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  1. Member vhelp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    New York
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    Oh, yeah, hello!!

    Ok, now, I really need to know how to convert (best method)
    to HEX to (i guess) decemal. i.e., in my .reg file, there's
    a long string of numbers. I know that some numbers, if not
    all, are pairs. I've figured this out at least (I think).
    Anyway, in one of my strings in a .reg file, if I have
    a number like, 00,40,1f,0e
    A - does it read 0040 ?
    B - what number in decimal is: 1F,0E (1027?)

    I need to figure out numbers in the thousands, i.e, 1010
    or 2000, 2505, or 10550?

    Um, sometimes, I wont know if the value should be 00 only
    or maybe it should be a pari sequence just for a certain
    number pair, so 00,40 might be a pair.
    I'm going at some of these number blindly in a .reg file.
    I've managed to figure some things out, but I need to be
    able to figure out the Hex to Dec, oh, and to do the reverse
    as well. So, if I see 00,40 and if it reads 0040 I know to
    put those exact same strings in the sequence, but with a
    higher nubmer, say 00,47

    I hope I made myself clear, if not, please let me know!

    Can someone direct me here, please?


    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: vhelp on 2001-10-19 21:41:06 ]</font>
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Search PM
    Open up calculator in windows (Start|run and type in calc). Under calc, select View|Scientific. To do a quick conversion from decimal to hex, type in 10 and then select the HEX radio button, you shoul now have A display.
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