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Poll: Is It Too Early To Hear Christmas Songs On The Radio?

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  1. Member rhegedus's Avatar
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    Twelve days before - max. The whole period itself is only a week long so why start listening to music months earlier?

    I had a friend of mine who was doing the emergency duty shift on Boxing Day (26th Dec) in a pharmacy a few years back. He arrived to find a palate of Easter eggs to put out for sale!

    It's all commercialisation, nothing more nothing less. The only spirit the stores want you to be in is the spending spirit

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  2. Member burnman99's Avatar
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    I rather like Christmas music so anytime is fine by me

    There are many ways to measure success. You just have to find your own yardstick.
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by rhegedus
    Twelve days before - max. The whole period itself is only a week long so why start listening to music months earlier?

    I had a friend of mine who was doing the emergency duty shift on Boxing Day (26th Dec) in a pharmacy a few years back. He arrived to find a palate of Easter eggs to put out for sale!

    It's all commercialisation, nothing more nothing less. The only spirit the stores want you to be in is the spending spirit
    I respectfully disagree. They can try to commercailize it all they want, the Reason for the season remains the same. Use whatever reason you want for not celebrating, but I refuse to subscribe to your rationale. The season last from about Thanksgiving to Dec 26, which makes it about 11 months too short for me. Merry Christmas, Rhegedus!
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  4. Member rhegedus's Avatar
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    Did I say I wasn't celebrating Christmas in either the modern or traditional sense?

    I just don't agree with the ruthless commercialisation of it. It's not even as if we hear Christmas carols because we don't - we hear luke warm pop songs that just happen to have the word Christmas in them but no religious significance.

    Merry Christmas - where's the Santa avatar?

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  5. Member
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    Originally Posted by rhegedus
    Did I say I wasn't celebrating Christmas in either the modern or traditional sense?

    I just don't agree with the ruthless commercialisation of it. It's not even as if we hear Christmas carols because we don't - we hear luke warm pop songs that just happen to have the word Christmas in them but no religious significance.

    Merry Christmas - where's the Santa avatar?
    I hear very few religious Christmas songs these days myself. But if you stand near me, you'll hear some with no notice. Look out, here comes another one!
    This, this is Christ the King,
    Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
    Haste, haste to bring him laud,
    The Babe, the Son of Mary!!!

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