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  1. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    Film is generally shot and projected at 24 frames per second (fps), so when film frames are converted to NTSC video, the rate must be modified to play at 29.97 fps. During the telecine process, twelve (12) fields are added to each 24 frames of film (12 fields = 6 frames) so the same images that made up 24 frames of film then comprise 30 frames of video.Video plays at a speed of 29.97 fps so the film actually runs at 23.976 fps when transferred to video.

    AVID does a 2-3 pulldown (which is used in a lot of film editing)

    But most other editors use 3-2 pulldown.

    2-3 Pulldown vs. 3-2
    It is commonly referred to as 3-2 pulldown; while modern telecine machines can go either way. Therefore, AA BB BC CD DD. If the telecine is set for 3-2, you'll get BB BC CD DD AA.

    Another slightly confusing consideration: When the pulldown process occurs, it turns out that the video version of the film runs slightly SLOWER than the original film did. This occurs because the film is running at 24 frames per second, but in order to create the right pattern of A-B-C-D on the video tape, which runs at 29.97 frames per second, the film was actually played at 23.976 fps during the telecine (film->tape process).

    "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems." - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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  2. Member
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    why is it called PULLDOWN, when you are really trying to speed it up,

    i kown we add extra Fields/frames so it can be played faster but actually play semi-correctly

    but it seems 'pull up' or 'pad up', would be a more correct term
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  3. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    Why are you responding to a 9 year old thread about pulldown?
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.
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  4. Member
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    i wanted to know why its called pull down instead of pull up, speed up ,or padding
    becuse padding is wht it really is

    should i start a new thread about a 'glossary' term?

    should not the question be kept in the correct thread ?
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  5. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    Start a new thread about it,it's considered very annoying here to drag up really old dead threads to post in.
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.
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  6. Originally Posted by theewizard View Post
    i wanted to know why its called pull down instead of pull up, speed up ,or padding
    becuse padding is wht it really is
    The term “pulldown” comes from the mechanical process of “pulling” (physically moving) the film downward within the film portion of the transport mechanism, to advance it from one frame to the next at a repetitive rate (nominally 24 frames/s). This is accomplished in two steps...
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