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Poll: What Percentage of Your Received E-mails Are Spam?

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  1. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Poll Submitted by stiltman
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    I'd say about 20% or so.
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  2. I said 10%, thats because I didn't count the fact that 89% are dvdrhelp topic reply notifications!

    If I count those as Spam, then its 99%
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  3. I get my emails at work mostly, and most of the junk relates to either Viagra or to pills to improve mens sexual equipment. Neither of which do I have any use for, for very obvious reasons.
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    I average 9000 pieces of spam a week on 4 work accounts. I average 3000/week on my personal domain accounts.

    I average 2500 blocked viruses/trojans/backdoors a week.

    How many people need to d/l some software now?
    To Be, Or, Not To Be, That, Is The Gazorgan Plan
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  5. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    70-80% I'd think. Each morning there's about 40-50 junk mails, and some real, mostly from mailing lists I subscribe to (no, I don't have any friends... ).
    Viagra and other pills, Paris Hilton and fake MS updates are on the top of my hate list right now...

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  6. Member The village idiot's Avatar
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    Less than 1% on any real accounts. 100% on some freemail accounts used specifically for when I know something will send me spam! My main account on does a great job of filter the crap for me, I don't even need to think about it.

    I think the key is to have an account that you use for places that will spam you, then you can just ignore it when you don't need it.

    I also have "special" characters in all my accounts, so most of the dictionary spammers will miss me.
    Hope is the trap the world sets for you every night when you go to sleep and the only reason you have to get up in the morning is the hope that this day, things will get better... But they never do, do they?
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  7. Member
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    For years I got *nothing*, and then a non-geek friend gave my name to one of those %*$&ing "Send your friend a funny email!" harvester lists, and my mailbox promptly went to hell. I get 50 spams for every 5 legit emails at least. I also actively attack spammers via Unsolicited Commando (see my sig, join the fun!), and I report every one I get to SpamCop. The day Alan Ralsky is sentenced to 20 years in a federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison, I will buy a beer for anyone within sight.

    Make the world a better place - kill a spammer.
    Fight spammers ghetto kung-fu style! Join the Unsolicited Commandos! or the Spam Vampires!
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  8. The day Alan Ralsky is sentenced to 20 years in a federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison, I will buy a beer for anyone within sight.
    I didn't know a thing about this guy before I read your post and decided to do some research on Google and from what I read someone needs to run him over with their car.

    If I lived anywhere near him I would make sure that his house is regularly terrorized.

    As for my spam, on my hotmail account probably 50% is spam, on my proper email address I have never recieved a single spam message.
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  9. More or less 45% spam and 45% from DVDRhelp, 10% miscellaneous. Spampal takes care of 95 of the spam for me though, rediercts it to a dedicated spam folder ready for deletion.
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  10. Originally Posted by tgpo
    Poll Submitted by stiltman
    Submit Your Poll Ideas Here

    I'd say about 20% or so.
    Slightly modified

    My work email gets about 5% (some vendor must of sold my address, as I never had any spam to this account until the last few months. Had the account for 6 years)

    My home account get about 20% (I think it's do to AOLer that forwad email all over the place and put everyones address in the TO: field)

    1 hotmail account gets 99.999% (I just use it for registrations for website that require an email address to send confirmations to)

    2 hotmail account gets 70% (I never have given it out. I used it for a test to see how long it would take before it started getting spammed. It took 1 week befor the first spam hit it )
    tgpo famous MAC commercial, You be the judge?
    Originally Posted by jagabo
    I use the FixEverythingThat'sWrongWithThisVideo() filter. Works perfectly every time.
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  11. Originally Posted by Gazorgan
    I average 2500 blocked viruses/trojans/backdoors a week.
    Best to keep these somewhere safe just in case you need to get revenge on the guy/girl who sleeps with your wife/husband/both.

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    such as Record Execs. and CEO's. Don't
    hurt these poor sweet babies, ahh..............
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  12. Member JimJohnD's Avatar
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    I think President Bush should just give the CIA a "Seek and Destroy" - "License to Kill" to go after these people! Let a few bodies pile up and they'll either get the message or else.
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  13. Member rkr1958's Avatar
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    I get, on average, around 25 emails a day. Of those 25 I would say that 22 are SPAM. Thats around 88% which I rounded up to 90%.

    I found a great filter (SpamBayes) which is a free plugin in for Outlook (not Outlook Express). SpamBayes is a Bayesian based and learns. It sorts incoming email into three groups, Ham, Spam or Ham-or-Spam. You specific which folders correspond to which group (e.g., Ham ==> Inbox, Spam ==> Spam_to_be_Deleted and Ham-or-Spam ==> Ham_or_Spam). You continue to train the filter by actions you take on individual emails (for example, moving a SPAM message that gets to your Inbox to the SPAM folder). To date, the filter (as I have trained it) has never incorrectly classified a HAM as Spam or even Ham-or-Spam. I would say that as I have trained it SpamBayes correctly moves 40% of the Spam I get to the SPAM folder and 40% to the Ham-or-Spam folder. The other 20% gets through to my inbox.
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  14. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Popfile does it for me. Also a learning app that tags either subject line or x-header. It works like a pop server proxy. You can set any number of classifications, and after some use, it's dead on what's this and what's that. Just to empty trach once in a while. During a year of usage, one legitimate mail has in error been classified as spam.

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  15. Originally Posted by The village idiot
    Less than 1% on any real accounts. 100% on some freemail accounts used specifically for when I know something will send me spam! My main account on does a great job of filter the crap for me, I don't even need to think about it.

    I think the key is to have an account that you use for places that will spam you, then you can just ignore it when you don't need it.

    I also have "special" characters in all my accounts, so most of the dictionary spammers will miss me.
    I do the same, hotmail for anything which I might get spammed.
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  16. I HATE SPAM!!!

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  17. I voted 90% but it's not because I have a Hotmail account. The e-mail account at work is basically 90% spam. I wish it would stop.
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  18. Member Nitemare's Avatar
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    I get 0% spam and I've been using the same e-mail account for 8 years. It's easy...

    1. Don't give out your e-mail address online unless you absolutely have to.

    2. If someone e-mails you a "funny picture" link, don't click it. Send them a warning about these types of sites. (You'd be amazed at how many people don't realize where their spam comes from).

    3. Learn how to use the filters in your e-mail program... THIS is where the REAL power is. (examples.... if the TO: field does not contain 'my e-mail address', delete it from the server.... if subject field contains 'genital organ' ...delete it from the server) Setting your filters to delete mail from the server means you never have to sort/delete it. You'll never download it at all.

    4. Use Hotmail or Yahoo as a spam repository when you MUST give an e-mail address. (as previously mentioned) In many cases (like mine) the address still appears to be valid long after they've dropped you for non-use.

    5. If your internet provider allows you more than one e-mail address, make a new one and use it to escape the spam you currently get (I did this for my wife) ... if you're safe (so far) make a new one specifically for spam sites when needed.

    Avoiding spam is easy. Getting rid of spam is almost impossible. Use the filters. "Blocking senders" is a waste of time and effort and you STILL have to download it. I thought most people knew this. Was I right or should I put these kind of tips on a website?

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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  19. I get maybe 5% total spam on just one of my email account. It's the email address I use for usenet posting and it's munged but some spam bot probably got nmy user name and connected it to the ISP the news post comes through. If only these spammers knew I'm not a transvitte, I have no use for woman lingerines.

    I have 4 other activr email addresses as well ansd they aren't used in public at all. I have yet to recieve a spam.
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  20. Chris S ChrisX's Avatar
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    My Hotmail addresses are configured to always block spams. I don't normally get many, usually on Yahoo in bulk mail.

    MyDoom is so bad; I am getting more viruses than spams at the moment.

    I have to check on a webmail first before going on Outlook Express to rid the virus before gets into the computer.
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  21. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Any and all addresses I have registered at THIS FORUM, ONE OTHER ONE and at PAYPAL.COM are thes ones being spoofed as e-mail senders, as well as recipients.

    Something has crawled those servers, as the addresses were never made public, nor even used in some cases (just registered to said sites).

    I even got a virus from "" ... and one from myself at a private "" address I don't give out!
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  22. Chris S ChrisX's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by lordsmurf
    I even got a virus from "" ... and one from myself at a private "" address I don't give out!
    I did get a couple of emails self addressed to me as a virus.
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  23. Member sacajaweeda's Avatar
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    What's e-mail? All I get is viagra ads.
    "There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon." -- Raoul Duke
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  24. Member
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    I'm not sure just how much of my mail is spam. I don't even see most of it, procmail+SpamAssassin files it in a spam folder and I clear it out now and then.

    At work I have to use Lotus Notes, which is a piece of garbage. The built-in mail filtering doesn't work reliably. I monitor one of the site technical contact addresses and it gets a couple hundred pieces of junk mail per day. A lot of it's in foreign languages.
    A man without a woman is like a statue without pigeons.
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  25. I'd saw about 95%. mostly for pills, mortgage rates, job oportunities and paris hilton video
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