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  1. i've been working with the toolkit for a few days now and have created some VCDs with menus etc., but when i use the still shot w/audio as a menu screen, the audio is very very choppy. is this falling below the minimum bitrate that the standalone player will handle? i'm trying this on a pioneer 343, and it has no problems with still-only menus, the a/v play sequences, or anything else i'm doing, just when i use an audio-only stream, whether in a menu or play sequence as an event.

    if anyone else has found a way to get this to work on (preferably pioneer) standalones or knows that it can't work, i'd appreciate the help.
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  2. patrickm,

    Check out this link. It has some recommendations for what you are doing.

    BTW, I haven't tried what you are doing, but I have a Pioneer changer. The specs should be the same though.

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  3. thanks for the response, but i've actually seen that before, and what i'm doing seems to be legal- still JPG and muxed audio file. but it seems to make real fast jumps in the audio, almost as if it is reading the still between every 1/4 second audio segment or something. any ideas about any type of fix that would involve pauses or something? i thought MPEG stills with audio were supposed to be part of the standard, and that was pretty black-and-white. i could just make a still video, but that's pretty wasteful, since a JPG is 50k and a 4 minute video is 40Mb...
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  4. Have you tried it without the still, just the audio? Maybe there's a problem with the audio file.

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