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  1. I was on other thread and seeing that StudeBarc wrote how a new hack was available that now makes Bit-sitting available for Regular DVD's.
    The Link he gave:,794.0.html

    shows that people on that forum got Great Results.

    Was interested in getting your Experience on this Hack. I downloaded it but was gonna wait until i get more Feedback (since i have on hand only DVD-r's ) before actually FLASHING my A08.

    Edited just the NAME of Thread to Reflect I was Referring to Pioneer 108 and after I easily Flashed my Drive with NO PROBLEMS (thanks to StudeBarc)
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    Hi rgtaa,

    The Piodata DVR-108DX "bit-setting" workaround is not specifically a "hacked" firmware. Rather a standard oem firmware for the 108 which gives the default setting of +R/RW/R DL as DVD-Rom. The drive name becomes Piodata etc after this change. No region hacking or Overclocking of media is performed as a result. Write quality wise the firmware/kernel provides very good results on several media types.

    In the end it is up to you if you require your 108 to write +R discs as DVD-Rom.

    Warranty voiding issues are at your own risk.

    Studebarc 8)
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  3. Thanks for informing us a08 users!

    I was so excited after reading what you wrote in other thread figured I would collect around us other a08 users to share their experience with this firmware change.

    What media do people find work with this change and any negative side effects? Other then Voiding the warrenty!
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    As seen in the linked thread to speedlabs above the media types I have personally tested include:
    MCC003 (sold as Verbatim 8x +R, or as Mitsubishi 8x +R)
    RICOHJPNR02 (sold as Ritek 8x +R, or TDK 8x +R)
    CMC MAG E01 (sold as Shintaro 8x +R)

    There is probably a list of recommended media for the 108/A08 etc which you could apply to the Piodata also. Avoid the cheap and nasty and stick with reputable media suppliers.

    AFAIK there are NO downsides or issues created as a result of using this firmware.

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  5. That's Great News!
    Even better then Nec 3500 stuff since as you say it's not a HACK but a Normal BIOS that a Real Company put out for OEM 108.

    So No Downside!

    Is there any advantage to burning dvd+R as Dvd+R. I mean, burning as ROM should work all the time with DVD players ,xbox, ps2, ... RIGHT? Should be 100 percent compatiablity with everything Right? I don't know but I'm asking?

    You would be CRAZY NOT to do this Piodata BIOS FLASH ( with the exception of Voiding the Warranty ... even that could be ok if someone say's you can always reflash with Pioneer 108 bios. Not sure about that.)
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  6. Finally...
    You stop me again whilst I'm walking and I'll cut your fv<king Jacob's off.
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  7. using a real pioneer 108 and burnt succesfully + - and DL media,and have never had a problem.used nero6.dvddecrypter,and copytodvd.
    data dvds work fine in pc's,dvd videos work fine in all players ive tested(+-and DL again).
    whats the big deal with this,as far as i have tried,the hacked ripall,region free firmware,and official firmwares worked fine.
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    The usefulness of a rom book-type DVD+R disc is a debatable point. As DVD-Video I have used this type of burned disc for small scale distribution of my own video material and found no issues at all. The variables of media quality, burn application and DVD burner quality have in the past produced coasters of ALL flavours. To me at least the MOST compatible DVD-Video is produced to a good quality DVD+R disc with ROM book-type. With a quality burner like the 108 and good media and ROM book you stand the best chance of the material playing on most set-tops (note: I can't give a 100% mark here, I can't test them all!) There are players which will not play DVD-R discs though they are in the minority, they certainly exist (check the player lists here). As far as game boxes go I have little knowledge of the specific requirements for these units.

    Tompika, Hi there, good to see you still around the forums!

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  9. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    Booktype settings does make a big difference at least to me,when i burn a dvd+rw to test on my dvd player it wont play unless i set the booktype to dvd-rom.
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.
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  10. Ok!
    You guys sold me!

    I downloaded the package ... is there a installer program you guys can link me to ... so I can Flash my Pioneer a08 to this Piodata Firmware.

    I'm useing Windows xp so a program that operates in Windows mode rather than dos mode would be preferable.

    Are most Games or PC or Apps made by Companies in DVD-rom mode?
    If so, then it makes sense to make DVD+R disks into DVD-rom disks for most compatiblity.

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    You will need to use DVRFlash V2.0. Find information and program here.

    PLEASE READ how to flash your 108 correctly. Combined with the instructions for the Piodata conversion at Speedlabs (linked above) and away you go.

    Flashing in WinXP will work fine by opening a command prompt etc. Just make sure you READ up on the procedure.... please.

    Happy Boyning!
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  12. Studebarc!
    It went GREAT!
    Too bad the Piodata Package didn't have a README file included because the Package had everything I needed to Patch the drive.
    Once I found a ReadMe file on how to use DVDFlasher I was able to flash it in 30 seconds.
    Thanks for your super Fast Response time in replying to all my posts and the Info on Bit-setting my a08!

    P.S. the Readme file on DVDFlasher said that you can always Reflash back to Pioneer Firmware so it doesn't seem to Void the Warrenty ... unless I'm missing something. Fill us in ... if I am!
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    Happy to be of assistance, hope the 108 works well for you. Please acknowledge the guys at Speedlabs by joining in on the discussions there.

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  14. i still dont see what the "great" benifits of this are.
    i burnt a dvd+r and copytodvd set it to video,it plays in all players ive tested,even my crap ps2-picky at best.same with -R.
    surely its the burning softwares ability to differentiate on data or video.
    incidently,i noticed on my sony dvd player box,that it plays dvd+r "only in video mode".same in my jvc booklet.
    whereas they both play - media,all the time without flaws.
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    If you see no benefit in your usage arrangements then don't use the Piodata firmware... that simple.

    If you choose to try it, and all plays fine yet again (without flaws, as you say?), then what have you lost or gained?

    No question you have sorted the correct data structure for DVD-Video burning for your +R discs. That is fine for equipment which will recognise +R discs as +R.

    Anyone who has a pre 2000 model Toshi or Pana or other DVD player that will not play -R or +R discs because of the lack of book-type recognition may well see benefit from this firmware. At least they can try it?

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  16. I don't know if I will use this Bit-Setting Feature! But it's nice to know I can. Up till NOW I've only Burned useing DVD-R. (The reason I have been useing DVD-R is because I had DVD+R incompatiblity PROBLEMS with my Xbox and DVD Player)

    One of the HOT Topic's in this Forum has been Bit-setting and Pioneer was not able to do it before PIODATA's Firmware.

    One of the Main Reasons some have been Picking NEC over Pioneer was because of the TWO Brands only NEC had the Bit-setting Feature (useing HACK firmware... but with the addition of Retail 108 OEM firmware, Pioneer is BACK in the GAME in this AREA)

    Now that we are on LEVEL Playing Field with this Feature ... the Question becomes Which Burner BURNS BETTER and is MORE Reliable.
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    The Piodata firmware wiil burn any +R/RW/DL disc as ROM book-type. There are no activating switches or settings. It becomes default for +R. This differs from the OEM (not hacked) firmware on the NEC 3500 (TDK, MadDog etc OEM's) in that the book-type is adjustable via certain programs including Nero burn software. At the end of the day a +R as ROM book-type has no known negative effect upon playback/reading devices anyway, therefore "default" setting is fine.

    The only "hack" firmware I use for my 3500 is a TDB version of the MadDog "2F9". The "hack" being the name string change to correct NEC name... (when is a hack not a hack?) Perhaps the same could be applied to the Piodata firmware to reflect correct name string also?

    In terms of differences between the 3500 and 108, I find it hard to pick. There are slight differences in write quality that are insignificant in terms of playback/read back. The 108 reads DVD's better, though this is not a function which I use, it may be important for others. The NEC offers faster writing at the 16x end of the scale... measurable in seconds... woo hoo. I find that both units are uncomplicated and I have had no issues with either. End of the day they are both fine units.

    On several other threads over a long period of time I have always commented that it was such a shame that Pio did not support bit-setting on their drives. This seems to have been corrected now, via OEM firmware, similar to the way NEC have "worked around" bit-setting via OEM's.

    rgtaa: For your own peace of mind I suggest you try a +R burn on the Piodata and see how it performs with your playback devices. Be interested in hearing how it goes.

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  18. Member RickTheRed's Avatar
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    Humm, This is very cool. Just too bad that I've just ordered some -R.
    Next time, I will try this f/w.

    Originally Posted by StudeBarc
    The Piodata firmware wiil burn any +R/RW/DL disc as ROM book-type. There are no activating switches or settings. It becomes default for +R.
    If I flash my 108, will I be able to burn DVD+R with B/T set at DVD+R or it will always burn "dvd-rom" no matter what?

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  19. If I use the piodata firmware, do I need to change my burning settings in any way? I use Nero, and use the DVD-Video template.
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  20. Originally Posted by StudeBarc
    The Piodata firmware will burn any +R/RW/DL disc as ROM book-type. There are no activating switches or settings. It becomes default for +R.
    Almost correct, +R will indeed default to DVD-Rom and so will DL (this was standard on the offical pioneer kernel/firmware) with Piodata kernel/firmware. The booktype DVD+RW, remains unchanged, not really a problem.

    I'm just waiting for either Pioneer or Piodata to release an updated firmware with Write Strategy for more Dual Layer media i.e Ritek, Ricoh etc.
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    Default bit-setting means that all +R burns will result as DVD-Rom. There are no known issues with this at any rate.


    The ROM bitset is achieved via the kernel/firmware and therefore no options or settings show themselves in burning applications. Nero 6.6 is what I use and there are no issues from what I have burned. In the options menu no settings are available for bit-setting, default means default.


    You are correct in that +RW will in fact NOT become DVD-Rom. My apologies to those that may have been mislead on this point. +R, +R DL will default burn as ROM. +RW will remain as +RW, +RW already set as ROM aand then burned in the Pio is something i'll test a little later. I'll let you know.

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