The Continuing Saga of the Wendy's Chili Finger Scam

It just keeps getting better:

Chili finger used to settle debt, mother says

A man who lost part of his finger in a workplace accident was the source of the fingertip used in an alleged scam against Wendy's restaurants, and gave it away to settle a debt, his mother said.

Shouey, of Worthington, Pennsylvania, said her son, Brian Paul Rossiter, 36, of Las Vegas, lost part of his finger in December in an accident at a paving company where he worked with James Plascencia, Ayala's husband. His hand got caught in a mechanical truck lift, she said.

She said he gave it to Plascencia to settle a $50 debt.
I can see it now:

"Hey, you know that 50 bucks? Why don't you give me that finger you lost and we'll call it even?"

"What? Well, I guess I don't need it any more. What the heck you want a finger for?"

"Look, you want to call off the debt or what?"

"Well, sure....uh, I'll get it out of the freezer, I guess..."

"Like, you never know when you might need an extra finger around the house, you know?"