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  1. Hey guys.

    I'm hoping somebody can help me out here, or at least explain to me why I am having this problem.

    I have some kind of Nvidia GeForce video card in my PC and it has an S-Video out that lets me output the picture to my TV screen.

    Now, I have a 4:3 TV and I don't know how to explain this exactly so I drew these pictures to help:

    The grey color represents the actual full picture of the video as displayed on my computer monitor.

    The inside of the blue border represents what I see on my TV screen.

    The first picture is what I see when watching full screen video while the second picture shows what I see when watching widescreen video.

    As you can see, my TV isn't showing me the full picture. It is cropping the sides... I have no idea how to fix this or why this is happening

    Hopefully somebody here can shed some light. I've been up since last night trying to fix this.
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  2. It's called overscan,have you tried TVTool or Powerstrip?
    Make sure you set your output to 60Hz/16bit/800x600 or 720x480(576 PAL).
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  3. Hey MOVIEGEEK, as a matter of fact I did try TVTool and now that you mentioned it, I installed and tried Powerstrip.

    When using both of those programs, All I see on my TV is a cropped 800x600 image of my wallpaper with no desktop icons/startmenu or anything.

    What I see on my monitor doesn't show up on the TV. The TV shows the wallpaper and nothing more. I cant play video or anything like that.

    The only time I am able to play video or actually use my TV as a monitor for the PC is when I use NVIDIA nView. And this method gives me the "overscan"

    Heh.. I know what it is called now :P

    Thanks MOVIEGEEK

    I'm going to continue to search for an answer to my problem, but if you or anyone else have any ideas, feel free to post.

    I'm willing to try just about anything
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  4. Member vegasarian's Avatar
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    Be interested to hear how you get on coz i've got similar problems with geforce card.
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  5. Member pchan's Avatar
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    You can try adjust in the gForce display setting. Can only do it when you hook up to the TV. You can adjust the the height, width, horizontal and vertical position. Make sure you select either PAL or NTSC.

    If on-board display, then you also need to set PAL or NTSC setting in the BIOS.
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  6. And disable overscan.
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  7. Member
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    You may not be able to do anything about it. The overscan occurs in the TV and is meant to be like that to hide extra information that is carried on the TV signal. Exactly the same would happen if you were to burn the files you are trying to watch to DVD and play them back. On a TV, overscan is a fact of life.
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  8. Member edDV's Avatar
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    TV overscan is normal, even on LCD TVs. You are supposed to plan ahead for it during production.

    ATI cards have an "overscan" button that essentially fits the picture into your blue square. This is intended for making windows desktops visible to the edges. I don't have an NVidia here to look at menus.
    Recommends: - Loans that change lives.
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