I'm going to create videos from scanned comics by using ffmpeg - loop. ı succed create video with scrolling image but. I need to wait 5-10 seconds until i scroll the next image so that people can read the comic.

How can i do it?

Example Image to use: https://i.stack.imgur.com/iBQXU.jpg

the code i use :

ffmpeg -r 1 -loop 1 -t 61 -i 0.jpg -filter_complex "color=white=1280x720, fps=fps=60[bg];[bg][0]overlay=y=-'t*120'hortest=1[video]" -preset ultrafast -map [video] output.mp4

It works fine but i want to do: Wait 5 seconds > scroll > wait 5 seconds > scroll

Thank you very much