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  1. DVDLab Mini Tutorial
    How to get a "Neon Light" effect on links.

    I like this effect alot, particularily for text links on dark backgrounds. The combinations are virtually endless, and I'll show just a few options here.

    Text links that glow:

    This is the simplest effect. Set your text color. In my example, a light blue.

    Now select your shadow color. In my example, a slightly darker blue.
    Set the drop shadow to "Strong" while you're at it.

    Next, slide the first slider, the shadow offset, all the way to the left.
    Then slide the second slider, the intensity, all the way right.

    You now have blue neon text
    For those Action/guy movies with lots of explosions, red text, with dark orange shadow works extremely well.

    On white/light backgrounds, the effect is still very effective, but different. Here's just a few.

    As you can see, adding the effect can be subtle, or outrageous. It works particularily well on thinner fonts/lines, but I use it for frames, and to highlight icon links that are the same color as my background.

    Cheers, Jim
    My DVDLab Guides
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    Jim, do you like DVDLab better than Ulead's DVD workshop 2.0? I've been using DVDWS2 to produce 9 music instruction DVDs for commercial sale. In my opinion, they look somewhat amateur... Is there a big learning curve to DVDLab from DVDWS?
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  3. I realize this is 2 months late, but I would say no. DVDLab is just easier to use (and maybe easier to learn) than DVDWS.
    Cheers, Jim
    My DVDLab Guides
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