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  1. Member
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    Guess who's talking about hiking their prices?

    Yes, it's that motley crew of recording company executives out of the USA who make up the RIAA. These people are easily recognised now by the bloodied stumps that protrude ever so slightly from their bullet-torn trouser cuffs and their resulting reliance on wheelchairs to get around.

    Having seen that people are flocking to legally download music tracks from the Net, those smart cookies have determined the following:
    reasonably priced downloads will harm CD sales
    the current download prices must be too low (agrivating 1 above)
    legal downloads are selling like hotcakes

    So, in their infinite wisdom, they're getting ready to load up those shootin' irons and start blasting away at the bloodied stumps that were once their feet.

    Yes, they're talking about forcing those sites that offer legal music downloads to hike their prices from $0.99 a track to somewhere nearer $3 each.

    What is it about record company executives that makes them act like a complete bunch of fools to the extent that they're now getting ready to scuttle the very model that will be the saviour of their business?

    Clearly their brains were in their big toes, because the more they shoot, the stupider they seem to be getting.

    Link to main article.
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  2. Yes, truly baffling. Well let 'em burn themselves. The sooner they fall the better.
    Look, let me explain something. I'm not Mr. Lebowski; you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder. His Dudeness. Or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing--
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  3. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    RIAA can rot. I don't listen to music anymore anyway. I moved on to talk shows 1-2 years ago.

    What gets under my skin is the FCC and talk shows. Ohh yes, I am pissed. Goodbye Bushy, goodbye.
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  4. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    Just say NO to commercial CDs and downloads-for-a-fee.
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  5. $3.00 for a song?!

    There'd better be some spectacular porn included with that file!
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  6. The thing that kills me is that I think $3 is a decent (abeit a little high) for a real single. In other words, a single that you can hold in your hands and carry around, not some file you download. If they would only offer singles for sale in the stores things like this would not be such a "problem"!

    I'm with Smurf. I give up on music. **** it. I can't even whistle without feeling guilty for not paying someone some stupid royalty! They can rot.

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  7. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by indolikaa
    $3.00 for a song?!

    There'd better be some spectacular porn included with that file!
    I don't even pay for my porn ....
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  8. Member painkiller's Avatar
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    I never understood the "deal" with the $.99 per song downloads anyway.

    If you knew that the max number of songs on a proper cd was 20 songs, that makes for $19.99 per cd.

    So where's the savings anyway?

    And now they're going to hike the prices?

    Like we didn't know THAT was coming.
    Whatever doesn't kill me, merely ticks me off. (Never again a Sony consumer.)
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  9. They can all piss off!

    I tried the 'New and Improved' Napster. The sound quality of the files sucks. I produce better 96 kbps WMAs than the 128 kbps WMAs they're using. Had I known they were trading 99¢ downloads for shit sound quality I'd not have spent the money in the first place.
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  10. guilty? I don't feel guilty at all when I listen to music I download. I have no time to feel guilty, I've got more important issues to worry about then to feel guilty about giving the RIAA more money to buy gold plated toilet seats
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  11. Originally Posted by painkiller
    I never understood the "deal" with the $.99 per song downloads anyway.

    If you knew that the max number of songs on a proper cd was 20 songs, that makes for $19.99 per cd.

    So where's the savings anyway?

    And now they're going to hike the prices?

    Like we didn't know THAT was coming.
    Yes, but it's 20 songs that you like, not 1 good song & 19 whiny ones.
    I too think that singles sold in stores would be great!
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  12. By the way, around Christmas I went in the record store & was going to get a cd or two. I picked up an old Judas Priest album, but it was $26 Cad! I also looked at a Shocore album, but it too was $26!
    Needless to say I didn't buy either.
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  13. Member painkiller's Avatar
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    Essentially, I believe in the free enterprize system.
    But the RIAA has proven to me that it needs a shakeup.

    Are there good cds? Yes, but they are few and far between.
    I bought Shania Twain's UP! cd set because I listened to it at Costco's when it first came out. I liked every song on it.

    A rare event.

    From now on, for me at least, no more purchases of any audio cd's.

    Personally, I'd love to see the bottom fall out of this whole market.

    And the Judicial branch doesn't see them as "sue happy."

    Doesn't make any sense.

    If the courts aren't already filled with alot of other problems, they shoiuld see a lot more of this - if only the defendants/recipients of the RIAA would just take it to court - who'd cry uncle then?
    Whatever doesn't kill me, merely ticks me off. (Never again a Sony consumer.)
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    How to keep an idiot busy...
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  15. I agree with what you are all saying in that the RIAA are killing the goose that laid the golden egg again... by wanting to up the prices of downloaded music. The fact that you can buy the one example stated in the linked artical just shows how blind some people have become.. They think because its downloadable then it must be cheaper, rather than looking to check first..
    But maybe no buying music offline is what the RIAA really wants as it would give them more power to go to the courts and say p2p or what ever is killing them....
    Never mind that we all know the real reason, but some judge who has never heard a top 20 song for the last 30 years dont know that.....
    Not bothered by small problems...
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  16. Member
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    If they would only offer singles for sale in the stores things like this would not be such a "problem"!
    ...except that the labels all but stopped selling singles a few years ago when they realised that they could force you to buy a whole album "just for that one song!" The labels don't care about career artists anymore, just fast-selling singles for the charts. And since most pop songs are written by someone other than the artist singing it, look at it from the labels' angle. Why would you pack an album with 13 excellent pop singles by one singer and sell a million copies when you can parcel those songs out among 5 or 6 other singers and sell six million records? That worked for a long time until MP3 came along and the whole world said "bite me" to the old business model.

    The new wrinkle is that with legal downloads, people are *just* buying the singles and since even an excellent, essential pop act like N*Sync can be boiled down to ten or twelve essential singles, there's no way the labels will see the kind of revenue stream they used to. And, as usual, they've picked "attack the customers" instead of "rethink the way we work." It amazes me that they think everyone's just going to roll over and say "What? A 300% price increase and *no* added benefit for me? Sign me up!"
    Fight spammers ghetto kung-fu style! Join the Unsolicited Commandos! or the Spam Vampires!
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  17. It will be interesting how they go about this since they just got slapped for pushing mimum pricing too hard on large retailers like Wal-Mart. I could see how this could get them into legal trouble again real easily.
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  18. What haloblack said.
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  19. I personally don't buy "pop" or real mainstream cds, mostly punk and classical. CDs at shows (punk) is generally pretty cheap, like $10. But if I do decide to buy a cd, I just generally buy used. Why pay the premium. But in response to painkiller saying how a cd of 20 songs would cost $19.99, I though if you were buying a whole album to download it was generally like $9.99/album, or some other fixed fee. But, yeah, the industry is screwing you.
    Blah, blah, blah
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  20. I buy New Age/World/International, so it's not like much of what I want is even available online.
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  21. Member
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    I like screwing the RIAA out of their money the old fashioned way...I buy vinyl! I buy my vinyl and dare them to come after me because there is no way in hell they can copy protect it. 99% of stuff coming out today also comes out on good ole vinyl. Master that sucker and off I go. I also Bit Torrent bootlegs like crazy. Bands like Pearl Jam that are open taping have tons of bootlegs circulating that only cost me the price of a blank and some postage. With my new cable internet it goes straight to my hard drive and I don't even have to go to the Post Office! Decompress and viola, a whole CD of good music that I want. Mind you all of this is LEGAL and I don't have to worry about sending my hard earned money to some corporate exec. trying to screw me through the new and improved "digital download" buisness model. Mmmm... analog.
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  22. I hope they read these types of forums, so at least then know what complete ******** they are.

    There i'm done....
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  23. These guys can't do a single ting right, can they?!

    Seriously I only imorty Japanese Music now because:

    1. Most American Music Sucks.

    2. Antyig I WANT I can legally get on iTunes adn itt's old Music they'd made their money on it, in theory I couod P2p DL it because OI have itt on vynl or Audio Cassettes and wouldn't be able to eb arrested for havign alegit back up of soemthign I pid for nwo would I?

    3. I liike J-Pop and anything from the Early-90's and prior some new stuff is god as are Independatnt musicians but when all yyou have is (c)rap and othr garbage clogging up the radio, what kind of music are you goingto buy?

    I woudl buy a LOT more music if ti wasn't vorpriced, I started Dling on iTunes whenI got my Mac, IU will NOT Dl anything at $3.00 which si what a CD SINGLE Should cost as someone else mentioend! I mean it's $100 for a CD SINGLE and $20 for a regular CD?!? The RIAA has lost anotehr customer, I have music teacheers and people who know thiose in the business whoo say the RIAA has screwed them royally, clearly this industry needs to be sued themselves for wevery minor violation they have until they can't hold together and simply crumble to the pointof nonexcistance. RThe artists don't get there money from the RIAA so why shouuld I spend mine for their music? I'll mail an artist a fat Money Order or cash if they want for their music, eliminate the middle-man, and whoever took my Retarded Idiotic Association of America name for the RIAA damn you! Just kidding but it's clear that apparently te sentiemnt s shared, I almost wish everybody with a hgih speed connection would DL a P2P program and just download utl their hard drvie si full, eve if it's juunk just download until NOTHING has been left "unshared" that way the RIAA would ahve a problem, they could't imprison the entire country, could they?

    Let's see:

    Strike 1: Arrested 12 year old girl.

    Strike 2: Falsely offered peace, with an amnesty offer that was BS, they birt thebullet for that thoguh too abd it didn't blow thier brians completely off.

    Strike 3: RAISING already inflated music prices again, the CD is dead it's burried it's GONE, move on, DVD-Audi, I want mroe of it, in fact the reaosnI will NEVER buy an SACD is ebcause it's still a CD whichis a format the RIAA is far too fond of! DVD-Audio should be the format of independant artists and those who are intelligetn, jump on the DVD andwagon and protest the RIAA all at once, it's something I'd do.

    I swear the RIAA has gone too far, I HOPE they loose moeny, screw the aritsits, screw the fans and steal form both partiers. Ask how many artists care if you DL theirr stuff, you wan tto knwo why it won't ebmany? Becuas emostof them never saw so mcuh as a DIME from the RIAA so they're willing to smite them and let you have theirr music for what they'ree mkaing off f it, AKA Nothing! The RIAA now has more enemiees than friends, and this "treat everyone like a pirate" mentality isnt' HELPING them, iit's just CREATING new pirates who were BUYING CD's before this mess, I wish they'd pass a bill to diissolve the RIAA, the MPAA and the ISDA and group them into one new association known as the MAA or Media Associaion of AMerica, that way Music, Movies and Vidoe Gmaes AREN'T SSerperated and it's esier to take ut the elad moron running the show.

    One last question: If electricity comes form electrons,, does moraltty come from MOrons? If so the RIAA must be FULL of Morality!
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  24. Interesting argument, but a little hard to read Cyrax. Here is a spellchecked version I ran through Microsoft Word:

    These guys can't do a single thing right, can they?!

    Seriously I only import Japanese Music now because:

    1. Most American Music Sucks.

    2. Anything I WANT I can legally get on iTunes and it’s old Music they'd made their money on it, in theory I could P2P download it because I have it on vinyl or Audio Cassettes and wouldn't be able to be arrested for having a legit back up of something I paid for now, would I?

    3. I like J-Pop and anything from the Early-90's and prior some new stuff is good as are Independent musicians but when all you have is (c)rap and other garbage clogging up the radio, what kind of music are you going to buy?

    I would buy a LOT more music if it wasn't overpriced, I started downloading on iTunes when I got my Mac, I will NOT download anything at $3.00 which is what a CD SINGLE should cost as someone else mentioned! I mean its $1.00 for a CD SINGLE and $20 for a regular CD?!? The RIAA has lost another customer, I have music teachers and people who know those in the business who say the RIAA has screwed them royally, clearly this industry needs to be sued themselves for every minor violation they have until they can't hold together and simply crumble to the point of nonexistence. The artists don't get there money from the RIAA so why should I spend mine for their music? I'll mail an artist a fat Money Order or cash if they want for their music, eliminate the middle-man, and whoever took my Retarded Idiotic Association of America name for the RIAA damn you! Just kidding but it's clear that apparently the sentiment is shared, I almost wish everybody with a high speed connection would download a P2P program and just download until their hard drive is full, even if it's junk just download until NOTHING has been left "unshared" that way the RIAA would have a problem, they couldn’t imprison the entire country, could they?

    Let's see:

    Strike 1: Arrested 12 year old girl.

    Strike 2: Falsely offered peace, with an amnesty offer that was BS, they bit the bullet for that though, too bad it didn't blow their brains completely off.

    Strike 3: RAISING already inflated music prices again, the CD is dead it's buried it's GONE, move on, DVD-Audio, I want more of it, in fact the reason I will NEVER buy an SACD is because it's still a CD which is a format the RIAA is far too fond of! DVD-Audio should be the format of independent artists and those who are intelligent. Jump on the DVD bandwagon and protest the RIAA all at once, it's something I'd do.

    I swear the RIAA has gone too far, I HOPE they lose money, screw the artists, screw the fans and steal from both parties. Ask how many artists care if you download their stuff, you want to know why it won't be many? Because most of them never saw so much as a DIME from the RIAA so they're willing to smite them and let you have their music for what they’re making off of it, AKA Nothing! The RIAA now has more enemies than friends, and this "treat everyone like a pirate" mentality isn’t' HELPING them, it’s just CREATING new pirates who were BUYING CD's before this mess, I wish they'd pass a bill to dissolve the RIAA, the MPAA and the ISDA and group them into one new association known as the MAA or Media Association of America, that way Music, Movies and Video Games AREN'T Separated and it's easier to take out the lead moron running the show.

    One last question: If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from Morons? If so the RIAA must be FULL of Morality!
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  25. Banned
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    i think it is time for that special.
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