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  1. Member Mysticav's Avatar
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    Tijuana, México.
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    I,m using Adobe Premiere Pro.

    When I try to export a 720 x 480 project with adobe encoder
    MPEG-2 DVD, The following error occurs...

    The rendering starts normally, but after some time, let's say, between 8000 and 12000 frames, my PC freeze !! I need to restart it.

    I have tried with all the different settings, also, exporting the video as a movie (avi).

    I have an Intel 2.4 mhz and 1gb DDR memory. Two HD, the main one is where Premiere is installed (40gb) the other one is where the files are saved (180 gb, partitioned in 120 gb and 60 gb)

    I have tried with a frameserver ( and also freeze almost in the middle of the rendering.

    I partitioned and fomatted my HD, starting from the beggining, now my PC is clean, but the problem persists...
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  2. Exporting to mpeg-2 like that is going to run your CPU at 100% until complete, so could it be overheating?

    Try removing the cover and pointing a desk fan at it while you export/encode, that should keep it cool. If it still crashes its most likley not overheating thats the problem.
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  3. Member Mysticav's Avatar
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    Thanks for the answer. Okey, I will put a 25" fan, the one I use in my bedroom ! . But if the problem persist, a didn't understand what you said, " its most likley not overheating thats the problem."

    Anyhow, I will try inmediately.
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  4. Originally Posted by Mysticav
    didn't understand what you said, " its most likley not overheating thats the problem."
    If you still have this problem whne using the desk fan and case removed as suggested then the chances are that overheating of the CPU is an incorrect diagnosis (its not the problem in this case) and it will be necessary to look elsewhere.
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  5. Member Mysticav's Avatar
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    OK. But freezing is caused by the CPU saturation/heat, or is there anything that can causes this problem ?? memory I don't think so , I have 1 gb DDR RAM.
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  6. Member
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    The heat problem would be my first test as suggested by Bugster.

    If it still locks up when encoding with the side off and a big fan running then it is not a heat problem. Or at least unlikely.

    Encoding is very intense on the processor. Could it be failing? Hard to check that out. Could be memory but it really only would apply if the system was mismatched, i.e - wrong RAM for motherboard.

    Could it be chipset drivers? Have you got the latest?

    Could it be the file youy are trying to encode? Might be or does it happen on any files?

    Sorry but its hard to tell. Good luck.
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  7. Member
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    United States
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    I think that premiere pro is buggy enough without having to go between partitions. I bet that if you had premiere pro and your avi files on the same partition things might work.
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