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  1. Member
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    Sorry for my english . I'm vietnamese
    Can someone tells me , how can i add the vietnamese subtitle to VCD , i have follow these steps , and it's ok with english subtitle. But for Vietnamese , i cant do it . Are there any problems about font ? But my comp is full of Vietnamese font and i can read and watch it by window media , if i try to view it by Word it's ok, so maybe it's not about font ?
    I think maybe some of you may get the same problem ( if you're korean,japanese, chinese or vietnamese ) So pls someone tell me how to do ????
    Thanks a lot
    Have a good day
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  2. Member
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    Leave them srt and make sure that you are using the unicode version of textsub (VSFilter).
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  3. Member
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    maybe you misunderstood what i mean. actually my subtitle file is .smi , and i have to convert it to .ssa (by using subtitleworkshop) to add on a VCD
    what i do need is burn it to a VCD with vietnamese subtitle
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  4. Member
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    Leave it smi then as I am pretty sure that textusb supports that to.
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  5. Member
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    i got it
    thanks celtic_druid
    how nice are you
    Thanks again
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  6. Member
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    Leave them srt and make sure that you are using the unicode version of textsub (VSFilter).
    Hi celtic_druid

    Could you elaborate your statement?

    I am also trying to find ways to add Vietnamese subtitles to my video files. I downloaded and installed VSFilter. I have already had unicode and Unikey v. 3.1 to type in Vietnamese. However, I cannot type in Vietnamese words; everything I typed tunred into some strange characters/signs.

    I have been always able to type Vietnamese in Excel, Word, and Front Page, though.

    What do I need to do in order to be able to type in Vietnamese in VSFilter?

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  7. Member
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    What I mean is that if the subs are using unicode then they should work. If they are ANSI, then you would need to select the correct character set, otherwise you get the wrong characters/signs. Selecting Vietnamese (163) should solve the problem.
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  8. Member
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    And pick the font that supports Vietnamese / Unicode too.
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  9. Member
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    Hi celtic_druid & kschang:

    Thanks for the replies and suggestions.

    So far, I still cannot type my subtitles in Vietnamese. I have unicode, I use tahoma font (which work in Excel, Word, and Front Page). I also have Unikeys to specify how I will type in Vietnamese.

    I am still working on this project.
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  10. Member
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    I think we have a bit of misunderstanding. You don't type ANYTHING into VSFilter. VSFilter is ONLY used to ADD subtitles to the movie through VDub/VDubMod. You create the subtitles OUTSIDE of VSFilter.

    To actually ENTER subtitles you should use SubTitle Workshop, esp. with "Translator Mode". Make sure the alternate mode is set to Unicode or Vietnamese characters. At the end you'll have a separate file with Vietnamese subtitles.

    THEN go into VDub/VDubMod, add VSFilter, and specify the new file you created, and see if the characters render in Vietnamese within VDub/VDubMod. If it does, then you can do the rest of the guide that you linked to.

    One of these days I'll have to write a guide on "how to translate subtitles".
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  11. Member
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    What exactly do you mean type in VSFilter? Can't think of anyway you can actually type stuff into it. So really you should be able to type stuff into word and then save it.

    I just created: and it seems to work ok. Then again I can't read Vietnamese.

    I had a look for some subs online and mostly they seem to be ANSI not unicode though which means as per above you have to select the correct character set. The above are unicode though and therefor should just work. At least with VSFilter.
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  12. Member
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    Hi kschang & celtic_druid:

    Yes, you can type in VobSub. Here's what I do.

    1) I open VobSub - SubReSync

    2) I load the subtitle (in my case, a .srt file)

    3) The entire subtitle file appear in numerous lines, each line with the beginning time, the ending time and the content.

    4) I click on one line to hi-lite it. A sub-window that looks like a checker board appears in which shows the content of the line I want to edit.

    5) I click on the "edit" button. Another window appears under the name "Subtitle Style Editor ("File Name").

    In this window, there is a section called "text" which has the content of the line I want to edit. In this "text" section, I will type in what I want to use to replace the original content.

    I can choose the style of the text, the font, etc. in the "Subtitle Style Editor" window.

    But even though I chose Vietnamese, I still cannot type the Vietnamese fonts. WTF! (pardon my French!)

    To demonstrate the madness I am going through, I will type in this post a Vietnamese word of "Hello". Then, I will show you what the word becomes after I type it in VobSub.


    My simple & friendly greeting would look like this in VobSub:


    Do you see the kind of madness I am going through?
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  13. Member
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    VobSub != VSFilter. SubReSync != VSFilter

    Just had a look at the subresync project file and there is no unicode version.

    Basically VobSub is old and most of it has been replaced.
    Directvobsub, vobsub/text sub VDub filters, vobsub/textsub AVISynth filters all got combined into VSFilter.
    SubResync became part of Media Player Classic.
    The subtitle ripping of VOBSub became VSRip.

    So I would suggest that you try Media Player Classic.

    If all you are doing is translating lines though, then notepad would do.
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  14. Member
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    I clicked on VSFilter and what I could download was vsfilter.2.37_win32.exe (I am using Windows98). After I installed the software, I got a folder called "VobSub" which contains SubResync, SubMux and the whole shebang. I tried everything in the folder. SubResync is the only one I can do something with subtitle editing.

    Well, I will keep looking for the answer for my project.

    Thanks celtic_druid & kschang.

    BTW, wordpad would allow me to type in Vietnamese. But when I save it, it would turn all my typing into some alien languages. In other words, it would not allow me to save in Vietnamese.
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  15. Member
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    Ohhh. Win98 is DOS based and doesn't fully support unicode. Should still work if you change from the default character set to Vietnamese (163). You should only get weird characters if using the default character set. With unicode there is no such problem.

    Does the sample sub that I did display ok?
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    I am always a little late in the department of hi-tech. :P

    Anyway, which sample did you show me? Apparently, it did not display properly.
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  17. Member
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    Well take this page:
    Top line appears wrong unless you set the encoding to vietnamese. The bottom line appears ok because it is using unicode. At least I think so. As I said, I can't read the language. So either by entering the text as unicode or by using the proper character set, you should be able to do Vietnamese subs.
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  18. Member
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    Sorry, celtic_druid

    Neither appeared right.

    In Internet Options, I set my web page font to Tahoma and plain text font to Courier. I have been using these settings for years and have no troubles reading many Vietnamese web pages such as these:

    My own:


    I have been using Front Page to design my web page in Vietnamese with the same OS (Windows98). All I have to do is to open my Unikey to tell my computer how I want to type in Vietnamese (there are several ways). For example, since I chose VNI typing, to type the word "chào" I will have to type in "c", "h", "a", "o" and then "2".

    This Font mystery really picks my curiosity. :P There has to be some very simple explanations as to why I cannot type Vietnamese in certain cases (Subtitle Workshop is one of them!).
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  19. Member
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    I have no problem seeing Vietnamese characters either, but you have to keep in mind that Browsers will see the charset based on the charset tag at the beginning. Apps don't do that. What you set is what you get, if they support it at all.

    I tried copying some text from those pages and paste them into Subtitle WOrkshop (under XP, mind you), but the text separated from the diacritical marks. For example:

    Tiếng Hát Lệ Thu 6


    Ti~eng H`at L^e. Thu 6

    But that may be because I didn't enable "force extended text support across all apps", again, under XP.
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  20. Member
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    Well Subtitle Workshop doesn't appear to support unicode so you can't have ấ, etc. All unicode characters get lost. Copy and paste the same text to a subtitle using notepad and save as unicode and all should be ok.

    Should be perfectly possible to do subs in Vietnamese without unicode though, just as it is possible to have different character sets in a webpage without using unicode characters by setting the correct character set. When it is viewed with the wrong character set, you just get weird symbols though. Same with non unicode subs.

    If neither line appeared right, at least you should notice that they appear the same if you change the character set to TCVN, but different with the default (default here) western character set.
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  21. Member
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    Hi celtic_druid:

    I cannot use notepad to open any subtitle file (.srt). The computer would tell me that the files are too large to use notepad. I have to use wordpad to open the files.

    In wordpad, I would be able to type Vietnamese words using unicode but that's it. When I save it (as .txt or or .srt), all my Vietnamese typings would turn into some strange combination.

    Please take a look at the pictures below.

    What I typed and what it looked like after I saved it:

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  22. Member
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    Looks like it is being saved as ANSI, so you loose all unicode characters. Do you not get the option to save as a unicode text document under win98? I do here under win2k and it works fine. Save as a regular text document though and you get ?'s like in your screen shot.

    Can't you use TCVN or something like that? Then you don't need unicode characters. I had a look for Vietnamese subs, most were unicode but some were ANSI.

    Other option would be a dedicated text editor like UltraEdit. This will allow you to open large text files and keep them unicode at least it does under win2k/XP.
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  23. Member
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    Not sure if EditPad supports Unicode under Win98, but it may. And it supports large files, AND the Lite version is free.
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    Hi celtic_druid:

    Wow! your magic words:
    Do you not get the option to save as a unicode text document under win98?
    Thank you, kschang & celtic_druid, for helping me out on this subject.

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  25. Member
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    Guess it is mainly just a lack of unicode filename support under 9x/ME with everything else working ok.
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  26. Member qknet's Avatar
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    being able to type vietnamese in word, excel or other ms office applications doesn't ensure anything. Can you try typing vietnamese (unicode, let's say composite unicode = unicode tổ hợp) in Notepad. If you are on a Windows 98/ME system, it is a good thing, if possible, that you upgrade it to windows xp and don't forget to enable "vietnamese support" in the language options that you will find in the Control Panel.

    In Notepad, if you can type and display the text properly (the "script option should be "vietnamese" then) I believe the vsfilter/subtitle workshop will load the texts as is. You don't even need to save the notepad-based file in unicode, ANSI will do fine.

    One more thing, why don't you go to to update your unikey version? I'm now using Unikey 4.0 RC1, Windows XP with SP2 and vietnamese support enabled.[/img]
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  27. Why you keep hanging around with Window OS? You can do anything from copying VOB to hard disk, ripping subtitle then edit subtitle in Vietnamese in Linux. Some DVD authorize softwares are available as well.
    Here's the movie I made using totally Linux software.

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  28. Member
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    hey people
    when i load up a vietnamese subtitle it loads up like this

    không thì ch&#7881

    However if i open the file up in microsoft word it works fine!
    but the thing is, i cant save it back to a subtitle file (because it doesn't show the time stuff)

    Even Mplayer classic and my xbox doesnt show the subititles like that, i know for a fact that if it opens up in notepad showing vietnamese properly than it'd work in media player and the xbox.

    I've tried subresync, virtual dub..etc and it doesnt work someone help me
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  29. Member
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    I've completely forgotten bout this stuff.

    As soon as I got it figured out, I just left it.

    What subs you using - srt ?
    Iirc, you gotta just make sure you set the right language (from wordpad or whatever) and then Save.

    I'm not sure though. I'll try again soon

    And have you tried Subtitle Workshop ? It's pretty good for getting the times right on subs and especially for translating and using foreign languages
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  30. Member
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    hey spanky can u email me your msn
    i've downloaded as much vietnamese subtitles on the internet i can find.
    The problem is that some of them appear fine in notepad while others dont, there seems to be 3 types of codeings ..

    The SMI And SSA files open in MS WORD fine, but when you open it it doesnt display the time intervals the subtitles are supposed to appear, it only displays the TEXT if you get what i mean. So when i save it after opening it in word, its useless.

    Yes, i have tried Subtitleworkshop, virtual dub, subtitlecreator, textsub.. everything i can think of
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