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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    DF/W, TX
    Search Comp PM
    Has anyone ever used them? They seem to get really good reviews. I am tired of having to pick up five different remotes.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    NE Ohio
    Search Comp PM
    Have I used one... No.

    Just my .02

    Are they expensive... hell yes.
    Are the easy to setup... looks pretty easy.
    Can you tweak it to have it just the way you want ... I doubt it.

    I have been useing a JP1 compatible remote for several years now. I got a Radio Shack 15-2104 for like $30 and then got a cable to interface with my PC for like $18.... downloaded some freeware... got through a decent learning curve... now I have one remote that can do 99% of usefull functions from the rest of my remotes.

    An example of the tweaking I spoke of: I set up my remote so while in DVD mode the record button will turn on the "late night" function on my reciever. My FAV/SCAN button will switch is all I need to swith the remote working in DVD mode , with the transport (play, pause FF, RW) buttons working for the DVD and the reciever swithing to DVD source. Hit the FAV/SCAN button again: the reciever switches to digital cable source and the transport buttons now work for the digital cable box. One button does several cross functions.

    If you are interested in JP1 start HERE .

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