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  1. Member steptoe's Avatar
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    Fitting Two Movies Onto One DVD Using DVD2One

    Software Required
    DVD Decrypter
    TMPGenc DVD Author
    Nero (or any other DVD burning software of your choice)

    Ripping :

    Put the DVD that you are going to rip into your DVD drive, run DVD Decrypter

    Click mode, then tick file

    It is best to select the whole movie, as DVD2One will not always work if only the Main movie and none of its support VOB files are present

    In the destination directory box enter the directory or volume where DVD Decrypter will rip the files. Click the big Decrypt button

    All the files will be ripped to that directory, you need to do this with both movies giving each movie a different directory, assuming you have enough room

    If you cannot fit both movies onto your hard drive, follow this guide, repeating steps 1 and 2 for each movie, deleting the directory where the files were ripped to, in-between each rip

    Ensure you have a minimum of at least 7GB free per movie to make sure that you do not run out of space if the movie is a dual layered. You will need it !

    Transcoding :

    Once the files for both movies have been ripped, start up DVD2one, show DVD2one the first movie directory (Source) then show DVD2one where you want the files to be transcoded to (Destination)

    Change the in size MB box down to around 2200MB, this way you will guarantee that both movies will fit onto a single DVD. The minimum should be 2200MB with an absolute maximum of about 2250MB per movie. Any more than that and you run the risk of the finished DVD being bigger than the media can handle and have to do it all again with a slightly reduced movie MB size

    If you choose or have to choose the 6ch audio, be aware this takes a hell of a lot more space than 2ch audio, so the movie size will have to be adjusted to take this into account. To be safe, 2200MB is ideal while allowing breathing space in case of the transcoded movie being bigger than expected

    Make sure to select in the copy mode box Movie-Only

    After pointing DVD2One the directory’s, click next, select the file you want to process, click next, tick the audio you want and any subtitles if needed and click start

    The time taken to transcode the files depends on the speed of your computer, between 10 and 20 minutes on average per movie to complete

    Repeat the step above for the next movie

    This method can be used to copy episode disks from different sources or even squeezing three or even four movies per disk, but the result will get worse and worse due to the movie bitrate having to be lower. Just adjust the size box accordingly. Three movies per DVD needs a setting of roughly 1500MB maximum, four movies per DVD needs a setting of roughly 1125MB maximum

    To work this out yourself, just divide the maximum media size by the number of movies/episodes you are looking at fitting on the disk

    In the case of two movies per disk (4400/2=2200), I know the DVD media will hold more than 4400MB, but as described above, give breathing space as this size isn’t absolute

    So, as an extreme example, if you have 2 DVD’s that hold 6 episodes per disk, this works out as (4400/12=366)

    Authoring :

    Open up TMPGenc DVD author, click create new project, click add new track, right click on your 1st Untitled track, click rename, call it what your 1st movie is going to be, click on your 2nd Untitled track, click rename, call it what your 2nd movie is going to be,

    Click add DVD Video, browse to your 1st transcoded folder, in the box that pops up click next, uncheck the box copy the clip video data to the HDD, click OK, click OK again

    Click on the 2nd movie track, click add DVD Video, browse to your 2nd transcoded folder, in the box that pops up click next, uncheck the box copy the clip video data to the HDD, click OK, click OK again

    If you selected two or more audio tracks via DVD2One, you will be asked which one you wish to use with TMPGenc. Select which one you want. If there is one, my personal choice is the 6ch audio track, otherwise use the usual 2ch audio track

    Click on the create menu button, on the Menu theme dropdown menu select which Menu theme you want to use

    On the Firstplay action tab select Display main menu, this makes the final burnt movie go to the main menu screen so you can select which movie that you want your DVD player to play, click on the 1st movie title, you can either find a frame in the movie for the picture or you can click open file and browse to a saved image, do this for both movies

    Click the output tab, browse to a folder that you want the movies authored to, make sure that create DVD folder box is checked, click begin output

    TMPGenc will give you an elapsed time and a remaining time, all dependant again on how fast your computer. It should take between 15 to 30 minutes on average to complete

    If you check the movie using the clip editor, you will notice that there is no audio playing. Don’t worry about that, when the movies are finally burnt and you play the DVD, you will find the audio is there
    You may get an error from TMPGenc telling you that the total bitrate of the DVD is outside DVD specifications, and may have a possibility of being unplayable. Just click ignore and continue as each movies bitrate is well within the DVD specifications, just the total when added together confuses TMPGenc DVD Author and it thinks it is too much. As individual movies, there are no problems

    Burning :

    Use whatever burning program you normally use to create your DVD’s. Personally, I use Nero, and have done for years before DVD’s become available
    Quote Quote  
  2. Hi, steptoe
    I follow every thing you said, but when I using TMPGENC DVD Author
    it show the data is more then 47G (48`49G), how can I do with this?
    I been setup 2200mb in DVD2one, Why it can be more then 47g?
    Thank's for your help and information!

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  3. Hi, Stepote:
    I keep try but still can't get audio funtion work, and find when using
    TMPGenc DVD Author during Add DVD Video funtion (find the souce),
    still show audio Dolby Digital (ac-3) 48000Hz 6 CH, but when going to next step ADD Clip the audio setting will show there is no audio, and the Volume folder you make inside audio folder is empty, the
    DVD disk can inclue two movie video but no audio, do you any sulution about this?

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  4. Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Up in yo' bitch.
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    I don't think you quite understand what's going on here.

    If you have an older version on TMPGENC DVD Author, you will not be able to preview the ac-3 audio. However, the audio will remain. Also, the Audio_TS folder that is created, should be empty. There shouldn't be anything in the Audio_TS folder at all.

    In response to the second question. If your resulting dvd structure is over 4.7gb, just run it through DVD shrink. In fact, it's easier to just rip the movie only (with no compression) for both movies, then feed both movies in DVD Author. This will result in a project of at least 7-8gb depending on the movie. Run the output from DVD Author through DVD shrink.

    There ya have it.
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  5. My TMPGenc DVD Author just freezes when I try to create the final DVD any ideas?
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