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  1. Member
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    I can't find squat about this deck. Specifically I'm trying to find if it has a TBC, but other info as how it compares to the 9800U and 1980 would be nice as well.
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  2. No TBC in that machine. Was about $3500 new, I think it is circa 1989-90.
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  3. Member Marvingj's Avatar
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    Not only did it not have a TBC. I believe it had a lot of problems with the switch to VHS & VHS-C. Alot of Transport problems. A friend of says it had a great picture. JVC still has a instructional booklet on there Website...Free.
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  4. Member
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    No. But I'm not sure there aren't better choices these days of eBay, etc. Both JVC and Panasonic made professional/industrial
    VCRs- complete with real TBCs and time code. I have a Panasonic AG7750 that's superior to anything out there. I paid $6,500 way back- but its newer than any S10000. Now. Being a pro deck, it won't be bothered with EP speed tapes and there is no tuner. But these can be bought for under 500.00. And you'll have a real jog/shuttle dial and a built-in cuts-only facility. Just hook one of these and another AG7500 or better and, Voila! Of course $e129.50 will buy you a DVD burner with tuner and HDD that's blow all of these away... I trmrmber in 1985 I owned a 3/4" facility in California- and I was terrified that "this new-fangled 400 line S-VHS" was going to out-perform the creaky old U format. But, as in fast cars, cubic inches count... and the big fat U-matic may have been shy a few lines on resolution...
    But it just plain looked better than the new upstart!

    Incidently... I just bought an SP Betacam... BVW-570IS. With a grand total of 60 hours on the clock- smells like a new car- I paid $150.00
    !A hundred and a half. SOOooo... if you vintage guys wanna stay analog, you can probably put together a BVW suite for What? $1,200.? I know where you can get a really FINE camera! $1,000.00
    Jim Snyder
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  5. Member bendixG15's Avatar
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    All I can say is ...... blah blah 4 years old blah full moon yadda yadda
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