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  1. Member zzyzzx's Avatar
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    Bang her, then kick her out of your place, then have a few beers.

    Repeat frequently.

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  2. Member CoasterCreator's Avatar
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    Honesty is the Best Policy...
    Invite her over, be yourself, don't hide anything & let her decide.

    You might consider making Homemade Red Wine, it should be easy to make some 12% to 14% wine, LOL that will knock the edge off & a little more...

    This is coming from a Happily Married Redneck Man of 30 Years & this same man can go to the local Strip Club spend about $10 or $15 max for all night, drink beer all night, get plenty of FREE table dances & have an easy 2 or 3 or more girls sitting at the table until time to go!

    Listen to them, talk to them about them & don't forget to complement them on their Shoes & Clothes. They will love you for it & the rest will be history!

    Don't forget she's probably got plenty of friends just like her T00!
    Thank You for Your Time!
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  4. Knew It All Doramius's Avatar
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    Here's a friendly piece of advice from someone who's been around a lot of Mormons (notice the Damn spelling) over the course of time. They also call themselves LDS for Latter-Day Saints (not to be confused with LSD for Loosers Scrounging for Drugs)

    Be honest and up front with her. Chances are you'll win more points with her for it.

    Be wary that most mormon girls will not change their views personally. They will allow you to make you own decision, but if they don't like your decision, they will not be with you for too long.

    Being that she is Mormon, there's probably a good chance she also a hot a** 29 year old VIRGIN. Sometimes there are things worth giving up alcohol, for life, over.

    However, the likelyness of you getting into her pants without being married to her is like your chances of making a small ice cube last in an active volcano.

    Helpfull insight: Mormon churches aren't that bad, but don't go on the first Sunday in a month without going with her a bunch of times. You'll basically see a lot of grown men and women cry and be confused as to why, or wonder how finding a child's shoe under their bed can make someone that emotional.

    Most Mormons I've met are pretty cool. I have a beef (along with a bunch of Mormon's themselves) with what I call orthodox UTAH Mormons. If there was an image of self-righteousness, that's where I would pick one from.

    Mormonism has it's advantages. Men live an average of 10+ years longer than the average lifespan. Women 8+ years longer. They look younger longer. Even the ugliest ones seem to be pretty hot. They are about as good with money as a Jewish accountant. Are happy about nearly everything. And Mormon women seem to follow in the 50's housewife ideal we all like.
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  5. Guest
    Originally Posted by northcat_8
    Originally Posted by Dr.Gee
    As for being abstenent, who the **** knows? Its all in the game. I cant remember how many times I've heard"You dont want to hook up with her ,she dont put out." Most of these ended up quite freaky at the end of the night. Also, the looks will wear off over time and u will be pissed if you change your lifestyle for her. You would be much more miserable than with an alright looking beer drinker

    Are you sure you're not one of my real world friends Dr.Gee???
    Are you really from Ohio and just moved to Michigan?
    change lifestyle for her good one
    That'd be my GF(Tiffin). She is much cruder than I
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  6. Being that she is Mormon, there's probably a good chance she also a hot a** 29 year old VIRGIN. Sometimes there are things worth giving up alcohol, for life, over.
    She has a 7 year old daughter, so she's no virgin! I also know she just got back into religion. I don't know much other than that. My mom also likes her, which is weird for me cause I have never dated/married anyone my mom likes. I'm in uncharted water here boys...
    "Terminated!" :firing:
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  7. Guest
    Mom likes her?! That is a toughie. This varies widely. Usually the girls my mom didnt like were good looking but vacant. To good qualities to look for when scamming:
    1. Your point. Kids=lack of virginity
    2. Smokers=they dont give a **** and are more likely to give it up.(insert alcohol here as well)
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  8. Member northcat_8's Avatar
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    Sheeee - it, if she left it once, she'll leave it again.
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  9. Knew It All Doramius's Avatar
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    Ahhhhh, the convert. Be careful with those, too. Now you're crossing some troubled waters. Not only do you have the Mormon lifestyle, but you have someone who's been around the block and can see through things better.

    Best not to steal the pooty from that one. Best thing, is be honest and up front. If she don't like it, give up and get three chicks from a bar. You'll get more action, be able to choose who you want to date a second time, have no guilt, and you might find someone who's more desperate than you.
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  10. Ah, I went through this before. Just go to church, go to their parties, they serve kool aid.

    They have other restrictions, no men in the house if you are alone with them, for example. Some wear a white shirt, some do not.
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  11. Member northcat_8's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Doramius
    You'll get more action, be able to choose who you want to date a second time, have no guilt

    Oh side, my side..... "guilt"

    Man that was a good one Doramius classic
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  12. Knew It All Doramius's Avatar
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    I was going to ask you Northcat "Have you no shame?", but I already got my answer.
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  13. Okay everyone.... This is a non-issue now...
    She dropped the "Ex" bomb on me last night. Uggg, they are going to reconcile and get friggin' married
    "Terminated!" :firing:
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  14. Member northcat_8's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by thayne
    Okay everyone.... This is a non-issue now...
    She dropped the "Ex" bomb on me last night. Uggg, they are going to reconcile and get friggin' married
    It may be a non-issue, actually that is good news for you. Don't shut her out just yet......reconcile yea, right....all that's going to happen is she is going to go back for a few weeks, something will happen that will remind her why she left him to begin with and your place will be to just ask her how things are going, just talk to her, listen to her, make sure you "hope for it to work out" for her, etc, etc....then when she gets pissed off at him again, there you'll be ready to "fill the revenge ****" bill for her.

    Have to have a game plan
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  15. Knew It All Doramius's Avatar
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    Is the Ex Mormon, too? If he is, I don't see it happening. Mormons RARELY get divorced, but if they do, it's pretty dang permanent. If they are both Mormon and they are getting back together & getting married, then it's usually a problem with the woman. Women tend to try and get counseling and make it work as much as possible until the very bitter end. Guy's get it done and over with when they see it's pretty bad. Because a situation happens so quickly like that, the woman often tries to get back with her Ex or do something to be close or make him jealous, because she can't let go. It's very rarely outside of that scenario. Did I also mention my wife's mother lives in Utah and my parents live in Macedon, NY which is the next town over from Palmyra. Both big Mormon areas. I've had quite the interaction with them over the years and can dispell a lot of myths about them, and tell you others that are close to the truth. Yes, It's UTAH Mormons that are usually the Self-righteous dinks that have 13 children before the couple reaches 35years old. mormon women are BABY MACHINES. Those are the women that PUT OUT. Mostly because they are virgins until they are married at the age of 18+ and they only have had sex with 1 man and have nothing to compare to.
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  16. Damn northcat! Are you my long lost twin brother? We're definitly thinking on the same track...

    Doramius, no he's not.
    "Terminated!" :firing:
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  17. Member glockjs's Avatar
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    yup, be her "hero" oh im sorry baby, im here for you. have her drink a beer to ease the pain while your at it too
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  18. Yeah, I made some barley wine last night that will be about 13% alcohol That should do the trick!
    "Terminated!" :firing:
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  19. Member northcat_8's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by thayne
    Damn northcat! Are you my long lost twin brother? We're definitly thinking on the same track...

    Doramius, no he's not.
    Never know

    However, I do know...there is always a way in, Always!

    If all else fails just remember the Northcat Motto:

    Every "NO" is 2 shots from a "Maybe"
    Every "Maybe" is 2 shots from a "Hell yea, sounds like fun"
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  20. Knew It All Doramius's Avatar
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    If he's not, you might have a good chance with her then. She's dedicated in one part of her life, but she can't make up her mind about relationships. You might still be able to impale her tuna for a fish dinner.
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