So would you please Post the code along with a link in this thread ? I would appreciate your help very much ...... Thanks again for all your good info........
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  3. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    We can patch the 197 code if that is what you like. The patch will be very similar but it could be slightly different as far as the cluster size. I will have to take a look. The CP error is weird. I have heard of that on occasion on the 0204 level. I never hit that error. Only once on my A970 unit. That one has the 250GB drive. OK just confirm you have the USA firmare 0197 and are you rev A or Rev B ? Of course you can email me the 197 you have and I will patch that. Your call.
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  4. Bithead9...Actually I have two 5045's. One is an "A" , The other is a "B", the "B" has the 500GB Dr. The maybe strange part is way back when I upgraded to the 0197 Code, I downloaded it from the TechoLio site, Code version was 0197USRevB, which I installed on both machines, the "A" and "B". Both have always worked fine with this code. Since I do have one of each, if you don't mind please patch both 0197USRevA and 0197USRevB and post the link that I can download from. If I have both, when I upgrade the "A" machine to 500GB, I will have the correct revision. As you posted that you have heard of this issue from other people using the 0204 code, that does support my thought that the 0204 code may be the cause. Anyway with your help I can prove or disprove this theory. Thanks......
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  5. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    I have been comparing the 197 with 204 for the proper HDD offset to set the sector sizes. I have not figured this out yet. The REVA and REVB are WAY different from each other and definately much different from the 0204...Hmmm. I will not give up just yet. I need to spend more time looking at the data. These old eyes can oly take so much!
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  6. Hi bithead, been away on holidays, as for the 0197 firmware versions for the 5045, if my memory serves me well (enough at least !!!) what's now called the 0197 revision A was the renamed beta file (0196) that was made available in the day for testing, many bugs (green tint, audio sync etc. very bad file). Eventually the formal 0197 was released by Liteon and was named 0197 revision B.

    As for the 5045A and B models, those where new batches of 5045 released with the 0201 firmware, the start of Liteon's attempt to contravene hacking the file. Fortunately the 5045A (and B) models with the 0201 can be backflashed to 0197 and from there hacked.

    The 5045 models' numbering system has nothing to do with the firmware numbering system. I would only use the 0197 Rev.B. for your work on the large HDD hack, I'd be interested in that file, some friends of mine would appreciate it.

    Hope this helps.
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  7. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    Right then. 197B it is. I have been ploughed under recently and was also on holiday for a bit. Now back to business. Hopefully I will get some time this weekend to apply the 0197 HDD and standard Guitarman hacks.
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  8. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    OK go here if you need the 512GB version of the 0197 REVB firmware:

    Please report back when you have time. Maybe we can get MikeB to host this if confirmed. Thanks!
    the guitarman hack tool did not find the areas to patch. I presume it is already free from macro
    and sure to check that!
    Last edited by bithead9; 27th Aug 2010 at 16:55.
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  9. Thanks bithead, I tried dowloading/saving the file from the techassist link and I only get a HTML (target) file. I've saved some files from this link before, not sure what's happening today.
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  10. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    Embedding the test file since the Google group is having problems...
    Image Attached Files
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  11. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    Hey Canuck! Any update did you get this file I attaced to this POST ??? It is a RAR archive and you must uncompress using WINRAR or WIP7 or the like...
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  12. Hi and thanks bithead9, got the file, was able to uncompress it, appears to be ok, burnt it and now waiting on a friends to come back from his trip and will do some initial testing at his place.

    I'll report back as soon as I can.

    Again thanks, having already used your files for the ILO HD04, the 740 and 760, I'm quite confident that it will go smoothly.
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  13. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    Good deal. Awaiting update...
    The main difference here is the sector size is a little closer to the 512GB so you might get a tad more recording time...
    FYI on the values: (firmware offset +246106)
    Original size $'7812A05F' 172GB 04768 sectors 159,987,531,776 bytes
    $'5440965F' 512GB 16534 sectors 554,788,978,688 bytes

    The 0204 firmware level that MikeB posted uses:
    $'1E3F4F00' 507GB 16207 sectors 543,816,679,424 bytes

    As you can see minor differences. But since it is less than 16535 sectors (a half, word 16 bit number) it should be OK.
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  14. bithead9, I downloaded the 0197B file you posted on this thread, have installed on my 5045 and all functions appear to be working correctly. I had material on my existing 500GB drive that I did not want to lose so did not erase , 197 code sees all existing items, can record to drive, and remaining time is same that I had with the 0204 code, so all seems to be well. Since the problem that I had with the 204 code was random, I will monitor to see if this resolves. Thank You for patching the 0197USRevB code to support the 500GB Dr. Others may be interested in this patch also, so I agree with you that it would be good if MikeB could post this 0197 code. Of course several people have already downloaded it from your post too.
    Crazycanuck, Thank You for the info you provided in regards to the 0197RevA and 0197RevB code , that certainly cleared up any question about which version to use...
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  15. That's good news TimeLine50. You should not encounter any more CP issues now with the 0197 hacked file. That was exactly the issue in the day with firmware released after 0197. Some users were lucky with 0201 hacked. I myself used it with no issues with the equipment I tried it with, but haven't used it with anything else.

    There's no system upgrade in the firmware beyond the 0197. All updates past 0197 were for media compatibility of the original drive (and files to contravene the hack). Anyone that replaced their drives (which should have its most recent firmware, should be done while preparing the drive in the PC) doesn't need anything more than the 0197 hacked firmware.

    While updating the firmware with a PC drive installed in the 5045, when the firmware reaches the point to update the drive and not recognizing the PC drive, the firmware just skips that part of the update, no harm.
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  16. CCC

    The Orig. liteon/ilo units were NOT Compliant. The Hack was for analog VHS. I don’t know of anyone that has successfully hacked a 5045 past firmware 197. But have many problems with CP if using firmware other than at the site below
    I still have some working Original DDW451 and d DDW 832 drives used in the liteon/ilo u units. I use Verbatim 16x .dnd with original firmware back to the 2004 date ,and they burn and play fine.
    In the standalone unit’s the burn speed is 1x, and copy is 4x if you use a 4x or 16x drive.
    Some months ago I said to bithead9 that I was not interested in a larger HDD but would like a ilo RHD04 to operate as a liteon 5045 with allrite and both have a 21/2 hr mode. The iulo has the same MB as the 5045, but different firmware
    It was said this would be no problem but no response or reply to date
    Firmware was supplied as requested and is avail able for the liteon or ilo at this site Both old and new

    That site was of great help formany liteon/ilo users
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  17. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    lcshg, I just got back to this thread. Like that commercial says, "like come at you fast". And it has lately... If I gt some time to dig deeper on the ilo/5045 fw I will. The initial inspection (if I recall correctly) is that the conversion would not be trivial patching. Since we have no JTAG or other documented recovery procedure, it is unlikely we would persue that effort...
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  18. biyhead9 NO need To peruse anything.
    Firmware for the liteon 5045 and ilo RHD04 are readily available at the site I have given a number of tiomes

    A reminder ---- the goal was to make the ilo RHD04 operate as an liteon 5045 --[ the ilo IS a Clone of the liteon 5045 . Has the same Main Board but has different firmware that restricts it.
    You said this was possible with a patch you would make or have made and would I test it.

    I said I would. But that was not true. It made no difference as No firmware for this effort was Ever presented .
    I will only replace or try firmware that is listed by a reliable Source.
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  19. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    LC, that sounds good to me! Those sites you posted are very good resources for sure. And for those that want to put a SATA drive in their liteon you can use a bridge like this:
    I think I posted a couple likes to devices like these before. But recently someonhe was asking...
    I use one like this in my 5045 with 1 500GB sata drive. works fine...
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  20. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    I am taking down the techassist google group. Google is making more restrictions on content and being able to modify web pages and files. I will be happy to attach files that anyone needed here in this thread. The ones on Google were for the LIteon, Philips (or other Liteon clones) and also the fw for Sony RDR-GX7 final update (USA players only).
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  21. Hi there,

    I have been getting some assistance from others in this forum regarding my ilo DVDRHD04 unit, and after doing a cleaning and finding it kept the burner working for only a week-and-a-half or so, I have decided it is time to buy a new burner for the unit. Have a suggested burner in my amazon shopping cart as we speak.

    But somebody provided a link to this topic, in case I wanted to also upgrade the hard drive, and I figured if I am going to the trouble of taking things apart, I may as well do this as well. I have read through the entire thread. Thing is, I am not very technical, and I can't follow all the ins and outs all the way through.

    So I want to kind of summarize here, and ask a couple of questions.

    If I understand properly, I should be able to upgrade to a 512 GB drive, but no higher (safely.) I should be able to use any standard IDE drive. If I remember correctly, the original drive in the ilo 04 was either a 40 GB or 80 GB drive which means I ought to have at least 6 times as much space, if not 12 times, meaning a 512GB drive would be a very nice improvement, indeed.

    My questions: 1) Am I understanding the above correct, or are there any specific lists of drives I should consider using, like the lists to replace the burner?

    2) Can I use the 204 firmware being mentioned, or is my unit old enough that I will need to stay with the earlier 197 version?

    3) Do any of these firmwares include the 2 1/2 hour recording speed that I saw mentioned? Or at least the 3 hour recording speed? (Reason? I taped several 2 1/2 hour video tapes with live action stuff I would like to convert to DVD, and a 2 1/2 hour speed would be easier than editing out 1/2 per tape, and then combining on another dvd.)

    4) From the things I have mentioned, and the kind of unit I am upgrading, are there other important points I should be taking into account that I don't seem to be?

    Any helpful comments will be much appreciated.
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  22. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    Answers: 1) Any IDE or SATA drive will work. You are limited to 512GB. If you use SATA you will need a SATA to IDE convert bridge (links have been posted here before in this thread)
    2) You can use any firmware as long as it has been modified for the 512GB patch. Mike B and I have done that patching.
    3) To my knowledge the patched firmware has the 3 hour record ability. (I think).
    4) If you do not use the updated firmware with HDD patch and you format your new HDD in a PC using some other ILO/Liteon documented methods you could have problems with SCANDISK on a power loss. I recommend you use the patched firmware. I do and I have been runnig it for years with a 512GB drive with no problems.

    Oh yeah. If you use a larger HDD than 512GB that is OK but it will only format for 512GB the rest will be wasted as unformatted disk space.

    If you have any other question pease ask. BTW my personal recommendation for a HDD is Seagate. They seem to last the best in my experience. Wester Digital (aka Maxtor) sucks. Samsung is decent too. Hitachi is a 3rd choice. But try for the Seagate.
    Last edited by bithead9; 27th Feb 2011 at 17:47. Reason: spelling
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  23. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    OH, BTW if you need a specific version of your Ilo firmware patched just PM me or post here the version and where I can download a copy. I will be happy to patch it for the 512GB formatting.
    I think the firmware you need is here: these are all USA firmwares for 512GB patch.
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  24. I didn't read every single word in the thread, but it sounded like the SATA bridges were questionable ... I'm so glad to learn they aren't ... it seems technology has kept advancing, and now the SATAs are much larger and cheaper than the IDE drives! How does this one sound, then?

    I'll go back and read through the thread again for the specific bridge information ... between the inexpensive drives and the bridges seeming to be inexpensive as well, this won't even hurt the pocketbook much!

    Thank you so much for the reply and all the information in this thread over the years!

    [edit]And what about this for the bridge ... does it look all right? If so, I'll get everything ordered tonight! [/edit]
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  25. Hi Batchman,

    The drive and bridge will work fine, I use a 500GB SATA with a bridge in a Liteon 760. The HDD (80GB) in the ILO is factory installed upside down. You might want to install the new HDD right-side up to better allign the bridge with the cabling. The ilo will go from 17 hours HQ to about 110 hours HQ !!!

    The ILO firmware 204 on the "twowheels" linked site provide by bithead9 is the one to use. The 204 version brought the ILO to the "as advertised" level. Before the 204, the ILO, although stated in the manual that it could but actually could not load up JPEGs or MP3s, that's now fixed with the 204.

    So flash the ILO with the new firmware (204), install the new HDD, when you'll start it, it will probably show an error code something like 0x00054..., just do a full erase of the HDD and that loads up the files on the HDD, good to go after that. Anytime in the future you want to change the HDD again, you'll just need to install the HDD and erase it, no need to reload the firmware patch.

    The references to the 197 are related to the Liteon 5045 model, not the ILO. Do not use patches for other models.

    You might notice a slight slower responses because it will go through a longer scan because of the larger HDD and also from the crosstalk with the bridge, you'll get use to it !!! and it does include the 3 hour mode, that was the last fix.
    Last edited by CrazyCanuck; 28th Feb 2011 at 09:23. Reason: 3 hour mode
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  26. Thanks much for the replies ... I'll go tell amazon to ship my shopping cart!

    It'll be nice to have more space on this thing!
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  27. Member bithead9's Avatar
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    WOW that is a sweet deal on the Seagate at $40. And a SATA bridge for like 80 cents ??? you cannot get a better deal than that! The only issues mentioned (about SATA) I believe were when you replace a DVD drive with a SATA and use the SATA bridge. I personally had BLOCKY video from the DVD drive. It may have been simply the specific SATA converter. But I was able to find and replace the DVD drive with another Liteon EIDE unit. So onece that fails I will either procure a new LASER assy. or find a SATA bridge that works with the DVD SATA drives. BTW - If anyone reading this post knows of a good SATA to IDE that works for the DVD drive please let me know.
    Last edited by bithead9; 28th Feb 2011 at 18:14.
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  28. Oh ... no worries then ... I got one of the LiteOn dvd burners recommended in yet another thread, as one that works well for this ... it cost about $10 more than the hard drive, which I also thought was a really good deal. (And only about a single buck more than the Western Digital that you all scared me off of. (Thank you!)
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  29. Batchman.... If I read your post correctly, you indicated that you have an Ilo-DVDRHD04, if that is the case, then I believe the patched firmware that you need to upgrade to the 500GB Drive would be Ilo firmware version 1201, not Liteon-5045 Version 0204. The 1201 Version posted on Mike B's site supports the 500GB Dr, and has the 3Hr. LP mode. ( Mike B site ) You can see that the top three machines are the Liteon models and the last one is the Ilo labeled ILO-HD04. As you know the Ilo was a clone of the Liteon, made for Walmart. Also if you should need it , you can download the original Version Ilo 1201 code from this site Firmware at this site only supports the original 80GB drive. I am pretty sure that you cannot cross flash Liteon firmware to an Ilo model, even though the Ilo is a clone. Hey bithead9 and CrazyCanuck, you guys be sure and chime in if I misstated anything concerning the firmware, would not want to lead anyone in wrong direction.....
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  30. Gee thanks there Eagle Eye TimeLine50 !!!! yes of course it's the 201 for the ILO. Got carried away when Batchman was talking about the 204 and wanted to use the 197 which are both for the Liteon 5045. On the site (twowheels) there's a link to the patched ILO 201 larger HDD hack so no real need to go through the process of downloading the offical one and hacking etc....

    Batchman, use the ILO firmware 1201 found here

    As TimeLine50 mentioned you cannot crossflash the ILO with the Liteon patch. In the earlier years, some ILO users (myself included) donated some funds to the designer of the ILO/Liteon Smarthacker program to see if it could be done with a simple firmware disc and it was found out that it wasn't that simple so the project was dropped.
    Last edited by CrazyCanuck; 1st Mar 2011 at 09:03. Reason: Crossflash info
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