Twelve days before - max. The whole period itself is only a week long so why start listening to music months earlier?
I had a friend of mine who was doing the emergency duty shift on Boxing Day (26th Dec) in a pharmacy a few years back. He arrived to find a palate of Easter eggs to put out for sale!
It's all commercialisation, nothing more nothing less. The only spirit the stores want you to be in is the spending spirit![]()
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Rob -
I rather like Christmas music so anytime is fine by me
RogThere are many ways to measure success. You just have to find your own yardstick. -
Originally Posted by rhegedusHello.
Did I say I wasn't celebrating Christmas in either the modern or traditional sense?
I just don't agree with the ruthless commercialisation of it. It's not even as if we hear Christmas carols because we don't - we hear luke warm pop songs that just happen to have the word Christmas in them but no religious significance.
Merry Christmas- where's the Santa avatar?
Rob -
Originally Posted by rhegedus
This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring him laud,
The Babe, the Son of Mary!!!
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