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View Poll Results: Do you think the post should have been locked??

30. This poll is closed
  • Yes

    23 76.67%
  • No

    7 23.33%
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  1. Originally Posted by pacmania_2001
    For the n00bie just getting started in mirc I recommend using CuteFTP and G6FTP.
    The only way to use mIRC is to use the program mIRC from . IRC on the other hand can be accessed by a multitude of programs.

    Also the programs you listed are for FTP not IRC.
    Well all them nice ftp's you find in mirc.... how do you suppose you gonna connect them? And well are you gonna be a leecher all your life son are do you think you can serve alittle something in return
    iAMD64. µ
    The World is changed, Some say Awakened.
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    Shadowrunner by trade...

  2. I do not question the moderators power to set and enforce policy. However, I am now uncertain just exactly what that policy is.

    Is ANY mention of a P2P site considered out-of-bounds? Or any mention of a DL'd video?

    How about mention of TV recordings kept past the legal time limit of 2 weeks (or whatever it is)? Or the showing of such recordings to persons outside the immediate family, which I believe violates the law?

    How about discussing the use of recently obtained CCE 2.5? or Spruce-up?
    Or SoftEncode?

    I am not trying to be a PITA, I am happy to obey the rules. I would just like a little clarification as to exactly what they are.

  3. Well all them nice ftp's you find in mirc.... how do you suppose you gonna connect them? And well are you gonna be a leecher all your life son are do you think you can serve alittle something in return
    Actually the best way to download off mIRC is through XDCC's and the best way to return is to set up an FServ

  4. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    I believe offline answered that very well in response to my earlier query.

    One of my friends read his/her answer and suggested that I should been offended by the implied accusations since the comments were addressed to me.

    You can be the leader of the biggest warez group out there and
    I won't care so long as you don't involve VCDhelp
    and also
    There is no problem here unless you make VCDHelp complicit in a unlawful activity. What you do behind the scenes is your business.
    I agree that the word "someone" instead of "You" or some other suitable descriptor would have been more appropriate and hopefully reflected what offline meant to say. In fairness, english is probably not offline's primary language.
    There's not much to do but then I can't do much anyway.

  5. Nor is english my first language (fourth actually), but as much as I understand, writing You in lower case (you), makes this word impersonal. And ... otherwise using lower case is insulting.

  6. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Textbooks aside, the capital "Y" in you is more frequently reserved for God, royalty or as a sign of respect. In common usage the y is not capitalized when speaking to a group or an individual and is not offensive in that form. I doubt that most people would notice the nuance suggested by the two styles. In this particular example the response was addressed to me. Although, I believe that the comments were directed at a wider audience. I did not notice the implication until it was brought to my attention.

    I do believe this is now completely off topic.

    I wanted to correct any misconception in case someone else had the wrong impression.

    Elvis has left the building...
    There's not much to do but then I can't do much anyway.

  7. Member
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    Heh, it's funny how people who don't speak english as their first language tend to understand it better than a lot of the kids on this board... kids these days are so miseducated that they're using instant message slang in the classroom like 'ur' for 'your' and '4' for 'for' and other such crap. It's all going downhill

    Back to the topic... how did this thread degrade into a 'how to serve and download warez on IRC'? This is a fine example of how some people not only misunderstand the point of this board, they misunderstand the point of a thread (Neverlift, your links aren't insightful they're just spam).

    Now I know if warez isn't specifically linked to or assisted with it's more of a grey legal zone, but it's still against the spirit of the rule to post and indirectly help with warez and piracy. And it's OT for the board. So maybe it's my personal opinion that lamers don't need to be posting on the board but am I alone in this? I just want people to exercise some self-control.

  8. gll99,

    orig. post edited with my apologies for any
    unintended offence given.

    Nelson37: I am not trying to be a PITA, I am happy to obey the rules. I would just like a little clarification as to exactly what they are.
    1st see my reply above with regards to downloads - note that
    it is my personal view and is not intended to represent the views of other moderators here. Moderators are trusted to make their own decision
    on what topics to lock, close or report.

    The rules are provided every time you post a reply. A mod may
    act outside these rules if they see fit and close a thread for
    other reasons ie. abuse, hijacking a topic, stalking a poster,
    spamming etc.

    This is a video discussion forum. All moderators have
    at least one area of expertise in this field and are here to help, learn
    and take part. We hate wasting time cleaning up bad posts. Help us to help you by reporting suspect posts and letting us know your opinions on
    how things are running.

  9. NeVeRLiFt... you are not proving any point because you are just spamming off topic crap... and you are not showing me anything new... just be cause i dont post all over about how "1337" i am in the warez scene doesnt mean i know nothing... im just choosing to not post garbage and anything off topic.

  10. Originally Posted by pacmania_2001
    Well all them nice ftp's you find in mirc.... how do you suppose you gonna connect them? And well are you gonna be a leecher all your life son are do you think you can serve alittle something in return
    Actually the best way to download off mIRC is through XDCC's and the best way to return is to set up an FServ
    FServ sucks, and we use .get, XDCC and FTP
    iAMD64. µ
    The World is changed, Some say Awakened.
    It's 13:53:33 . Do You Know Where Your Meat Body Is?
    Shadowrunner by trade...

  11. Originally Posted by Thorn

    Back to the topic... how did this thread degrade into a 'how to serve and download warez on IRC'? This is a fine example of how some people not only misunderstand the point of this board, they misunderstand the point of a thread (Neverlift, your links aren't insightful they're just spam).

    So when its not warez you call it spam
    iAMD64. µ
    The World is changed, Some say Awakened.
    It's 13:53:33 . Do You Know Where Your Meat Body Is?
    Shadowrunner by trade...

  12. Originally Posted by DiViNeLeFT
    NeVeRLiFt... you are not proving any point because you are just spamming off topic crap... and you are not showing me anything new... just be cause i dont post all over about how "1337" i am in the warez scene doesnt mean i know nothing... im just choosing to not post garbage and anything off topic.

    I think I got my point across sorry if you chummer's feel spammed by it.
    iAMD64. µ
    The World is changed, Some say Awakened.
    It's 13:53:33 . Do You Know Where Your Meat Body Is?
    Shadowrunner by trade...

  13. Member
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    If no one has any objections I'm going to request that this thread be locked. I see no further point in continuing this topic by providing NeVeRLiFt an avenue to pursue his nonsense.
    Warning! I'm baaaaaaaaack

  14. NeVeRLiFt will you ever learn?

  15. @dvd2svcd

    Learn are be schooled :P

    Only nonsense here is you kayfam
    iAMD64. µ
    The World is changed, Some say Awakened.
    It's 13:53:33 . Do You Know Where Your Meat Body Is?
    Shadowrunner by trade...

  16. 76% agreed with the moderators decision to lock the thread in question. Most people on this forum realise that its main purpose is to assist in the creation of VCD, SVCD, and DVD. Not to promote or assist in the supplying or downloading of WAREZ. As this thread is now leaning towards the latter, it is being locked.

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