I reciently found a DVD with a feature I'd like to include on some educational DVDs.

The creater has a sub menu to allow the end user to select the order that chapters are played; e.g. there is a list of say 10 chapters and at the bottom of the screen is a list of empty check boxes. The user navagats to a chapter choice, selects is and a check is placed in the first box. If the user wants to paly that chapter 2 times in a row they select it again and the next checkbox is checked off. The user than moves on to another chapter, selects it and the next box is checked, etc. When the user has chosen the list s/he wants s/he navagates to a play button and lights it off. Alternately s/he can choose reset and clear the list.

Anyone have any idea:
A. what such a menu is called
B. how do do it
C. What authoring programs may support this feature?
Any other information that can be added.

All information is greatly appreciated.

Thank you