I have a 3 (?) year old Sony MHC-ZX70DVD (non-US part no. HCD-ZX70DVD) 5-disc / cassette / receiver all-in-one. It is VERY sensitive to scratches, smudges, and the like. Much more so than our el-cheapo single DVD player we got free for switching to DirecTV, or playing them on the computer. And sometimes it skips when there's no scratch or smudge visible at all, or when pulling a brand-new DVD out of the package (one that my kids haven't had a chance to abuse yet).

I have found Sony DVD player calibration steps online, but this all-in-one unit or series isn't mentioned in the list of players it works for. Anyone know of a calibration procedure for this type of player?

And while I'm at it, what discs should I use for the calibration, provided I find a calibration method?

Thanks very much,