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  1. OK, I thought I make my contribution to so here's one guide from me. It's my first one (on this site or any) so bear with me on this one.
    This guide is if you've made a movie only DVD (like when re-authoring with DVD Shrink) and would like to add a menu without complete re-authoring. TMPGEnc DVD Author, for example, makes the re-authoring very simple but it doesn't support multiple audio/subtitles and if you have a movie with such, this guide can help. It's also useful if you want to do the muxing with a reliable tool which doesn't support menus or is limited on the menu creation side for your taste and you want to create the menus with DVD-Lab Pro but you don't trust it to create the VTSs because is still Beta (for example you follow many of the guides on this site how to author with IfoEdit or ReJig but you want to have a menu too). This guide gives you a safe way to add a menu because you won't be touching the movie VOBs so it has few advantages over the tools that support re-authoring by importing the VOBs.
    Just a note before we begin. Adding a VTS menu is very complicated and involves a lot of time/effort so instead we'll add VMG menus. That way we only need to do minor modifications to the VTS files.

    Tools required:
    DVD-Lab Pro (or any other authoring tool that can create VMG menus and gives access to vm commands but this guide is specific to DVD-Lab Pro (it's the only one I can afford); however the principle is the same with any other tool that supports these features, like Scenarist for example)

    EDIT: I added a third simpler example at the end if you find Examples 1 and 2 too complicated

    Example 1. Only one movie (VTS)

    Open DVD-Lab Pro and create the menus required. For this guide we'll create a main menu, audio/subtitle selection menu and one chapter selection menu. Remember all three must be VMG menus, not VTS menus. Also all objects we add must be VMG objects.
    Create the three menus as you like, create 3 command objects, then make transitions, motion effects or whatever. Once done let's see what we do with the buttons.

    Main menu
    This one should probably only have one button that leads outside the VMG - the play movie button. The other buttons lead to other menus. Here's a simple example:

    Link the "play movie button" to the first command object. Then open it and add the following two commands:
    GPRM0 = 0
    JumpTT 1
    Should look like this:

    Audio/Subtitle selection menu

    Link all buttons that select audio/subtitle to the second command object. We'll create the buttons in a way that the streams are on the disc, just to make this guide simplier. Say your disc has 1. Spanish audio, 2. English Audio, then 1. Spanish subtitle, 2. English subtitles. So create the buttons where button 1 is Spanish audio, 2 is English Audio, 3 is Spanish subtitles, 4 is English subtitles, 5 is sub off and then add any other buttons you want (for example, 6 - start movie, 7 - go back to main menu).


    Then open the command object and put
    GPRM1 = SPRM8
    GPRM1 /= 1024

    (the following two commands are for the example above, i.e. if you have two audio streams; if you have three then continue with "If (GPRM1==3) GPRM2 = 2" and so on)
    If (GPRM1==1) GPRM2 = 0
    If (GPRM1==2) GPRM2 = 1

    (the following two commands also relate to the example above, i.e. two subtitle streams; if you have more, continue with if (GPRM1==5) GPRM3=66 and so on; also the condition - If GPRM1==X, should continue from above, i.e. if the last condition above was "If GPRM1==3", then the first one below should be "If GPRM1==4")
    If (GPRM1==3) GPRM3 = 64
    If (GPRM1==4) GPRM3 = 65

    Last condition, for the sub off
    If (GPRM1==5) GPRM3 = 62 (if the sub off button is number 5, otherwise put the number as applicable)

    As you can see, the condition on the left is the button number, on the right is the audio (from 0 for stream 1) and the subpicture stream (from 64 for stream 1 plus 62 for sub off). So if you understand this, you don't need to make the buttons in any particular order, just make sure the condition is connected to the right stream.

    Last command:
    LinkPGCN3 (this is assuming the audio is the second menu; if it's the third, then put LinkPGCN4 instead; DVD-Lab makes a generic PGC1, then PGC2 is your first menu and so on).
    This last command loops back to the audio/subtitle selection menu. I'm assuming you want to have one other button that links to the main menu. However, if you prefer after selecting an audio/subtitle stream to go back to the main menu directly, put Link PGCN2 instead.
    Also if you include a button for start movie in the audio/subtitle selection menu, link it to the first command object we created at the beginning.
    The command object should look like this in this case (DVD-Lab converts all numbers to hex-decimal, though you can type them in decimal):

    (Optional) If you know a bit about the DVD commands, you can include some button highlighting commands before the LinkPGCN command. As most commercial movies are made, when you click on a particular audio selection button, next it highlights the start movie button or the first subtitle selection button.
    For example, lets say after the user selects the audio, we want to highlight the first subtitle selection button and once the user selects the subtitle we want to highlight the start movie button. Assuming we have 2 audio selection buttons and 3 subtitle selection buttons in that order and "start movie" is button no 6, we'd put before the LinkPGCN command:
    If (GPRM1 <= 5) GPRM4 = 6144 (means if the user activated any audio/subtitle selection button to highlight button 6 - the start movie button; the value needs to be multiplied by 1024)
    If (GPRM1 <= 2) GPRM4 = 3072 (means if the user activated any audio selection button to highlight button 3 - the first subtitle selection button)
    Don't forget to make the default selected button to 0 for this menu. You'll also need to NOP the default button highlight command that DVD-Lab puts in the pre command section of the menu PGC.

    Chapter selection menu
    Similar to above link all buttons that select a chapter to the third command object. Make button 1 for chapter 1, button 2 for chapter 2 and so on.

    In the command object put:
    GPRM0 = SPRM8
    GPRM0 /= 1024
    JumpTT 1
    Should look like this

    That's it from DVD-Lab. Compile with one dummy movie (or tick test compile) and exit.


    Then put together in one new VIDEO_TS subfolder: the VIDEO_TS.* files that DVD-Lab compiled with the VTS*.* files from the original movie.

    Open IfoEdit and open the VTS_01_0.IFO file
    Click on the VTS_PGCITI table, then on the +, then on the PGC. Scroll down to the PGC command table. If there isn't one right-click on it and add one pre-command. That will create it and add one NOP command. If there are any commands already NOP them all. Then add as precommands:
    41 00 00 82 83 00 00 00 (this sets the audio and the subtitle to what we selected in the menu)
    20 a5 00 00 00 01 00 01 (this links to chapter number 1 if the user selected chapter 1 in the menu above)
    20 a5 00 00 00 02 00 02 (this links to chapter number 2...)
    20 a5 00 00 00 03 00 03 (to chapter number 3...)
    and so on until you get to the last chapter

    Then add as a post command
    30 08 00 00 01 42 00 00 (this calls the title menu after the movie has done playing)

    If you have any NOP commands left, you can delete them though it makes no difference. Here's how it should look:

    Finally open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file
    Click on VMGM_PGCI_UT table, then on the +, then on the first PGC
    Modify the second command to 20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02 (DVD-Lab makes by default the Title key on the remote to jump to the root menu but we don't have one).
    Then click on the VMG_PTT_SRPT table and modify the number of chapters to the correct one.
    Finally click on the VMG_VTS_ATRT table and modify the number of audio and subtitle streams to the correct one, then modify the attributes by double-clicking on each in the top view (the VMG overview).

    That should be it.


    Example 2 (more than one VTS)

    If you have a disc with more than one VTS (like putting together a disc with more than one movie with Re-author of DVD Shrink) it gets a bit more complex though not much more complicated.

    The main menu
    Same as example 1 but add a second (or third, one for each VTS) button that links to a separate command object. The same commands as in example 1 should go in each, except the second command should be JumpTT 2 for the second movie, JumpTT 3 for the third and so on, i.e. GPRM0=0, JumpTT 2 for movie 2, for example. If you have many VTSs rather than creating loads of command objects, you can make just one and do all the jumping from there (see Example 3).

    The audio/subtitle selection menu
    If you have the same number of audio/subtitle streams in each VTS and in the same order, you can leave this as it is.

    Otherwise if one movie has more streams than another (for example movie 1 also has director's comments whereas movie 2 doesn't), the easiest solution is to put a note in the menu which streams are not applicable to which movie so that the user doesn't select them (nothing wrong will happen if he does).

    If the order of the streams is different (for example movie 1 has first english, second spanish and movie 2 the other way around) then you'll need to modify with IfoEdit the values of GPRM2 (for audio) and GPRM3 (for subtitles) in the precommand section of the VTS where they are swapped. So before the SetSTN command you'll need to put, for example for the subtitle stream:
    1. if (GPRM3==65) Go to Line 4 (00 A1 00 03 00 41 00 04)
    2. mov GPRM3, 65 (71 00 00 03 00 41 00 00)
    3. Go to Line 5 (00 01 00 00 00 00 00 05)
    4. mov GPRM3, 64 (71 00 00 03 00 40 00 00)
    5. the SetSTN command and so on
    effectively it means if GPRM3 is 65 to make it 64 and otherway around. To swap the audio streams, replace GPRM3 with GPRM2 (in hex-decimal where it's 03 with 02) and 65 and 64 with 01 and 00 (in hex-decimal 41 and 40 with 01 and 00). If you need to swap both the audio and the subtitle put both sets of commands (8 commands in total) and adjust the Go to Line values to match (add 4 for the second set), i.e. line 5 would have Go to Line 9, line 7 would have Go to Line 10 and the SetSTN command would be in line 10.

    If you have a combination of both, for example, movie 1 has subtitles in english, english commentary and spanish, whereas movie 2 has spanish and english in that order, you'll need to work out the swapping for movie 2. If you created the subtitles to correspond to movie 1, then for movie 2 you need to swap 66 for 64 and 64 for 65. If you find this too complicated (or for some reason you have two movies which have completely different languages) then just create two audio/subtitle menus selectable from the main menu - one for movie 1 and one for movie 2.

    The chapter selection menu
    Create one for each movie and link to a separate command object for each movie. Same commands as in example 1 but the last one should be JumpTT 2 for the second movie, JumpTT 3 for the third and so on.

    Create as many VTSs with one dummy movie each as you have on the original. That way you won't need to modify too many things in the VIDEO_TS.IFO file. Compile and exit.

    Make the same modifications as in example 1 to the VTS_0x_0.IFO files. Similar for the VIDEO_TS.IFO file but you need to modify the attributes and the number of chapters for each title as opposed to just title 1.

    Optional, if you want to make a Play All button
    In each command object that the start movie 1 (2, 3 or whatever) button is linked to, put an additional command at the beginning GPRM5=0. Then create an additional object and link the play all button to it. Put there three commands GPRM5=1, GPRM6=1, JumpTT 1. Create an additional command object and count how many VMG objects you have, including the VMG menus. Add one to this number and write it down. Put in the command object the following commands:
    GPRM5 += 1
    GPRM7 == 2
    If (GPRM5==GPRM7) JumpTT 2
    GPRM7 == 3
    If (GPRM5==GPRM7) JumpTT 3
    and so on, depending how many movies you have (if you have only two movies there's no need to put any of these commands, only JumpTT 2).

    Then in the post command section of each VTS, except the last one, before the CallSS command put with IfoEdit "If (GPRM5=>GPRM6) Call VMG PGC X Resume Cell 1", where X is the number from before. In hex-decimal that's 30 48 00 XX 01 c0 05 06, where XX is the number in hex-decimal. If you're not sure about the PGC number you can always open with IfoEdit the VIDEO_TS.IFO file after compiling, click on all PGCs and find the one with the command table as above. DVD-Lab doesn't follow the same syntax as Ifoedit though so look for something that looks like that.
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  2. Hey man you saved the day (and TIME!)

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  3. Banned
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    Im surprised there isnt many comments here.
    Perhaps more people will use multiple VTS on one disc when dual layer DVDRs become mainstream...
    And yes, TMPGEnc DVD Author not only doesnt support more than 2 audio streams and is unable to add any subtitle, but it also *removes* any subtitles from your existing VOBs. So at this moment I dont know any easier way than this to create multiple title VOBs on a single disc and preserving subts, otherwise we need to demultiplex VOBs to elementary streams and start brand new disc authoring...


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  4. Thanks for the feedback guys. It may be the complexity of the guide that's putting people off. Any comments on how I can make it simplier would be welcomed.

    I thought I may add another simplier example on how to put just a main menu to a multi VTS disc. For example, if you've made a disc with re-author in DVD Shrink of many movies, episodes or whatever and want to put a simple menu to be able to jump to each one separately plus maybe a play all button and a random play one. This example will still allow you to have multiple audio/subtitles but to keep it simple there's no menu to select them (you can change them with the remote while the movie is playing). As I mentioned before nothing of what we are going to do modifies the VOB files so your movies will remain exactly the same.

    EDIT: I added some comments on which parts of the guide can be skipped if you don't need a Continuous Play button or Random Play one

    Example 3. Multi-VTS with just a main menu for navigation

    Create the menu. As before it has to be a VMG one. Here's one example, for a DVD with 6 movies:

    What this example will do is create a Play All (or Continuous Play, as I call it) button which can be On or Off. When Off, after a movie is done playing, the main menu is called. When On, the next movie plays. The difference, from what normally is a Play All button, is that here you can jump to any movie you want from the main menu and if Continuous Play is On, the next movie will play. With a normal Play All button you always start from movie 1. Think Continuous Play is more flexible.

    The Following paragraph is only needed if you want a Continuous Play button
    Now we'll create a second VMG menu, exactly the same as the first but it will say "Off" for Continuous Play instead of "On". You can do this in a simple way if you export the menu as "menu" (under Menu/Export Menu/As Menu), then create a new VMG menu and then load it (under Menu/Load Menu...). Then modify the button to "Off" instead of "On".

    If you want to put any transitions or additional menus or whatever, do this at the end, before compiling, otherwise the link commands in this example won't be valid.

    Next create 4 VMG Command Objects (or 3 if you don't need either Continuous Play or Random Play; or 2 if you don't need both one and the other). Link all the buttons from both menus like this:
    - All (6 in this example) buttons for each movie to Command 2
    - Continuous Play to Command 3 not required if you don't need this functionality
    - Random Play to Command 4 not required if you don't need this functionality, link to Command 3 if Continuous Play is not required

    To keep the Command objects simple, create the buttons in the same order as this example - first all movie buttons in the order they are on the disc, then the Continuous Play button and then the Random Play button. This is not compulsory but it would make the command objects more complicated if we don't put the buttons in this order.

    Now open Command Object 1 and put:
    if(GPRM1==GPRM0) JumpTT 1
    if(GPRM1==GPRM0) JumpTT 2
    if(GPRM1==GPRM0) JumpTT X (where X is the last movie number).
    This command object will do all the "jumping"

    For 6 VTSs in this example it would look like this (as mentioned before DVD-Lab converts all numbers to hex-decimal but you can type them in decimal, though I think in the last Beta it doesn't do this anymore).

    Now open Command object 2 and put:
    GPRM3 = 0
    GPRM1 = SPRM8
    GPRM1 /= 1024
    LinkPGCN 4 (LinkPGCN 3, if Continuous Play functionality is not used)
    This command object links to the previous one with an instruction of which movie to jump to

    Then open Command object 3 and put:
    if (GPRM2 == 0) Goto 4
    GPRM2 = 0
    LinkPGCN 3
    GPRM2 = 1
    LinkPGCN 2
    This command object toggles Continuous play On/Off; the entire command object is not required if you don't need this functionality

    Last open Command object 4 and put:
    GPRM3 = 1
    GPRM1 rnd X (where X is the number of movies, 6 in our example)
    if (GPRM1 == 0) Goto 2
    LinkPGCN 4 (LinkPGCN 3, if Continuous Play functionality is not used)
    This command object links to the first one but the instruction of which movie to play is random; the entire command object is not required if you don't need this functionality; however if you need this but not Continuous Play, this command object would be number 3, not 4

    The third command in Command object 4 may not be necessary but include it anyway. It doesn't allow 0 as a random number. When I tested this with WinDVD it never generated 0 as a random number out of 30 or more tries (maybe bad luck). However my standalone did.

    Finally double-click on the Connections to open them, then right-click on the first menu and select "edit VM commands". Click on edit pre-commands and put:
    if (GPRM2 == 0) LinkPGCN 3 only required if you are making a Continuous Play button

    That's it from DVD-Lab. Not to have to make too many modifications in the VIDEO_TS.IFO file, create as many dummy VTSs as in the original and put one dummy movie in each (can be the same one in each). Then compile (you can select test compile too which is faster).


    As in the previous examples, put in a new VIDEO_TS folder all VIDEO_TS.* files from DVD-Lab and all VTS*.* files from the original disc.

    Now with IfoEdit we need to modify all VTS_XX_0.IFO files, one by one.

    Click on the VTS_PGCITI table, then on the PGC and then scroll down to the PGC command table. If there isn't one create it by right-clicking and adding a command. If there is one, delete or NOP any pre and cell commands and add/delete post commands to make 6 of them. Then modify them to:
    71 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 only required if you want Random Play functionality
    30 28 00 07 01 c0 03 00 same as above; however, if you want this functionality but not the Continuous Play one, change the fourth pair of digits to 05 instead of 07
    71 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    30 28 00 02 01 c0 02 00
    71 00 00 01 00 XX 00 00 (XX is the next movie of the one you're modifying; for example if you're modifying VTS_02_0.IFO, XX would be 03; it's in hex-decimal so 10 is 0A, 11 is 0B and so on)
    30 08 00 04 01 c0 00 00

    if you don't need Continuous Play functionality, the last four commands can be replaced with a single one - 30 08 00 02 01 c0 00 00; hence if you neither want this nor Random Play (which is made by the first two commands) this single command is the only one you need to put in all IFO files

    For the VTS_01_0.IFO it will look like this:

    For the last IFO file make XX - 01. This will play movie 1 after the last movie if Continuous Play is On (i.e. loop from the beginning). If you prefer to go back to the main menu, only put the first 2 commands in the last IFO file and a third and final one - 30 08 00 02 01 c0 00 00.

    Finally you need to modify the attributes for the audio/subtitle/chapters in the VIDEO_TS.IFO file as in Example 1 and 2 above.

    That's it. In the previous examples I mentioned to do this too:
    Click on VMGM_PGCI_UT table, then on the +, then on the first PGC
    Modify the second command to 20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02 (DVD-Lab makes by default the Title key on the remote to jump to the root menu but we don't have one).
    However, in the latest Beta I noticed that DVD-Lab doesn't do this anymore. Won't hurt to include this command anyway just in case (make it the first one instead of the second one).
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  5. And one other thing. As I mentioned at the very beginning, in order not to touch the VTSs at all, we're creating VMG menus. This however has one slight disadvantage - you won't have a Root Menu (or you'll have one which is not working, leftover from the original disc) so the Menu button on the remote won't take you to the Main Menu (but the Title one will).

    However, if you like to have the Menu button operational, it can be done. Open the VTS_01_0.IFO file (if you've done a DVD with multi-VTS, you'll need to repeat all I'm going to mention now for all VTS_XX_0.IFO files).

    Click on the VTSM_PGCI_UT table. If there isn't one we need to create it with PgcEdit (explained below). Click on the root menu and scroll down to the command table. Put as a first pre command 30 06 00 00 00 42 00 00 (this is a JumpSS to Title Menu command so pressing the Menu button will have the same effect as pressing Title). That's it.

    To create the table open the DVD with PgcEdit. Click on VTS1 (again if you have more than one VTS, you need to repeat this for each), right-click and select "New Menu" and yes to continue. It will create the table and put one PGC (which is the root) in it, with one pre command. Modify the command as above.
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  6. Member
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    Or as an alternative to all the above: Consider Titlewriter1.6, Still In beta but much easier. Doesn't support Subtitling or language menus at this point - perhaps I'll add it to proggie/templates.Watching feedback on threads such as this

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  7. I edited the third example with comments on which parts can be skipped if you don't need Continuous Play or Random Play.

    FallenAngel, thanks for that. Yeah it'a simple way to add a navigation menu but I wouldn't call it "an alternative to all the above". It's just a generic menu plus it only works for DVDs re-authored with DVD Shrink. My idea of this guide was to help people add their own custom menus to a DVD which was originally authored by whatever application, not just DVD Shrink.
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  8. Banned
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    @ petar
    I was 'experimenting' with your way in past few days, and just wanted to post now about some changes but Ive noticed youva already did it (the 'skip' parts when no cont. play is needed).

    @ FallenAngel10
    Lack of subtitles or language menus makes it not much more useful than TDA is.
    Im not discouraging you from further development, but please consider my advice: don't scope on 'easiness' of your software.
    Those potential users who don't need any extra options will most likely go with super-simple soft like TDA, and those who need some extra bells'n'whistles usually have enough knowledge to understand i.e. petar's guide.
    IMO the most common 'sin' of many software writers is dumbing down their software, trading software's abilities for ease of use suitable for average Joe.
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  9. How do I create commands? I created a button, then right-clicked->Link->VM Command, then typed in the command, then OK. Nothing showed up in the command folder.
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  10. Originally Posted by mnkyboy
    How do I create commands? I created a button, then right-clicked->Link->VM Command, then typed in the command, then OK. Nothing showed up in the command folder.
    Double-click on the Connections, then right-click anywhere in the Connections window, select Add / Add Command Object / In the VMG Domain. Then you can add commands by double-clicking on it (DVD-Lab automatically opens its pre command section when you double-click it).
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  11. Originally Posted by petar
    Originally Posted by mnkyboy
    How do I create commands? I created a button, then right-clicked->Link->VM Command, then typed in the command, then OK. Nothing showed up in the command folder.
    Double-click on the Connections, then right-click anywhere in the Connections window, select Add / Add Command Object / In the VMG Domain. Then you can add commands by double-clicking on it (DVD-Lab automatically opens its pre command section when you double-click it).
    Thanks. Worked great. I used your guide, but heres what I did differently. I a bunch of video and audio files for several episodes. When I use DVD lab to generate a DVD with these files, I get pixalation in several parts of the dvd. I found your guide, and figured I would try this.

    1st, I create a menu to "dummy" video files in DVD Lab. I compile, then delete the VTS_01..VTS_02... files. I then use IFOEDIT to generate a dvd with each movie. For second movie, I rename the files VTS_02... Then I copy these files into the folder of the VIDEO_TS... files that DVD Lab created. I didnt have to edit any of the ifos, everything seems to work fine.

    Should I have to edit any of the ifos to do what I want to do? I have a basic menu where you just choose what episode you want to play.

    One thing I wanted to find out, where in the IFO file the default subtitles and audio are set? Currently, my video file has subs on as default. Thanks.
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  12. 1st, I create a menu to "dummy" video files in DVD Lab. I compile, then delete the VTS_01..VTS_02... files. I then use IFOEDIT to generate a dvd with each movie. For second movie, I rename the files VTS_02... Then I copy these files into the folder of the VIDEO_TS... files that DVD Lab created.
    Yeah, that's fine. Remember, all we are doing with this guide is creating VMG menus (which are in the VIDEO_TS.* files) and these are independant of the VTSs. You can create the VTSs with IfoEdit or whatever you want. You can also create different VTSs with different tools and put them all together. It doesn't matter. Each VTS is independant. The trick is to sort out the navigation aferwards (and this is what this guide is about).

    You can, for example, take three different movies from three different DVDs and put them together with this guide on one DVD with your own custom menus. Just rip the VTS of the main movie of each DVD, put them together (obviously rename the second and the third into VTS_02 and VTS_03 as you did) and follow this guide on how to add the menu and sort out the navigation.

    I didnt have to edit any of the ifos, everything seems to work fine.

    Should I have to edit any of the ifos to do what I want to do? I have a basic menu where you just choose what episode you want to play.
    Not necessarily, depends on what's in them. I had to make this guide generic. If it works fine that's because the CallSS command is already in there (whichever tool you used to author the original DVD put the command there). However there may be other commands too which may not be needed. To keep things tidy I'd follow the guide. If you just want to go back to the main menu after each movie has done playing and you don't want any Random Play or Play All buttons, you only need one post command (and no pre) in the VTS_XX_0.IFO files - 30 08 00 02 01 c0 00 00.

    Btw, you can also use CallSS VMG 1 (30 08 00 01 01 c0 00 00) or CallSS Title Menu (30 08 00 00 01 42 00 00) or CallSS First-Play PGC (30 08 00 00 01 00 00 00). If whichever of these commands is already in your IFO files, it will work just fine.
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  13. Thanks for the info

    I thought everything was fine, but the dvd stops playing after a chapter change for some reason. It will change chapters, than stop after 2-3 seconds. I added these chapters to the video file in DVD Lab. Does this sound like something in the navigation doing this? Any idea what I have to edit?

    Another weird thing, the dvd plays fine on my computer.

    Originally Posted by petar
    1st, I create a menu to "dummy" video files in DVD Lab. I compile, then delete the VTS_01..VTS_02... files. I then use IFOEDIT to generate a dvd with each movie. For second movie, I rename the files VTS_02... Then I copy these files into the folder of the VIDEO_TS... files that DVD Lab created.
    Yeah, that's fine. Remember, all we are doing with this guide is creating VMG menus (which are in the VIDEO_TS.* files) and these are independant of the VTSs. You can create the VTSs with IfoEdit or whatever you want. You can also create different VTSs with different tools and put them all together. It doesn't matter. Each VTS is independant. The trick is to sort out the navigation aferwards (and this is what this guide is about).

    You can, for example, take three different movies from three different DVDs and put them together with this guide on one DVD with your own custom menus. Just rip the VTS of the main movie of each DVD, put them together (obviously rename the second and the third into VTS_02 and VTS_03 as you did) and follow this guide on how to add the menu and sort out the navigation.

    I didnt have to edit any of the ifos, everything seems to work fine.

    Should I have to edit any of the ifos to do what I want to do? I have a basic menu where you just choose what episode you want to play.
    Not necessarily, depends on what's in them. I had to make this guide generic. If it works fine that's because the CallSS command is already in there (whichever tool you used to author the original DVD put the command there). However there may be other commands too which may not be needed. To keep things tidy I'd follow the guide. If you just want to go back to the main menu after each movie has done playing and you don't want any Random Play or Play All buttons, you only need one post command (and no pre) in the VTS_XX_0.IFO files - 30 08 00 02 01 c0 00 00.

    Btw, you can also use CallSS VMG 1 (30 08 00 01 01 c0 00 00) or CallSS Title Menu (30 08 00 00 01 42 00 00) or CallSS First-Play PGC (30 08 00 00 01 00 00 00). If whichever of these commands is already in your IFO files, it will work just fine.
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  14. The guide doesn't modify the chapter points (in fact, it doesn't modify anything in the VTSs, except the PGC commands) so you have probably had the problem to start with.

    I added these chapters to the video file in DVD Lab
    At which point? With this guide you can't add/modify/delete chapter points. They will remain exactly the same as in the original. The chapter points have to be on a start of a cell. Without complete reauthoring (rewriting the VOBs) it's not possible to modify chapter points (unless you're lucky and a new cell starts exactly where you want your chapter point but this is very unlikely). You can delete them but add or modify - no.

    Another weird thing, the dvd plays fine on my computer.
    It may be that the sectors info is wrong. Do "Get VTS sectors" with IfoEdit before burning. Maybe this is all that was wrong.
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  15. hi folks
    i am trying to follow the guide, but dont seem to have 'commands'
    i am using dvd-lab....not pro as it doesnt seem to be released yet
    that is what the site says anyway!
    what am i missing? how can you guys be using it when its not on the company's own website yet
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    It's still in Beta. Doesn't matter for this guide though as you'll only use it to create the VMG menus. Won't touch your movie(s).
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  17. Hi. I am a new member at this forum. I found your guide very interesting but, I have one question. If I want to add two or more menus with chapters (there is no room for all the chapters in one menu), how can i do it? Thanks!
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  18. Welcome to the forum. Saw your PM yesterday just before closing at work so didn't have time to reply. I'll do it here so that if someone else has the same issue, he'll find the answer.

    Create as many chapter selection menus as you need. Command object 3 should be the same and all the links from Chapter Menu 1 should be the same (plus one more button to link to Chapter Menu 2).

    Then for Chapter Menu 2, create a new Command object (number 4) and link all Chapter selection buttons to it (the rest of the buttons link them as needed - back to main menu, back to chapter menu 1, forward to chapter menu 3, etc). Then add in the Command 4:
    GPRM0 = SPRM8
    GPRM0 /= 1024
    GPRM0 += X (where X is the first chapter number in this menu minus 1; for example, if in Menu 1 you have chapters 1 to 9 and in Menu 2, 10 to 19, X will be 10-1 = 9)
    JumpTT 1

    Similary for Chapter Menu 3, create a new Command object (number 5) and put the same commands (X would be 19, if the first chapter is 20). And so on for Chapter Menu 4 etc.

    Just don't forget to make the buttons in order - the first chapter button in the menu to be button 1, the second button 2...
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  19. Thanks a lot! It worked fine.
    I have two more questions.
    1. When I press the button "off" in the subtitles menu and then press the "play" button in the main menu there is no problem. But if I press the "off" and then goto the chapters menu and select a chapter, the subtitles switch to the last I had chosen (not off). This doesn't really bother me, but if you know how to fix this??...
    2. When I start the movie the default subtitles are English. How I can change that?
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  20. 1. That's weird. I can't think of why this would happen. Both menus jump to the beginning of the title and it's there that audio/subs are set and link to a chapter is made (in that order).
    The only way for this to happen is if the the SetSTN command is put last instead of first in the step where you add the PGC commands with Ifoedit. Double-check that it's the first (it's the one starting with 41 00...)

    Also does it happen all the time? For example, you set sub off and play the movie from the main menu. Then you call the menu, go to the chapter menu, select a chapter. Are then the sub off when this chapter is played?

    2. I overlooked that you may start the movie from the main menu without going to the language menu to switch the sub off, so they don't default to off. We need to add a Mov GPRM3,62 command in the first play PGC before the jump or link command (either can be used and I can't remember which one DVD-Lab Pro uses).

    With Ifoedit open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file, click on VMGM_MAT, then on the +, then on the first-play PGC. Scroll down to the PGC command table and add a pre command. It will add it at the end so modify it to be exactly like the previous command (which is either jump or link) and then modify the previous command to 71 00 00 03 00 3E 00 00.
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  21. Ok. I will follow your instructions and I will let you know about it.
    Thanks again, for your help!
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  22. 1. I checked the SetSTN command. It's first. But I forgot to tell you that it is a little different than yours because in my movie I have only one audio stream and in the language menu I only have to select the subtitles. (So the SetSTN command is: 41 00 00 00 83 00 00 00). The VM Commands in DVD-Lab are:

    GPRM1 = SPRM8
    GPRM1 /= 1024
    if (GPRM1 == 1) GPRM3 = 64
    if (GPRM1 == 2) GPRM3 = 65
    if (GPRM1 == 3) GPRM3 = 62
    LinkPGCN 2

    The commands related with audio streams don't exist. I don't think that changes I made, is the problem.
    Is it?

    I noticed that when I choose "sub off" in the menu and then play the movie from the main menu, and then go to chapter menu and select a chapter, ALLWAYS the "GREEK" subtitles are chosen, which are my second
    subtitle stream. To sum up the "sub off" button only works with the main menu play button. In chapters selection menus "GREEK" subtitles ALLWAYS chosen.

    2. About the default subtitles, I inserted the command you told me and worked fine!

    Thanks again for your response.
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  23. The modifications you made are fine.
    I'm puzzled why you're having this problem. Could you try something? Play the DVD with Mark's DVD Tray Player (you can download it from here and note down the values for SPRM2 and GPRM3 as you browse through the menus and the movie. For example, when you select play movie from the main menu, SPRM2 changes to X and GPRM3 to Y. Then when you call the main menu, they change to whatever. Then when you select a chapter to... you see my idea?

    Post the results and that should give me a clue of what's happening.
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  24. I tried what you told me, and I realized that there was no problem with the DVD I had make. The problem was the software I used (PowerDVD 5 Patch 1107).
    When I tried to play the DVD with Mark's DVD Tray Player all worked fine (even though the problem with the default subtitles). Then I played it with Media Player 9 and no problem again. I also played it with some standalone players and all worked fine. I don't know why PowerDVD had that problem. Anyway. Thanks a lot for all the answers you gave me. You helped me a lot!
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  25. I'm new here. And i have some questions.
    I have one audio file, one sub. is it posible to give the sub choose to the main menu. so there is only one (main) menu and 3 buttons (play, sub1 and sub_off). and post the commands please.

    And can anyone tell me how the commands work...i dont understand lines like this (If (GPRM1==3) GPRM3 = 64 ).
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  26. Hi! I'm a newbee...
    I've made a menu just like your example 3, it seems to work fine in DVDLab, but when I try to play my movie in WinDVD it skips the meny and jumps right to the first VTS.
    Whats wrong? And ho do I fix it?

    Tnx! Tommy
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  27. Hi, your guide is great however I have problem in playing the next episode when one is done. I dont know what is the command to use so that when I finished with eps 01 it will automatically play eps 02. In my menu I did not use the random or the continuous button. All I want is if I randomly select ep04 when I am done with it ep 05 should be playing without going back to the main menu and select ep 05 chapter 01.

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  28. Originally Posted by Tommy____
    Hi! I'm a newbee...
    I've made a menu just like your example 3, it seems to work fine in DVDLab, but when I try to play my movie in WinDVD it skips the meny and jumps right to the first VTS.
    Whats wrong? And ho do I fix it?

    Tnx! Tommy
    I think that is how it works in WinDVD but if you play in stand alone DVD player everything works just fine. If you want to start from the main menu in WinDVD just right click on the screen and select root menu. I did that to get to the main menu too when playing with WinDVD.
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  29. Dear Petar,
    I try to follow your guide, because I have more, than 1 subtitle in a movie and I want to create subtitle menu.

    Your guide is very understandable. But I have one confusion. In 1 VTS I have 3 movies: main movie, movie intro and menu intro. How can I describe this with JumpTT X command?

    Thank you.
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  30. Hi peoples, first, excuse me to my poor english, I brazilian, my question is:

    making my dvd menus following this tutorial, i had problems, the subtitles before white color ,after with new menu has changed subtitle color for purple, somebody help turn to old color, please.
    very thanks to your attention
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