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  1. hey everyone, i've been searching for some help on this for over a month (no lie!) and well, i have had NO luck

    well, my problem is, i can't burn a dvd faster than 2.4x, i've tried burning video and data

    I have a Sony DRU-530A (which is an 8x) and a Lite-On 411S (which is a 4x) (both drives won't go faster than 2.4x)
    I am using Ritek DVD-R which is 4x, and i am using Nero Burning ROM which is the latest version i am sure...
    my computer is surely fast enough to burn at 8x ( p4 2.4ghz, 512mb ram, SATA hard drives)

    in nero, and even in DVD shrink, when you try to select the speed, it only shows 1x, 2x, 2.4x, MAXIMUM, i have tried burning at maximum, but it only goes as fast as 2.4x

    any help is GREATLY! appreciated.... i am very sorry if this has been posted before.
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  2. first i would make sure your dvd burner is running dma mode.

    check the media you are using to make sure the speeds are acurate. you can use dvdinfo or dvd decrypter for this.

    but ultimately, i think you're going to find that this is a firmware issue.
    go to the sony website and install the latest firmware.
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  3. Member glockjs's Avatar
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    the freakin desert
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    make sure your jumper settings are correct too
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  4. Member Cunhambebe's Avatar
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    I'll give it a try: maybe it's the media you're using...
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  5. Use this method to see wether it is the disc or the firmware:
    Open Nero with no disc in the drive. Start a new video dvd (or whatever). Make sure your burner is selected at the top. Throw something in the layout. Click burn and the screen will show up that controls speed selection and etc. With no disc in the drive the speeds available should be all the speeds that the drive supports. I have a 106d. Mine says 4x, 2.4x, 2x, and 1x.
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  6. well, for both dvd rw drives, the firmware has been updated to the most recent ones...

    the jumper settings are correct, or else it wouldn't work...although i have 2 sata hard drives, and 3 cd/dvd drives...

    the media i used is 4x media,

    when i try to do what you said mybook4, it still only says the speeds are 1x, 2x, 2.4x, and MAXIMUM

    i used dvd info since dvd decrypter wouldn't work right.... it said the media was RITEK, but i can't tell what speed...

    i don't know how to tell which drive is on dma or not... but in dvd info, the internal interface are: sony drive: atapi-2 lite on drive: atapi-3

    once again, thanks for your help!!
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  7. Member northcat_8's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Chit, IDK I'm following you
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    to determine DMA on the drive:

    right click "My Computer", select propeties, hardware tab, device manager.

    find and click the "+" beside IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers

    select the IDE channel that your DVD drive is on...usually Secondary IDE Channel....double click it or right click it and select properties.

    Go to the advanced setting tab, and you will see 2 devices listed here. Device 0 is the master, Device 1 is the slave. Check to see what it says in the white drop box beside "Transfer Mode" will either say PIO or DMA. You need to set it to "DMA if available" will also tell you your current transfer mode right below that.
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  8. they all say dmz mode 2 or dma mode 5
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  9. I have a Sony DRU-500A and even though some of my DVD blanks may say 4x doesn't necessarly mean the drive will burn them at that speed even though 4x may be selectable in my burning application. I think it's a firmware problem or incompatible hardware/media, I don't know. I would consider trying a firmware upgrade, different media, and maybe a different burning application. You may find what is slowing things down. Good luck.
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  10. try upgrading your firmware.
    here's a link for your drive.
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  11. yeah, firmware has been upgraded to the latest, i wish that was the problem, but i guess not
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