I have a TGPET-O.
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Have a cat that pees only in the house!(TGPET-O)
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
I actually have a dog and a cat, (athough I don't care much for the cat).
"Shut up Wesley!" -- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Buy My Books -
We have a cat but I'd like a dog; the cat's really a pretty decent animal (but don't let him know that or you'll never get him to cooperate), it's just that I've always had dogs and I'd kinda like a frisbee companion.
But currently I don't really have time to take care of a dog, and cats are pretty much "feed 'em and let 'em out to pee" and that's it for maintenance, ya know? -
My house is a zoo and always has been.
Right now I have 16 Cats, a Dog, a Nanday, a Ringnecked dove, a Parakeet, and an undying Green catfish.
In the past I have had Prarie Dogs, Ferrets, Tarantulas, Lizards, Turtles, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters and many more fish.
Surprisingly 16 cats is no harder, but more expensive, than three cats. A bit more hair and vacuuming is about it. -
I had a cat the last place I lived in. It was a wild stray that hung around the place. Took a month to calm it down enough to be domestic. Moved in with me, but the neighbor fed it. Perfect pet, hung around and did what cats do, never made a mess, left every night when I went to bed. I never fed it in three years.
I guess the neighbor thought it was hers. When I moved, the cat went and moved in with her. The place I have now doesn't allow pets.
I have a fish.
His name was MackemX
What kind of a man are you? The guy is unconscious in a coma and you don't have the guts to kiss his girlfriend? -
Dogs, and one talking "Martinez" Bird (Philippine Starling). Prefered pitbulls lately, for the free spirits and reliable with kids. Only 1 pitbull now, and 2 Askal dogs. Askal is short for "dogs of the street", translated from Filipino. Healthy strong dogs with nice size, often bad/shy temper but ours are very good, just a bit noisy. I think its mostly about how you raise and train them.
A Wallaby (free to leave at any time especially if it pisses on the lounge one more time!)
2 Dobermanns - Suzie and Eric.
He's a liar and a murderer, and I say that with all due respect. -
I keep fish; they're a whole lot easier to take care of than a dog or cat, and I have no problem with them running away and losing them. If they do try to run away they only get a few feet from their tank. Plus, I don't have a problem with them craping on the middle of the floor.
Had the most loving cat in the world for 1 year. She had a rough life until I rescued her. God needed a great cat in heaven 2 weeks ago. He always takes the good ones. I miss her greatly!
Originally Posted by jdizzy40If God had intended us not to masturbate he would've made our arms shorter.
George Carlin -
I had the most friendly cat with us for about 2 years.
Regards.Michael Tam
w: Morsels of Evidence -
My little girl has a chinchilla and 2 gerbils.
I have Dogs & Children, Both don't use the litter box......Not Sure if there train or not...But will fetch!
i'm typical arab, don't like having dogs around me, but like watching them on tv.
I don't particularly think dogs should be allowed in the city. They aren't really suited to this right? Country living yes, its suits them.
Now cats... yes i have 1. I've had him for over a year now, and he just turned up hanging around my garden for a few months, very timid, i used to throw my meal scraps out for him, until i decided to be kind and buy some cat food.. well over time, he got quite tame, and is now such a placid friend, who doesn't demand his dinner every night, but appreciates it when i feed him every night!
he doesn't have a name yet... its just Puss!Some people are only alive because it may be illegal to kill them -
One beautiful German Shepard mix named Bliss, 7 fish, and one hamster. Also one cat trap in the front yard to catch the neighbors cats that keep coming into my yard and crapping in our garden. These people are clueless, they have no idea where there cats are going to. Caught four so far(turned then into the pound) and they still have more.
1 dog called Pluto, he will be a year old in a couple of weeks.
Two cats, the senior featured in my avatar. Yes, it's true, he has no ears! Got him at the city pound 14 years ago. He was the last of a litter of 5 in a cage labeled "Rare Scottish Fold Kittens". Took him to the vet as soon as I got him. Vet said, "Jesus, who cut his ears off?" Apparently whoever brough the kittens to the pound cut their ears off so, in a perverted way of thinking, they would all get adopted. Well, they did, but I would hope that psycho never gets near animals again. Doesn't seem to bother the cat - after all, he doesn't know the difference.
Originally Posted by MikeV
Vegas, is it MikeVs job to look after his neighbors cats? If people cant keep their cats off other peoples property then i dont like to say what i think of them too
. We had problems with neighbor cats, and they hunt our Martinez bird too. Cats are slow learners, they didnt get the hint when we chased them again and again, but now its almost ok, the pitbull-girl is getting very good at catching them. Not that we want the dog to kill the cats, but we cant keep our dogs in cages in our own yard so the cats can come and do whatever they like can we?
Originally Posted by MikeV
Cats are by nature roamers, it is difficult to confine them. Having dogs kill them would be unfortunate, but understandable if that happens in your yard. Trapping them on purpose and turning them in is downright cruel.
How about your neighbors somehow "removing" your dog because maybe it barks ? Sound travels, too, and could be annoying to others.
Yes, I have a German shepherd AND a cat, some fish. The cat and dog get along fine. -
Originally Posted by thor300
In the world I grew up in, people were good neighbors. They were tolerant and understanding, and looked out for each other. Differences were worked out with effort on both sides, to the satisfaction of both.
Now, even in this thread, where you would think everyone would be animal lovers, we have people talking about trapping their neighbor's pets, and putting their dogs on the neighbor's cats.
You may not believe it, but your neighbors wouldn't have those pets if they didn't love them (just as much as you love yours).
And, in an effort to put this thread back on track, I have one dog and two cats. -
If the neighbors loved their cats they wouldnt let them make problems for other people. Too bad you are not my neighbor, sounds like you would be happy to have our dogs staying in your place whenever they wanted to. Go on the table and break plates and glasses and hunt your bird and shit all over the place. Thats nice of you! Not so smart, but very nice. And, not that my dogs do those things, but since it would be ok with you i would try to teach them.
Talking about animal lovers, why not feel some sympathi for all the wild birds losing their eggs/chickens and often their own life to cats? -
Since it looks like i sturred up a hornets nest let me explain what i did before i got the trap.
These people have a bunch of cats not spaded or neutered and let them roam. They are always having kittens and they let them run free. NONE of them have tags or collars(i live in the city and they are required). I contacted the local animal control and police and asked what could be done about all the stray cats in the neighborhood. They both said that i could use a trap to catch them and then turn them over to animal control. And that is what i'm doing. A couple other neighbors thanked me for capturing them also. At least when the cats go to animal control they can and usually are adopted by a responsible family.
My dog is a house dog and also has free roam in our fenced in backyard. When we take her out for walks she is on a leash. She also has her tags and is up to date on her rabies shots. -
I have a pit bull terrier called Ben who is mad but well funny!
Not a dog for the feint of heart but he is great with my bros baby who is not yet 2![/img]
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