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  1. Banned
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    California politicans do the bidding of the RIAA/MPAA again
    Posted by Dan Bell on 21 May 2004 - 01:12 - Source: Electronic Frontier Foundaton

    DamnedIfIknow used our news submit to tell us "Man, we are going to have to set minimum I.Q. standards for people running for public office." Here"s a link to the bill itself.
    California Assembly Bill 2735 and Senate Bill 1506 would require anyone who knowingly disseminates commercial recorded or audiovisual material over the Internet to mark it with his or her name and address or face a possible one-year prison sentence. "These California anti-anonymity bills would force everyone - including children - to put their real names and addresses on all the files they trade, regardless of whether the files actually infringe copyrights," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "Because the bills require Internet users to post personally identifying information, they fly directly in the face of policy goals and laws that prevent identity theft and spam and protect children and domestic violence victims."

    What's maddening is not only are our privacy rights being eroded by special interest groups, we the 'common folk' are financing the madness with our tax dollars. The corporations fund the election for their candidate, then we pay his or her salary and benefits, so they can jerk the rug out from under us. It seems as though every government, except Canada, is creating a corporate goon force for the Internet. How far will this go before the public says enough is enough, I am not going to prison for my child that anonymously downloaded the latest bilge from American Idol.

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  2. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    over the internet would include ftp also -- i guess our transfer of 1000's of gigs of data between studios would be included -- as well as movie teasers and trailers ...

    geez , what a load of crap ..
    "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems." - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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  3. Yes, I Know Roundabout's Avatar
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    Not to mention huge fines - including for minors!

    Business News [05-21-2004]

    Internet Piracy Bill Receives Strong Bipartisan Support In Senate

    SACRAMENTO – SB 1506, authored by Senator Kevin Murray (D - Los Angeles), received strong, bipartisan support as the Senate approved the measure 33 – 0.

    SB 1506 simply updates the law to apply to the most pervasive forum for piracy – the Internet. The measure will help consumers and law enforcement distinguish between legitimate works distributed on the Internet and pirated works.

    This statute is a valuable tool for local and state law enforcement to go after piracy and has become the model statute for other states and other countries to combat piracy.

    Violation of the statute would be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2500 and/or up to one year imprisonment. The penalties do not apply to those distributing files to their immediate family or within their home networks. A minor who violated the statute would have to pay a fine of $250 for a first or second offense and a fine not to exceed $1,000, imprisonment in a county jail, or both, for a third or subsequent violation.

    An added benefit of SB 1506 is the curbing of viruses disseminated via pirated files on file sharing networks. "I am pleased to be working alongside the Motion Picture Association of America among other supporters in our creative communities to enact responsible legislation that gives state and local law enforcement a greater ability to combat what is essentially the theft of creative works," said Senator Murray.

    Gee, think this senator could be in the industry's pocket? And the gall to claim that this stops virii from being distributed by file sharing networks is just bunk. Your tax dollars at work (against you).
    Ethernet (n): something used to catch the etherbunny
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  4. Member painkiller's Avatar
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    While I agree about the "smartness" (heh) of this so-called legislation, I see a much larger problem stemming from the followup effects of this.

    There is nothing that indicates what would truly happen to persons who receive the brunt of being accused/prosecuted by virtue of having their "identity" forged/stolen and placed into these files.

    You think we have problems now?

    Wait/watch for the first person that receives this wake-up call.

    It won't be the real perpetrator.

    So who's the idiot know, eh?
    Sounds like plenty out there - from senators on down.
    Whatever doesn't kill me, merely ticks me off. (Never again a Sony consumer.)
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  5. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    Kevin Murray's name i could see poping up on a lot of porn

    not that i am suggesting this --

    i dont know HOW they will plan to enforce this and what "internet" means exactly (ftp ? newsgroups? archie? gopher? www? p2p only? IM ? , etc ?)
    "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems." - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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  6. Member painkiller's Avatar
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    Exactly right.

    Good point about the Internet, not many truly understand the scope of it's many forms/branches/types/protocols .......

    You can bet that not many elected officials don't quite grasp that either.

    I have enough headaches teaching other engineers at work.
    Whatever doesn't kill me, merely ticks me off. (Never again a Sony consumer.)
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    I have a theory that technology will at some point collapse under it's own weight. We are beginning to see it in the form of unexpected power failures, stupid court rulings and ridicules laws.
    Big Government is Big Business.. just without a product and at twice the price... after all if the opposite of pro is con then wouldn’t the opposite of progress be congress?
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  8. Member wulf109's Avatar
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    I'm always amazed when people are surprised by pro-business actions by are "elected reprsentitive's" The U.S. government,county thru federal is just another part of the Chamber of Commerce. Money speaks louder than votes. As Mark Twain said,we have the best government money can buy.
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    > An added benefit of SB 1506 is the curbing of viruses disseminated via pirated files on file sharing networks

    Oh- that's good. Now all the virus people will have to put their real name and address on the virus. We'll get them now- they wouldn't dare to put out a virus with a fake name.

    Hey- maybe we should do this with other things designated as a crime. If you break into a house and steal something you have to leave your name and address in the kitchen. If you commit a murder you have to leave your name and address on the body.

    Yeah- we could end all crime with a well thought out law like this!
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  10. Damn, is there no end to the corruption of politicians around the world?

    I think we need to do what India did with rats - so many rupee per dead rat. Maybe $1000 per politician dead... (maybe that's too high - there's so damn many of them, just gotta spit and you hit one... they're worse than rats..)
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  11.'s dumb, no anything that requires or even encourages minors to give out their name and address is dangerously idiotic, but............

    Don't slam it inaccurately, that doesn't help.

    First, note it does say "commercial", so little Johnnie e-mailing Gran some snapshots or a recording of his latest music recital doesn't count.

    Second, of course, no one seriously expect "criminals" to volutarily publish their name and address. It's the same deal as the line on your income tax form that requires you to disclose income from theft, drug sales or other illicit means. It's just something to charge you with and toss your butt in jail when they catch you. Now there will be few idiots who will, but in those cases I'd agrue that they'll get what they deserve based on stupidity alone (p.s., I like the idea of putting Kevin Murray's name and address on porn )

    This is obviously one of those knee jerk responses, and exactly as pointed out was elicited by generous donations from the RIAA. What you should do is write your state legislator and point out that encouraging minors to give out their name and address, especially whether or not they are breaking the law is insane and negligent. Point out that the only thing this bogus law will do is double criminalize something that is already illegal, and generally considered a felony, or crminalize something that is absolutely fine! sharing a non-protected but commercial work. Point out you won't be voting for anyone who supports such an idiotic piece of legislation and that you will make sure all your friends understand why this is such a bad piece or legislation and by the way did they know that their representative was passing laws that would endanger their kids?

    Of course, that probably won't help, but rest assured that this one will right into the courts within moments of becoming law. The obivous questions of disclosing information on minors, and requiring disclosure of information on adults where the government has no legal interest (i.e., commercial, but non-infringing materials), will certainly win an immediate injuction because there is clearly the potential for harm.
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