Hopefully this is in the proper forum, I apologize if I made a mistake in posting it here.

I am attempting to rip a copy of 24's first season (which I already own) for backup purposes. I am doing so using DVD Shrink, and DVD Region Free (as my one DVD drive on this computer is Region 2, and the DVDs are Region 1). I was easily able to rip discs 2, 3 and 4, but not disc 1. I get a cyclic redundancy check error (or something similar, I may be remembering this wrong).

I have also tried this with DVD Decryptor, and I get an I/O Error! which I am told is in essence the same thing.

I have also attempted to use DVD43, which I was told would correct my problem, but it did not in either case.

Can anyone suggest to me another program that might rip the DVD in a manner which will leave all the video, audio, menus and other files in their current forms so that I may burn an exact copy of this? I doubt it would help in any way, but would making the region of the player and DVD match help at all? I have a limited number of changes so I'd like to avoid that if possible (unless there's a way to get more?)