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  1. Warner and other Hollywood Studios to sell cheap £6 DVD's in Russia to scupper the pirates.. but pirate dvds sell for only £3 or less . This could mean (t)roubles for the pirates.
    Quote from BBCnews

    *north koreans put men into space
    Corned beef is now made to a higher standard than at any time in history.
    The electronic components of the power part adopted a lot of Rubycons.
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  2. If I was the Russians, I'd be insulted by this.
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  3. Lesson of the Day:

    Piracy lowers prices?
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  4. Originally Posted by freestyler
    Lesson of the Day:

    Piracy lowers prices?

    Three Optorite burners, three computers, 4-hour workday...

    Sounds like I'd better start burning in the name of the consumer!
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  5. PS: that means I don't believe it at all.

    But then again, when it comes to Russia, anything's possible....
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  6. Member kabanero's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by JohnnyCNote
    Ya sovsem ne veryu....
    Ya tozhe ne veryu, huynya kakaya-to polutchayetsya.
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  7. Naverno kakoe-to spizhenie....
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  8. Member jaxxboss's Avatar
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    Well, I think they need to thwart the US Pirates as well. So i'll be looking for Kill Bill Vol 2 in 4 months for about $5.00
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  9. Member glockjs's Avatar
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    specially since it only takes $.90 to make a dvd, and $.50 for a cd after packaging and all.
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  10. Greetings Supreme2k's Avatar
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    In Russia, DVDs burn you!

    What a country!
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  11. In Russia, road forks you!
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  12. Originally Posted by RabidDog
    Warner and other Hollywood Studios to sell cheap £6 DVD's in Russia to scupper the pirates.. but pirate dvds sell for only £3 or less . This could mean (t)roubles for the pirates.
    Quote from BBCnews
    Did'nt Microsoft try the same tack with windows o/s in the 90's....
    Funny how over there they drop their prices yet if we were do the same here we get sent to jail.....
    Not bothered by small problems...
    Spend a night alone with a mosquito
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  13. Over there they drop the prices, Due to dvd piracy ratio of 90%.. so every time you buy a pirate Dvd you are really helping Chelski.
    I dont think cutting prices is a criminal offence?
    Corned beef is now made to a higher standard than at any time in history.
    The electronic components of the power part adopted a lot of Rubycons.
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  14. Member Faustus's Avatar
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    If true this kinda leads some creditability to that allofmp3 site which claims they have a legal right to distrubte the music they have, they basicly say they were told to "make what money they could" but then its still not very beliveable. Meaning Illegal illegal illegal, and russian.
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  15. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    well that will certainly take care of russia (hah) -- now how about all the other baltic states/countries (some of those countries make almost as much bootleg stuff as out of asia) , china , all the south asian countries (no such thing as a real disk in some countries), and 90% of all africian countries, some of the middle east -- then of course, central america , and much of south america ....
    and dont forget offshore and whom ever else i forgot ....

    i would think they should be finished somewhere around 2499
    "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems." - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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  16. Originally Posted by BJ_M
    well that will certainly take care of russia (hah) -- now how about all the other baltic states/countries (some of those countries make almost as much bootleg stuff as out of asia) , china , all the south asian countries (no such thing as a real disk in some countries), and 90% of all africian countries, some of the middle east -- then of course, central america , and much of south america ....
    and dont forget offshore and whom ever else i forgot ....

    i would think they should be finished somewhere around 2499
    I find your lack of faith disturbing...
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  17. $3 is still expensive for pirated, they can lower the price without loss. BTW, all the pirated stuff i seen in asia has been pressed DVD's, they are not burned like someone here seemed to believe. Price for pirat DVD in Philippines would be just over $1.50, at least i think so, am not sure of the current exchange rate.
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  18. Yes, I Know Roundabout's Avatar
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    In Ukraine, prices for DVD's about ~$2US on any street corner, sold openly. If they try to sell for ~$10 for the legit versions, I don't think locals are going to go for something at 5X the pirated versions price.

    But, on a positive note... seems like an import opportunity. Need to make a trip over there and pick up a few cases of the REAL product and sell it over here (grey market, not illegal product). No worries about busts, since they are the real McCoy. Just have to make sure it has English audio track as well as Russian.

    I think the ratio of pirated software over there is about as close to 100% as you can get. No one I know over there uses the real thing, very few have the money to afford it, even if they wanted to. Certainly not when you can go to any neighborhood kiosk and pick it up for the equivalent of $2, though some people can't even afford that so they bootleg the bootlegs - Take that, Pirates!
    Ethernet (n): something used to catch the etherbunny
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  19. Originally Posted by JohnnyCNote
    Is this your site? Have you checked out my modest effort?

    I wish it was mine, Mr. Wiggles rules! By far thats the funniest cartoon on the net.
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  20. do dvds in britain for between £5 and £8 with free postage
    brand new releases are a bit more
    managed to get lock stock the series for £6 delivered
    its often cheaper than second hand stuff on ebay
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  21. Cheaper dvds in some countries will never happen for the same reason it will never happen for software - you would then import it from the country with the lower price. This is not fair for countries with very low minimum wage and high unemployment rate, for example 1/3 of the Chinese people get by with under 70 dollars a month, so these people WILL buy pirated cds and dvds. Nobody would buy pirated stuff if they could easily afford it....
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  22. Member tweedledee's Avatar
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    In the Philippines you can buy the latest movie ie "Gothica" in a case for $1.50 US but the blank DVD's are $2 US. How does that work?
    "Whenever I need to "get away,'' I just get away in my mind. I go to my imaginary spot, where the beach is perfect and the water is perfect and the weather is perfect. The only bad thing there are the flies. They're terrible!" Jack Handey
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  23. Member tweedledee's Avatar
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    Nobody would buy pirated stuff if they could easily afford it....
    Oh yes, they will. I see people buying the latest DVD movies in swap meets in Australia, and they can easily afford the retail price. I think some can't be bothered waiting till the legit version comes out.
    "Whenever I need to "get away,'' I just get away in my mind. I go to my imaginary spot, where the beach is perfect and the water is perfect and the weather is perfect. The only bad thing there are the flies. They're terrible!" Jack Handey
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  24. Originally Posted by tweedledee
    In the Philippines you can buy the latest movie ie "Gothica" in a case for $1.50 US but the blank DVD's are $2 US. How does that work?
    You didnt buy any? I have lived in Philippines for some periods, and there was no other way to get a DVD than to buy those $1.50 in the street. They are not burned, its real pressed DVD-5s.
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  25. Member tweedledee's Avatar
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    My wife is from Manila and we have friends who ship them into Australia on a regular basis. The quality is usually very good.
    I think the philippines are after a Gold Medal in this years Olympics in Greece for fake DVD's, driving licences, and Passports.
    "Whenever I need to "get away,'' I just get away in my mind. I go to my imaginary spot, where the beach is perfect and the water is perfect and the weather is perfect. The only bad thing there are the flies. They're terrible!" Jack Handey
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  26. Yes, USUALLY good, if you have a good place to buy... Well, in Manila you can easily buy originals for 395 peso and up, so no need for pirated there. I stayed up in Pangasinan, its just now the last 6-8 months they started to sell much original dvds there, and most of it is still karaoke.
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  27. Member jaxxboss's Avatar
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    My buddy got the clap in the P.I for $1.50. Typical drunk sailor ya know .
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