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  1. Hi
    My WDTV Live is fine at present, but it won't last much longer. I'm looking for a replacement that enables me to connect a USB HD, and read and write to the USB HD across my wireless network to transfer my videos. WDTV does this without a problem, but my question is, is there another device that does the same?
    I do not need smart TV apps, I have a TV with all of those. I do not like Plex and similar apps, they do not suit my requirements.

    Any suggestions?


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  2. Pretty much every device that's suppored by LibreELEC or CoreELEC.
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  3. Thanks.
    I have no idea what LibreELEC or CoreELEC are. Could anyone let me know which devices this refers to.

    Many thanks

    El Terry
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  4. Is there an actual model of a proper, dedicated media player that will do what I want?


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  5. Member
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    Dedicated media players barely exist anymore and the ones I have seen can only use their own attached storage.

    Android TV boxes and mini PCs such as Intel NUCs or Raspberry PIs have replaced more advanced media players. Mini PCs can run LibreELEC or CoreELEC, which are Linux distros. LibreELEC and CoreELEC are designed for running Kodi, which is media center software.
    Last edited by usually_quiet; 20th Nov 2020 at 10:32.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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  6. Member
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    I've never had a need for network accessible storage, both of my TV setups are DAS though PCs, but having gone through numerous WDTVs which I loved, Seagate Theater+, Roku, Android Box, Chromecast and Chromebook, I've settled on a cheap <$100 refurbed PC that does everything I want better than any dedicated media player, the majority of which are Android based.
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  7. Member
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    I access my media files over the network from the PC to the TV using DLNA.
    You can "push" files from the PC, "pull" them from the TV, and if you install an app on your phone
    you can play them from the PC to the TV from the comfort pf your favorite chair. (I use Server Cast from Instantbits software)

    To access the USB, plug it into the PC and add it to Windows Media shared folders (Manage libraries)
    Should be able to use PLEX if you prefer that
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