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  1. I have bought some of the lowest rated media (i.e. CMC) and discovered that I have never had a coaster. Any problem I had with any media is with the burner or some software conflict issue.

    A drive maybe rated 8x, but most tech folks say burn at 50% of stated rating will guarantee 100% burns.

    I get 100% reliable burns this of course does take longer.

    Also a quality drive (like my pioneer) burns so good.
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  2. So are you trying to tell us there is no (Crap Media). If so you are very wrong.
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  3. Please keep this thread nice
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  4. Originally Posted by wipeout
    I have bought some of the lowest rated media (i.e. CMC) and discovered that I have never had a coaster. Any problem I had with any media is with the burner or some software conflict issue.

    A drive maybe rated 8x, but most tech folks say burn at 50% of stated rating will guarantee 100% burns.

    I get 100% reliable burns this of course does take longer.

    Also a quality drive (like my pioneer) burns so good.
    Dead wrong there. I have a pioneer drive, and any CMC (Memorex) media I've used has had appauling results at best. 40% of the discs I had worked, the others did not. I can not copy from these discs and the playback is terrible!. Maxell (Made in Japan) or TY discs work for everything from this drive (with my experience)
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  5. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by wipeout
    Its not the media...its your drive!!!!
    No. Wrong.
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  6. Aging Slowly Bodyslide's Avatar
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    It is the media normally, unless your drive has hit the Sh*tter....
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  7. I know there are others that have not had any probs w/ CMC media either. But that is not to say that it is good media. The firmware used on the hardware also makes a big diff. It's all about whatever works for you.
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    just be glad CMC doesnt make burners as well
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  9. Member ebenton's Avatar
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    This guy is obviously flame-baiting.
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  10. i am not saying that I would recommend cmc disks...they could fail in future years due flaw dye. I just have never produced any coaster. Any coaster I did produce was stricky related to the drive starting to fail.

    Understand that I burn to 4,364 not 4,464 to avoid edge problem issues.

    Understand that I burn at 50% of what the drive or media will take.

    Now, some players may not like the media, but I can pull the data off and put in another media
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  11. I got a spindel of CMC 8x +R media from my sister, they all burned fine at 12x, very good scans with DvdInfo. Optodisk however, that IS bad media, i doubt any burner is good enough for them. Not that i had any optodisk media failed to verify when burned with dvr109, but the scans are very medium.
    So to sum up, i can agree with the OP that CMC can be good in some burners, and that there are in fact bad burners out there still, i had one of them before (nd1300a). But no doubt there is such a thing as bad media, and bad media in bad burner is worse than just bad media
    But thats just my personal experience...
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  12. High quality media and good name brand burners are so cheap now... why risk it? Plus, burning discs at half rated speed is an unnecessary waste of time... the only resource you can never get more of and can't get back once it has been used. Time equals money, you know...
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  13. CMC discs are as reliable, if not the most reliable discs I've used. And I've used close to a thousand at this point. It's not low rated media by me, and plenty of others find it to be good media. They have great PI/PO numbers, great Transfer rate tests, and I've NEVER had playback issues with CMC, all the way back to my original CMC R01 2.4x burns on my NEC 1300. I've had more coasters from TY media than CMC, and I've burned at least 4 times as much CMC media. The discs burn great on all 3 of my burners - NEC 1300, NEC 2500, and Benq 822. I have even burned 100's of CMC R01 2.4x rated media at 8x on my NEC 2500 with results similar to my TY and RICOHJPN discs. This only further proves it's excellent media - try getting excellent quality burns from legit BAD media, it's not going to happen.

    CMC has gotten a bad name on this site, but the reality is it has always been excellent media on all three of my burners, and I've seen tons of great results with CMC from other burners as well. I've been using CMC for a long time and I can honestly say I probably trust CMC discs to give me a good burn over any other brand, although RICOHJPN has also been great for me as well. Oh, and CMC AE1 burns great in my Pioneer 420 recorder as well, I've burned over 100 and not one coaster there either. I believe it uses a 107 drive.
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  14. I tried once the cheapest dvds shop4tech sells, they're supposed to be 4X, but if you burned them at 4X they resulted 98% of the time coasters. BUT if you burned them at 2X, the success rate was almost 100%.
    But I don't have 35 minutes to wait for a dvd to burn, so I finished that pack and move on to TY.
    I once tried CMC Media, and it didn't work for me.
    1f U c4n r34d 7h1s, U r34lly n33d 2 g3t l41d!!!
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  15. Member
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    There is a little know fact that has a lot to do with the bad media from generally reputable manufacturers. Thai is - What happens to the media that is other than Grade A media? I can tell you. It is sold to various jobbers and bottom feeding distributors by the manufacturers. At this point, it is represented as downgraded media by the manufacturer. This is where things start to get funny though. These opportunistic "distributors" resell it and manage to "forget" the fact that it is downgraded media. They then sell it as good media to resellers. It is sometimes sold with a wink and a nod and at other times it is deliberately misrepresented as Grade A media. The extreme price pressures on media pricing is putting a lot of pressure on resellers. So when they have an "opportunity" to buy Brand X, Y or Z media at a great price, they take it. They often have a pretty good idea what is going on but it is in their financial interest to not ask too many questions.

    The media manufacturers are under terrific pressure. I read an article recently about the media manufacturers in Taiwan. They are ALL losing money, big money. They are literally killing each other with insane price competition. Given the choice of selling bad media to the plastic recyclers for next to nothing or selling it to a "speciality distributor" for quite a bit more than the value of recycled plastic, they give in and take the money. Unfortunately they are very shortsighted with this because when this stuff is sold in the market, it ultimately hurts the image of their media in the market. When you hear about Brand X media getting bad recently, you can know what is going on.

    I can tell you this is what is going on. This is not an opinion, theory or question. I know wherof I speak. There is no need or point in going into names; it would not be productive. I also don't want to stir up any of the towel boys of some of these companies. But buyer beware. If you are too relentless in finding the "best price", you may just get what you don't deserve.
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  16. I've heard that too. That's when "good brand bad media" appears.
    1f U c4n r34d 7h1s, U r34lly n33d 2 g3t l41d!!!
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  17. burners hate certain media too........dont be stupid now.
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  18. I think that's true to a else would you explain firmware upgrades improving successful burn rates on certain media.

    But I also agree to there being crap media out there. Doesn't matter how good your burner is, an out of balance dvd will have issues.
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  19. Member craiggus365's Avatar
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    I hav used CMC in my Memorex 16x16 DVD16+/-DL4RWnD2 which is a NEC clone. These disks have been branded Staples -R, -RW, and HP -R. Never a coaster yet in about 75 burns. The drive has a lot to do w/ it.
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  20. It would also seem the "burn at 1/2 speed and get 100% burns" is also wrong. I do believe some on this site have said that a lot of the 8x and above media don't like to be burned at lower speeds than their rated.
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  21. Member
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    CMC -r media is quite good in most my drives, althou the +r media i got was hp branded and was most likly b or c grade, so i gave them away, i only had about 75 disc, so i didnt care

    it is all about ur drive, if u ever have any question about ur burn, scan the media doing a disc quality check, and if u dont have a drive that does take it to a friends that does and do it at the right speed for the drive to scan at too, then u will get a genral idea how well ur drive with ur current firmware will burn on that media code, remeber thop not all burns on the same disc's come out the same, its just a genral idea if its burning well
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  22. Two years ago, CMC was bad. But now CMC -R is good, if
    - your firmware supports it,
    - a good brand is printed on top of the disk, for examle Ricoh,
    - the disk is not inkjet printable.

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  23. Member
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    rioch? umm thats a differnt media code, they may even outsource to cmc but there not cmc, hope u understand that simple thing

    also cmc -r media is good, its there crap + media

    but then again no media is safe from bad disc's or bad batchs, as they dont test every disc, just some have better qulity control then others
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  24. Originally Posted by koolaidwa
    rioch? umm thats a differnt media code
    ... and also a brand, that is sold with CMC media code, see:
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  25. i bought a 50 pack of memorex that was bad, they burn fine but playback would work only for 15-20 min. but about 40 disc in to it i found that if i burn at 2.4 they work alot better, anyways i just bought a 50 pack fiji(jap) and i am must more pleased with them
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