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  1. Member BrainStorm69's Avatar
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    Well, I reinstalled my AverMedia AverTV Stereo to do some more comparisons. Here is a test pattern capped from DVD by each of the AverMedia AverTV Stereo (BT878 using the BTwincap drivers), the ATI 7500 AIW (Rage Theater using ATI's latest drivers), and the Avermedia DVD EZMaker PCI (Philips SAA7130 using latest Avermedia drivers).

    These were all capped at or very near the capture window for each chip using the drivers specified. I capped using the Huffyuv codec. Then I used VirtualDubMod to grab the screen caps in .tga format and Paintshop Pro to convert to .jpg.

    I think there is a difference between the three, although the only place it is really noticeable is in the resolution lines in the four circles in the corners. And then only in the resolution lines that measure resolution along the 720 axis)

    Here are the caps:

    AverTv Stereo (BT878)

    ATI 7500 AIW (Rage Theater)

    Avermedia DVD EZMaker PCI (Philips SAA7130}
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  2. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    The Philips is a bit dark, yet clean detail, slightly cleaner than ATI, but almost negligible.

    ATI Theatre is clean, good tonal quality.

    As usual, BT has poor grasp on handling resolution quality.
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  3. Member BrainStorm69's Avatar
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    Here are three more caps of a different test pattern along with a rip directly from the DVD I made. These show the difference even more dramatically, as well as give you the original to compare against. I've noticed that for these resolution tests, converting to jpg makes a noticeable difference in the resolution, so in this case I am posting uncompressed .bmp images. For those on dial-up, take note that each image is a little over 1 MB.

    DVD rip: dvd-testpattern-03.bmp

    AverTV Stereo (BT878): AverTv-testpattern-03.bmp

    ATI 7500 AIW (Rage Theatre): ATI-testpattern-03.bmp

    DVD EZMaker PCI (Philips SAA7130): EZM-testpattern-03.bmp
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  4. <edit>Crap, just realized this was a very old thread.</edit>

    That DVD test pattern should be fixed. It's supposed to look more like this (view image at full size):
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by jagabo; 23rd Mar 2010 at 07:17.
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