I have seen many positive comments about this machine on this forum that I am begining to think that the problems I have with it are of my own doing. They are as follows

1. If I create a playlist from a recorded tv broadcast (ie a film where I wish to remove the adverts) and then write (dub) this to a dvd then the audio and video slowly drift out of sync. I have tried dubbing using the JUST feature and also Manual but neither makes a difference. About an hour into the dubbed copy the audio is almost 1 second behind the video.

2. If I copy a DVD on the PC it will not play on the JVC (error Unreadable Disc, Check Disc). I have tried DVD X Copy, CLoneDVD and DVD Cloner II. The copies (which you are permitted to do for back-up purposes) will play on a 3 year old Sharp Player and a PS2 so the copies are ok. I can not copy/backup the DVD using the JVC as it does not allow the copying of pre-recorded discs.

3. Similar to 2 when I try to play a "home movie" dvd created with Professional software the player will not play the discs.

During all my experiments I have tried 3 different manufacturers of DVD-r and DVD-RW discs. All will play on other players, just not the JVC.

The only thing that I have noticed in the instructions is that (on page 7 under Unplayable Discs) it states that it will not play discs recorded in UDF format. If I knew what that was and what software to use then it may help.

I am prepared to believe that it is my fault, or I have a rogue machine, but any suggestions or advice is welcome.

JVC if you are reading this then your Customer Support sucks. I have emailed 3 times in two months to the address on your web site and never even had an aknowledgement.