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  1. Here is a Python script which converts an integer frame number to drop-frame SMPTE time code.

    Suggestions for improvement, modifications and bug reports are welcome.

    # Code by David Heidelberger, adapted from Andrew Duncan
    # Given an int called framenumber and a double called framerate
    # Framerate should be 29.97, 59.94, or 23.976, otherwise the calculations will be off.
    import time
    import math
    d = 0
    m = 0
    framerate = 30 / 1.001  #29.97
    framenumber = 0
    framePeriod = 1 / framerate
    while framenumber < 120:
      dropFrames = round(framerate * .066666)  #Number of frames to drop on the minute marks is the nearest integer to 6% of the framerate
      framesPerHour = round(framerate*60*60)  #Number of frames in an hour
      framesPer24Hours = framesPerHour*24  #Number of frames in a day - timecode rolls over after 24 hours
      framesPer10Minutes = round(framerate * 60 * 10)  #Number of frames per ten minutes
      framesPerMinute = (round(framerate)*60)-  dropFrames  #Number of frames per minute is the round of the framerate * 60 minus the number of dropped frames
      if framenumber < 0: #Negative time. Add 24 hours.
    #If framenumber is greater than 24 hrs, next operation will rollover clock
        framenumber = framenumber % framesPer24Hours  #% is the modulus operator, which returns a remainder. a % b = the remainder of a/b
        #d = framenumber\framesPer10Minutes  # \ means integer division, which is a/b without a remainder. Some languages you could use floor(a/b)
        d = math.floor(framenumber/framesPer10Minutes)
        m = framenumber % framesPer10Minutes
      #In the original post, the next line read m>1, which only worked for 29.97. Jean-Baptiste Mardelle correctly pointed out that m should be compared to dropFrames.
      if m>dropFrames:
          framenumber=framenumber + (dropFrames*9*d) + math.floor(dropFrames*((m-dropFrames)/framesPerMinute))
          framenumber = framenumber + dropFrames*9*d
      frRound = round(framerate)
      frames = framenumber % frRound
      seconds = math.floor(framenumber / frRound) % 60
      minutes = math.floor(math.floor(framenumber / frRound) / 60) % 60
      hours = math.floor(math.floor(math.floor(framenumber / frRound) / 60) / 60)
      print (round(hours),":",round(minutes),":",round(seconds),":",round(frames))
      framenumber += 1
    Last edited by chris319; 15th Jun 2019 at 15:25.
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