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  1. ok folks, here it is

    macdvdbitrateparanoia 384kb

    the new icon isn't yet in it which means you have to life for now with the old one :P

    have fun 8)
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  2. Thanks for the note. I've waited for this kind of Mac OS X native app for a long time.

    Some quick observations:

    I was stunned that it could draw a graph from a hours long DVD in only a few seconds. I was prepared for a much longer session. Where does it get the bitrate info so fast?

    I then tried to open a "loose" .mpg file but it seems to only open an authored DVD. Could it be updated so that it could open also .mpg, .m2v and m1v files?

    What about an ability to zoom into the graph so that one could evaluate it by the second? This would be useful when evaluating whether some blocky scenes get the bitrate they deserve.

    It seemed to open only the first track of a DVD that iDVD 5 had burned.
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  3. the bitrate information is stored in the .ifo files and therefor it only works with a authored dvd.

    as for your idvd problem i can't help you cause i don't use idvd
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  4. Member
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    First test was surprising interesting. Thanks, bendermac!
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  5. Now thats a cool app, thanks bendermac
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  6. Member
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    Jan 2004
    I can see why... Huh??
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    Looks cool, if I could only get it to work. Every time I launch it, it unexpectedly quits. (G3, 10.2.8) I've downloaded it twice, once on AOL. the other on Safari. It installs fine, but never completes a launch.
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  7. Originally Posted by DeadLily
    ...G3, 10.2.8
    you'll need to upgrade to mac os x 10.3 or above
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  8. Oh, it only works on DVDs? Well, I was hoping that I could use it, to check my HDTV DVB Streams with it...
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  9. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    The link seems to be dead. Anyone know any mirror link? Or if you have it then upload it here in the forum.
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  10. Member
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    Upload it where?
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  11. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Attach it when you post(under Upload image or file).
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  12. Member
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    That didn't work (with Safari 3.1.1), which is why I asked. I can choose the file and it shows up as selected, but there's no way to actually upload it.

    Okay, I figured it out. Needed to do the Submit without an intervening Preview.

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  13. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    The preview button should be disbled after you selected a file...but it doesn't seem to work in safari.
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