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  1. Member
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    Up in yo' bitch.
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    Sunday morning at 8:45 my mother-in-law died resulting from injuries she sustained while being assaulted by her fiance'. I'm not going to go into great detail, but I will say that she was beaten so badly, she never regained consciousness, and only lived for a week after because of heroic measures taken by the hospital.

    What kind of person does this? What kind of man could actually bash woman's head into a wall so many times that she loses consciousness?

    I know there are few women on this forum, and if you find you are in this situation... get out while you can. I don't care what kind of promises were made to keep you there, it will happen again. Get out while you still have your life.

    Guys... if you find you can't control you temper to the point that you have to beat on your wife/girlfriend, seek help immediately. Is one moment of blind anger worth the life of your spouse/girlfriend?

    Sorry this is such a downer. I just felt like I needed to say something.

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  2. smearbrick1,

    I am sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. No person deserves what happened to her. It is awful.

    What will happen to the man who supposedly loved her enough to be engaged to her?

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  3. Member
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    It appears as though he will be charged possibly with murder 2. I'm not too sure yet.
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  4. If you're a man and you beat up women, you're a NO GOOD SON-OF-A-GUN SISSY! If you want to hit somebody, pick someone your own size and act like a Fu**ing man!
    I'm a nobody, and nobody's I'm perfect!
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  5. Member AlecWest's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by smearbrick1
    It appears as though he will be charged possibly with murder 2. I'm not too sure yet.
    Murder 2 is probably the worst they can do to him ... with the lesser penalty due to it being considered a "crime of passion" as opposed to being a crime of "premeditation" (even though it may have been premeditated).

    There is NO excuse for that kind of violence. Occasionally, there are "explanations" ... but, that's all they ever are ... just explanations. I'll give you an example from my local area ... a guy who was arrested for murdering his wife but is currently free (pending investigation) due to lack of evidence. This guy was also a "coworker" of mine.

    He and his wife had been married for years and they were both approaching retirement age. Their finances were tightly intertwined as you might imagine. On the eve of their retirement, his wife decided to join a religious cult and, after retirement, wanted to donate HIS assets to HER church. He told her "No way." She gave him an ultimatim ... either join her church or face a bitter divorce battle. Further, the wife started hanging around with a "woman friend" ... the two going off for weekends alone, etc., indicating that she may have been a closet Lesbian all these years.

    Now ... picture yourself in this man's position. You've struggled and worked and saved for years and years. And on the eve of your retirement, all your plans are tossed into the crapper based on the whims of your spouse. An excuse for violence? No. An explanation? Just as good as any I could think of (the old "rat backed into a corner" scenario).

    In any case, the wife turned up "missing." And, her husband (the likely perpetrator) had extensive forestry experience and knew area forests like the back of his hand. The cops (in the last article I read) appear "certain" that he did her in and then carted her off to a hidden forest burial site. But, they've yet to find the body ... nor have they found significant physical evidence to indicate a struggle occurred. And this guy is as cool as a cucumber. Hired a lawyer right off the bat and kept his mouth shut. I've got a "Google News" search out on his name ... and since they released him pending an investigation due to lack of evidence, there hasn't been a peep. Sooner or later, he'll get his hands on his retirement assets (and hers) and has indicated his intentions of retiring overseas. If the cops can prove anything, they'd better do it soon.

    An interesting side note, though. Prior to her disappearance, a lot of her personal assets were liquidated ... and the "woman-friend" is also missing. This guy's friends suggest that the wife took the lion's share of her money, her religion, and her "woman friend" and just split ... leaving the guy appearing guilty as Hell as a potential murderer. Frankly, though, I think this guy is the genuine culprit. He's very clever ... possibly a sociopath ... and could have engineered the disappearance of his wife's finances as easily as his wife (and her friend).

    The sad part? They had kids ... and the kids are "divided" on the matter. A daughter thinks her father did it. A son thinks his mother split with her Lesbian lover. What a mess.
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  6. Sometimes you watch a movie and think "where do they come up with these things?, it can't happen in real life, it's just a bad written movie", and in fact, life is sometimes weirder that that. I keep reading stories like these all day in newspapers and think "what's happening to the world?, where are we going?".
    Sorry to hear all this bad things happen to good people, but if we might learn something from them, not all is lost.
    1f U c4n r34d 7h1s, U r34lly n33d 2 g3t l41d!!!
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  7. Member
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    Up in yo' bitch.
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    Originally Posted by MeDiCo_BrUjO
    Sometimes you watch a movie and think "where do they come up with these things?, it can't happen in real life, it's just a bad written movie", and in fact, life is sometimes weirder that that. I keep reading stories like these all day in newspapers and think "what's happening to the world?, where are we going?".
    Sorry to hear all this bad things happen to good people, but if we might learn something from them, not all is lost.
    You sort of nailed my feelings with this. This is something you hear about on the news. The news has a tendancy to make everything so far away, almost like it didn't happen but was created just for mere shock value. Her mother's been dead since Sunday; was in the hospital all last week... and it still hasn't hit me. It's such a difficult thing to fathom... murder... an ugly word. I guess it's fitting.
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  8. Member ViRaL1's Avatar
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    State and federal laws prohibit me from suggesting one in the head, two in the chest, so I'll just keep my mouth shut.

    My condolences.
    Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I don't care anymore.
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  9. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    I can only hope the prosecutor is good.
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  10. My condolences smearbrick. You never think this sort of thing will touch you. My brothers girlfriends sister was murdered last year. It is difficult to comprehend the devestation that this sort of act can have on people.;exclude=;config=archive_wi...edwards;page=1
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  11. I'm Still Alive ed_mc7's Avatar
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    To you GUYS out there, don't think this can only happen to women!

    Originally Posted by MeDiCo_BrUjO
    Sometimes you watch a movie and think "where do they come up with these things?, it can't happen in real life, it's just a bad written movie", and in fact, life is sometimes weirder that that.
    I've been living in this nightmarish Bad Movie for over 2 years. About 2 1/2 years ago my ex wife allowed this guy to move onto our property as a "renter" that became conveniently unemployed a couple of days later. Yhey stated that he would pay me back when he got another job. I ended up having to work 12 to 18 hour days to support his ability to consume exorbitant amounts of alcohol. After a few months it became evident that neither of them intended work so I tried to evict him. The assaults against me started they claimed it was my word against theirs (I would have left in July if I could find a way to get my assets off the property). By Oct. 2003 I was i n a state of "clinical depression" and hadn't slept (insomnia) for 33 days tryin to figure out how to get OUT. Shortly after I started legal proceedings to get rid of him I overheard them discussing my demise in graphic detail (Date, Time, Place, and How!) including what items they needed to have on hand in case I survived. FYI, she was to lead me to a 4rth storey railing where he would be waiting to push me over to the parking lot below I immediatly cancelled all life insurance, credit cards, acounts and informed the police. The police removed him from my property exactly 4 days prior to the hour of my "DEATH"(my ex-wife volentarily left with him). The police were ubabe to hold him due to "lack of physical evidence".

    In the year that followed I've spent most of my off time researching & gathering evidence (and backing up my extensive DVD collection, keeping the originals off premesis)& lurking around VH to relax and take my mind off things a couple times a week. During this time I learned that I'm not his first victim;
    1. He normally fleeces older well off debt free women (employed when he meets them & losing his job when he moves in) gains access to their personal information, mortgages them to the max and cleans them out then moves on leaving insufficient evidence for the police to hold him.
    2. He has been doing this for about 10 years.
    3. He and my ex-wife were together as a couple almost a year before they claim to have met each other. (a lot of planning went into getting him in and me out!)
    4. They cleaned my accounts & credit line for no less than $12.300 + thousands of dollars worth of food, alcohol, household assets, and stole about $5000 worth of my tools.
    About three months ago I was told by several different friends that my ex had told them that I was suicidal and that when I kill myself they would collect on a $200,000.00 life insurance policy Police say that this policy is the phisical evidence they need to finally put him away, but are in a "catch 22" situation because it is also the evidence they need to gain access to the evidence They faxed me the papework to find this policy with the instructions to put my name in the DECEASED block CHIA says that it normally takes 6 months!!! Police and financial institutions have suggested changing my name & moving as a self imposed "witness protection" program until this is over.
    Work for what you need...
    At a job you would do for nothing :beer:
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  12. Sorry to hear that smearbrick1.
    There are bad people in both sexes:I left my ex-wife because she was having an affair but I'm not a hot head,violent person.I cleaned out our bank accounts and cancelled all our credit cards immediatly after finding out about the affair.
    I moved out but I did leave her something.....the mortgage.
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  13. smearbrick1 "All I can say is I hope that jerk gets the chair!"

    Can you give a link to a newspaper or TV station.
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  14. Sorry to hear this smearbrick1.

    I can't possibly imagine what you must be going through.
    I hope the final sentence is good enough to give you some
    closure. Until then I guess you are in for an emotional
    roller coaster.

    If you feel like it, keep us updated.
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  15. Member
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    Up in yo' bitch.
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    The funeral was yesterday. She had alot of friends...
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