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  1. Member 888888's Avatar
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    I am usually able to download off BitTorrent at an average of 60-70 kB/s with a popular file sometimes going up to 100+ kB/s. However, my upload rate NEVER goes above 20 kB/s and averages about 15 kB/s. If I seed four files, then they will each average about 5 kB/s. This is very frustrating. I use BiTornado 0.3.8. I have a green light and am not firewalled. I have a Linksys BEFSR41 v3 router with the latest firmware. Is Verizon throttling my uploads? What's going on and how do I fix it? Please help. Thanks.
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  2. Banned
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    They usually throttle the upload speeds to give you a better download speed.

    The only way I know to get around that is to get sdsl.
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    What is "sdsl" ? Your reply to my thread said you had "adsl" I thought that was a typo, for "a dsl".

    Once you forward the ports on the firewall, like you did, the up speed is controlled (limeted) by the internet service. You can also make changes to your bittornado's configuration settings. I don't have the same one as you, nor am I an expert. But the configuration settings have things LIKE, limiting your upload to 75% of download, and limiting the number of peers per torrent. You can change the defualt settings to see if it increases your upload speed. I have everything I could figure out how to change set high, and I'm still limeted to 65 kBs up. Thats the reason I posted my thread about dsl up speeds.
    Thanks Mike
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  4. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    you can lower your maximum download rate to increase your upload rate...

    i wish i have that kind of speed my average is only 25 kB/s
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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  5. Banned
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    Adsl = Asymmetric dsl - The download rate is higher than the upload rate.

    Sdsl = Symmetric Dsl - The rate for both upload and download is the same.
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  6. I bet you get instant 'tough-guy' status on them there file-sharing networks when you upload buku goodstuff with an sdsl connection.
    If God had intended us not to masturbate he would've made our arms shorter.
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  7. Member 888888's Avatar
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    I have BitTornado set to "unlimited". Even when I am seeding a file and am not downloading or uploading anything else or even using the internet, it maxes out at 15-20 kB/s. From everything I have read, most ISPs do throttle upload speeds but 15 kB/s seems ridiculous.

    Any other Bit Torrent users mind telling me their average upload rates (preferably while seeding)? I wonder if I am in the same boat.
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    Mine is about 12kB/s.
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  9. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    when i did not limit my upload rate, i could reach as high as 100+ kB/s upload rate. this choked my download rate so i lowered it to 30kB/s...
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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    I keep mine set at 50 and it uploads at 50, using bit tornado
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    What company are you with?

    bazooka Thanks.
    Thanks Mike
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  12. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by mike1061
    What company are you with?

    bazooka Thanks.
    Thanks Mike
    im working in a not related with any other behind university proxy/firewall so my torrent connection is quite limited ...i got to tunnel through to use bittorrent...
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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  13. Member
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    Sorry, I meant, what internet service are you with?
    Thanks Mike
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  14. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    we are using adsl here, i don't know the name of our internet service provider...i don't inquire much about those things with our IT department coz i hate those guys in our IT department for blocking some ports that i need
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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  15. Member 888888's Avatar
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    Well, my problem seems to be SOLVED! After upgrading my DSL to paying LESS, I now get almost 100 kB/s maximum upload speeds while still being able to browse the internet very quickly. I suggest everybody in the New York area look into this deal:
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  16. My cable modem is maxxed at about 40-45. I set it for 30.

    Don't know why you're overly concerned though about your upload. Sure it's great for the community but I wouldn't fret about it.
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  17. Member 888888's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Shudder
    Don't know why you're overly concerned though about your upload. Sure it's great for the community but I wouldn't fret about it.
    Many Bit Torrent member sites require you to keep a good share "ratio". This means that you should upload as much as you download or more. It is a good system in my opinion. Otherwise you have tons of leechers and a handful of seeders per torrent like on Suprnova. This equals bad download speeds and sometimes even unavailable torrents. It is because of those few cool people who seed that Suprnova even works.
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  18. Originally Posted by 888888
    Well, my problem seems to be SOLVED! After upgrading my DSL to paying LESS, I now get almost 100 kB/s maximum upload speeds while still being able to browse the internet very quickly. I suggest everybody in the New York area look into this deal:
    Maybe you were capped for too much uploading, and a new DSL account gave you a fresh start. I'm capped right now on my cable for uploading too much.

    Nice deal, too bad I'm not in city limits.

    I get max. 120 KB/s upload, when uncapped and non-peak times.
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  19. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    sigh i was banned from for not uploading enough files

    888888 are u a member of
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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  20. Member ViRaL1's Avatar
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    I just started using bittorrent and I was curious what kind of Download-to-Upload ratio other people see on average.
    Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I don't care anymore.
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  21. Member
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    don't use bittorrent or any p2p, never have.
    dial-up- download= 10 kb
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  22. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    the accepted ratio is 1.0
    they will ban you in some sites that require good ratio if you have less than 1.0

    my download rate 30 kB/s
    upload rate 40kB/s
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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  23. Member d_unbeliever's Avatar
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    used other bit torrent client ports if you are capped
    hacking the Net using typewriter :D
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