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  1. Member
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    Originally Posted by Satanico Pandemonium
    I just said it's annoying. What's wrong with that? Didn't know that his majesty is under protection like holy cow in India.
    Well, now you know. I don't like you kid, and your attitude toward the Mighty Tgpo is really startin' to piss me off. You just watch yourself, I whacked three people just like you before breakfast this morning....
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  2. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Satanico Pandemonium
    I just said it's annoying. What's wrong with that? Didn't know that his majesty is under protection like holy cow in India.
    Nothing wrong with voicing up with an opinion ...if it's done according to the rules. Flaming and calling people who disagree with you "ass-lickers" is not according to the rules. Personal attacks against any member ...moderator or otherwise, is unacceptable here.

    Noww ...that said, consider yourself informally warned about this.
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by Capmaster
    Originally Posted by Satanico Pandemonium
    I just said it's annoying. What's wrong with that? Didn't know that his majesty is under protection like holy cow in India.
    Nothing wrong with voicing up with an opinion ...if it's done according to the rules. Flaming and calling people who disagree with you "ass-lickers" is not according to the rules. Personal attacks against any member ...moderator or otherwise, is unacceptable here.

    Noww ...that said, consider yourself informally warned about this.
    And SP, could you do me a small favor and stand on the canvas for the time being? Trust me I have my reasons...
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  4. Originally Posted by Satanico Pandemonium
    I just said it's annoying. What's wrong with that? Didn't know that his majesty is under protection like holy cow in India.

    No. You said it was ******* annoying. Check your previous post.

    Regardless of whether you chose not to actually spell out the obscenity like I did, the intent was clear. And for the record, I myself don't find it ******* annoying at all.

    What I find annoying, not bordering on ******* annoying, but annoying nonetheless, is people who don't see humor for what it is. Like you.
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  5. Aging Slowly Bodyslide's Avatar
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    I prefer the post counts. Maybe another tab can be added beside the profile, that you can hover over to see the post count, instead of clicking the profile.
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  6. Banned
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    Satanico Pandemonium,

    Chill out.

    Go back to sucking your thumb.
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  7. I think the post count is useful. Remove the "off topic" from the total and it's even better. I never saw the post whoring thing going on, but I do agree that it needs to stop. If carding them is the answer, then so be it.

    FWIW, I find the tgpo option often humorous and always harmless.

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  8. Member Heywould3's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    FWIW, I find the tgpo option often humorous and always harmless.

    here here. and i dont care about the post count. almost would rather it was not there.. but if it was the idea of having it be a mouce hover option isnt a bad idea.
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  9. Ok Ok You made me do it, I just don't get it All of you bash Everybody. Some one that doesn't agree with you and you guys tell them to **** OFF! What the **** is that? I'd say thats bashing. I'm not sure how long ago I signed up on this board, but some or alot of posts I read end up bad in one way or another, Bash me Ban me Card me whatever, you all are little children, Wah Wah they don't see it like I do, so I'll just tell them to **** OFF. And speaking of pointless most of these damn polls are pointless. Who the **** cares how many squares of TGPO I use to wipe my ass, I do agree lose the post whores on the steet corner where they belong, this is an information website, I do not like to read a post that may help me in whatever I'm trying to do, only to be dissapointed because it turns into a pissing match and never really helps anyone. So go on and bash me I'm not in the sixth grade, as a matter of fact I'm 41 so it won't hurt my feelings one bit. Bring it on post whores. Try to burn me!!!!!! You will only prove my point. Now I'll go back to my life and probably wait another year to post, after I get pissed off enough to say something.

    You are in breach of the forum rules and are being issued with a formal warning. Abusive/hateful language is against the forum AUP, as are attacks on other users.
    / Moderator Cobra
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  10. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by gbdcfb1
    Who the **** cares how many squares of TGPO I use to wipe my ass
    Most people use 7
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  11. Banned
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    Originally Posted by gbdcfb1
    Ok Ok You made me do it, I just don't get it All of you bash Everybody. Some one that doesn't agree with you and you guys tell them to **** OFF! What the **** is that? I'd say thats bashing. I'm not sure how long ago I signed up on this board, but some or alot of posts I read end up bad in one way or another, Bash me Ban me Card me whatever, you all are little children, Wah Wah they don't see it like I do, so I'll just tell them to **** OFF. And speaking of pointless most of these damn polls are pointless. Who the **** cares how many squares of TGPO I use to wipe my ass, I do agree lose the post whores on the steet corner where they belong, this is an information website, I do not like to read a post that may help me in whatever I'm trying to do, only to be dissapointed because it turns into a pissing match and never really helps anyone. So go on and bash me I'm not in the sixth grade, as a matter of fact I'm 41 so it won't hurt my feelings one bit. Bring it on post whores. Try to burn me!!!!!! You will only prove my point. Now I'll go back to my life and probably wait another year to post, after I get pissed off enough to say something.
    Who asked you? Satanico started it and I said chill out. Why are you stirring the pot? You are acting like a child, not me.

    The tgpo option is supposed to be funny.

    You are opening yourself up to flaming.

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  12. Any more flaming, bashing or misbehaviour will result in a formal warning. This goes for all users. Back to the topic of this thread.

    Thank you.
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  13. Member
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    Who asked you? Satanico started it and I said chill out.
    You also said "Go back to sucking your thumb."

    You are acting like a child, not me.
    Does not make sence.

    The tgpo option is supposed to be funny.
    I know, but guess what...some people think it's fuckin' annoying. Now let's kick/bann or just tell them to **** OFF!
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  14. Satanico Pandemonium, I assume your last post was being written as I posted my final warning. Please read it, and only post back here if you have something on-topic and constructive to say.


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  15. Member Marvingj's Avatar
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    NO POST WHORES or Hoes or Prostitute or Go-Go Dancers or Hula Hula?
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  16. Lost Will Hay's Avatar
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    There are prostitutes here since Jeex got butt-fucked and left?
    tgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have.
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  17. VH Veteran jimmalenko's Avatar
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    What am amusing read.

    I personally don't have a problem with location, joined date or post counts being on public display. While it is very much a pot-kettle-black situation for me personally, I, like every other contributing member here, have the right to an opinion and the right to voice it. And I will.

    I find it quite ironic that there are a number of people in this thread advocating the banning of pointless crap, yet they continue to go on with pointless crap and flaming right throughout this thread and many others I might add.

    On the post whore situation, there are a number of people whose prime objective seems to be to let their hair down in Off Topic, talking about things that would be widely regarded as pointless crap to anyone who is just here for the video advice, which is the general assumption a lot of people would make given it is after all. Couple that with the fact that only seasoned users would know about OT since it doesn't show up on the front page. I would like to congratulate anyone that can claim that they have never made a pointless post on this site, or any other site for that matter. Have an opinion, sure. State it, no dramas there. But don't be a hypocrite.

    At the end of the day, we are all nobodys around here. I'm sure Mr B will make the right decisions. Any contributions by us (the posting public) are just hot air to Mr B.
    If in doubt, Google it.
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  18. Lost Will Hay's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jimmalenko
    I, like every other contributing member here, have the right to an opinion and the right to voice it. And I will.
    That to me is the entire problem with everyone who participated in 'I'll get to a million posts before you', or 'I want my name to feature on every single thread in off-topic'.
    Of course, you have the right to your opinion but whether you voice it is determined by the AUP, and if you overstep that mark you will hopfully be judged on it by the moderators.
    As virtualis is no doubt sick of typing, this is not your site, it is not yours to use at your own free will and you don't pay for it.
    I'm sure Baldrick would allocate you extra priveledges if you paid £200, sorry $400 a month to him via paypal...
    ....pretty much like he did for capmaster

    Originally Posted by jimmy....
    would like to congratulate anyone that can claim that they have never made a pointless post on this site, or any other site for that matter. Have an opinion, sure. State it, no dramas there. But don't be a hypocrite.
    Again, what you're so dramatically forgetting is recent events were not a result of people making the odd off-the-cuff comment, the odd single smiley or the odd '4000 post thread', it was due to people posting shite after shite after shite so please, think about the kind of rubbish you were participating in when I made my post about the new sport, and then use the word hypocrite with caution.
    Will Hay
    tgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have.
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  19. VH Veteran jimmalenko's Avatar
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    kudos Will, that is probably the most level-headed post I think I've ever read from you. Good work !
    If in doubt, Google it.
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  20. Lost Will Hay's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Satanico Pandemonium
    I...didn't know that his majesty is under protection like holy cow in India.
    No, it's not His Majesty you mean, you're thinking of Batman.
    tgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have.
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  21. Member
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    Was that necessary?
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  22. How about only showing post count for the current category? For instance, if you are in "Capturing" you will only see post counts made in "Capturing", not all the other categories.

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  23. Lost Will Hay's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    How about only showing post count for the current category? For instance, if you are in "Capturing" you will only see post counts made in "Capturing", not all the other categories.
    When you get people with 2865 posts in off-topic from a total of 2960, they're gonna end up seeing 'who can piss the highest' all over again.

    Originally Posted by santa clause-a-modium
    Was that necessary?
    When you gain a sense of humour youngster, I'll give you a straight answer
    Will Hay
    tgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have.
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  24. Maybe, but who cares if you have a high post count in "off topic"? Kinda makes one look pathetic in my opinion.

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  25. Member SquirrelDip's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    I think the post count is useful. Remove the "off topic" from the total and it's even better. I never saw the post whoring thing going on, but I do agree that it needs to stop. If carding them is the answer, then so be it.

    FWIW, I find the tgpo option often humorous and always harmless.

    I have to agree - post count can be useful without off topic. If this can't be done the leave the count off. Either way, a well written responce goes further than either date joined or post count.

    On the TGPO option in the polls: I've come to expect this, kind of a "trademark" for the site...
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  26. Lost Will Hay's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    Maybe, but who cares if you have a high post count in "off topic"? Kinda makes one look pathetic in my opinion.


    Yep, you're echoing the sentiments of the majority
    tgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have.
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  27. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    Maybe, but who cares if you have a high post count in "off topic"? Kinda makes one look pathetic in my opinion.

    Pathetic to who? To someone who doesn't go to the pub after work with his buddies because it's not "business-related". That's elitist crap.

    The OT is the socializing forum here. What's pathetic about cultivating friendships? What's pathetic about wandering over there because you get tired of reading the same "OK. I've got these files do I get them on the DVD?" for the thousandth time and are so bored you want to scream?

    I think it's pathetic to think DVD creation is the only thing we have in common here. We're people, and not just DVD-burning machines, after all. And as people we have many things to say about non-DVD stuff too. Let me rephrase that - "Many" of us have opinions, gripes, a sense of humor ...and don't live solely to burn that next 4X DVD at 8X to impress the chicks. Now that's pathetic, my friend.
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  28. VH Veteran jimmalenko's Avatar
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    ease up cap, it's only one man's opinion
    If in doubt, Google it.
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  29. Lost Will Hay's Avatar
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    Erm, I understood our friend to be referring to the mark of cain, the number of the damned, the actual post count number (derived from off-topic) not the participation itself.
    Pull back from the trigger there cap.....
    tgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have.
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  30. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jimmalenko
    ease up cap, it's only one man's opinion
    I've seen the sentiment echoed by several lately ...especially with the recent OT issues. I think OT is as valid as any other forum here and it rankles me when I see a snobbish post from a tech forum elitist about how worthless OT is. There's lots of talent over there that might not otherwise hang out here as much without the OT forum.

    <count to ten ....OK. I'm cooled down again>

    I'm sorry if that post seemed heavy handed, but since 65% of my posts fall into the OT category, the "pathetic" comment was aimed squarely at me. When I'm jabbed, I jab back
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