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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Search Comp PM
    i need help the movie i am watching is not lined up with the movie and i dont know how to fix it so that i can watch it on my dvd player.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Houston Texas
    Search Comp PM
    I can help you but I need more infomation.
    Normaily with your Audio and Video is not matching it's because you didn't leave your computer alone when you were encoding the M2v, and Wav files. I know this first hand.
    Also what I have seen it that sometimes the Audio and the Video seem to be off when your Previewig it on your computer, but when you Burn it and watch it in a Stand alone DVD, it plays fine!!!
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Search Comp PM
    i have been trying to encode and watch i-spy. on the computer it plays fine but on my dvd player it starts to mess up littel by littel. is thise the more info u need. if not tell me what u need.

    ps. i'll try leaving my coputer alone will encoding. i use main consept what do u use
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