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  1. Well I guess I celerbrated too fast...tape played great then I tryed to rewind and eject wont eject and now it wont play or nothing ..the lights are on ...but its not taking any commands I know the deck played and ejected tapes when i got it last week cause i tested it...but i guess I been had or whatever...370 pissed down the drain ;( im bummed
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  2. Member edDV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Northern California, USA
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    I have no experience with that one so I don't know its quirks.

    Generic things to try.
    1. Turn off and unplug it. Let the microprocessors reset.
    2. Find a forum with likely users. Here are some.
    Recommends: - Loans that change lives.
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  3. Ed it works...Im a dope pm to find out why thanks again TR
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  4. VCR Works nice! I have the JVC BR-S822U VCR under my desk sideways for now..seems to run like it was flat ok, no where else to put it...there was a surprise it wont play my old extended play tapes? runs fast and I dont see a control to adapt ...thats ok because I routed my other home JVC VCR/tvline via a philips S HD video swicher box 20$ I can play the EP tapes thur that VCR when I have to...I tell u this but the JVC BR-S822U is nice piece of hardware ..compaired to home VCRs ive had they are all toys! except for my 1st VCR which was top of the line 1981 home RCA VCR it cost me $1200! top loader it was huge too and the tapes I recorded on that deck 90 % still look great.(still have it in the attic)..the only problems I had back then were my cable service was crap so I taped what I got..also I didnt know that I should buy good tapes back then ..I used some crap tapes I shoulnt have.. except for my 1st case of PD magnetics of 10 that cost me $100...ha ha! 10 beans a tape!...thanks to Ed and Brainstorm69 for their help TR
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  5. took it off its side Ed..its laying flat around the corner from my work station on top of my entertainment center...I dont need to realy work the VCR controls anyway
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