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  1. Member
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    I'm not sure where I should be posting this thread, so please feel free to move it if necessary.

    I've been trying to install the Lame ACM encoder on my Vista 64 bit OX but it just won't install properly. I know that I have to use a slightly different method of installing 32bit encoders on a 64 bit OS. I've managed to successfully install Huffyuv and Lagarith (both 32 bit) on my system by:

    1. Opening up a command prompt by typing "cmd" in the run box and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to run as Administrator).
    2. Changing directories to sysWOW64 ("cd C:\windows\syswow64")
    3. Typing the following (example_path replaced with the actual path to the extracted files), then hit enter: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\codecXXX.inf

    I've also tried installing using the conventional method but to no avail. I've even manually added registry entries to the ControlSet and copying the LameACM.acm and LameACM.xml files to the SysWow64 and System32 folders.

    I've tried using Lame version 3.97 and Lame 64 bit. Lame 64 bit causes VirtualDub to crash whenever I try to open the Audio Compression settings window. Newer versions of Lame do not have the ACM files.

    Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
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  2. Member
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    You could try using a 32bit command prompt; that way SysWOW64 and System32 are the same thing.

    Also remember when adding registry keys for 32bit dll's, don't add them as they appear since they need to go in the 32bit section of the registry.

    Might be worth writing an installer in InnoSetup. Works fine in XP x64, no idea about Vista though.
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  3. Member
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    I finally figured out the problem (after about 8 system restores after each failed installation).

    For some reason, Vista had a block on the LameACM.inf, LameACM.acm and lame_acm.xml because the files "came from another computer". How silly... and there were no indication whatsoever that the files were being blocked. I so happened to right click and view the properties of the files and found that they were blocked. I simply "Unblocked" each of the files and installed it by:

    1. Opening up a command prompt by typing "cmd" in the run box and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to run as Administrator).
    2. Changing directories to sysWOW64 ("cd C:\windows\syswow64")
    3. Typing the following (example_path replaced with the actual path to the extracted files), then hit enter: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\codecXXX.inf

    And now Lame shows up as an encoding option in VirtualDub! I wonder how many more of these ridiculous "hidden security features" windows has to waste my time with.

    Hope this helps others out there.
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  4. Banned
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    I wonder how many more of these ridiculous "hidden security features"
    windows has to waste my time with.
    Given that Windows XP *already* is an oversized OS,
    and Windows Vista is an even-bigger oversized OS,
    intended to transform our PCs into mere carnivalish
    media players, I'm afraid the most appropriate comment
    about the statement quoted above is:

    "You have seen nothing yet!" :-(


    Hope this helps others out there.
    Thank you very much!
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  5. Member
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    i tried what edt said, but i get an error. It pops up a window that says "error" then has a red circle with a white X in it and says Installation failed, beside it. Any ideas? Here's a graphic of the error, the directores, and what I typed.

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  6. Member
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    @edt: Thanks for finding this! I just spent hours trying to get 32-bit Lame ACM to install, and it was the blocking files that were preventing it (as a side note, the temporary path cannot contain spaces, either). Just started my first encoding using 32-bit tools on 64-bit OS.

    @wilbernot: The files are in c:\lame, and you told the installer they are in c:\temp.
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  7. Member
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    I can't get this to work. I'v checked the properties of the lame files and I don't see any setting for it being "blocked". The error I get is "Cannot copy files to destination folder. Retry?" and it just repeats if I retry. I've made sure my file locations are EXACTLY correct, so I don't understand what is going wrong.

    Edit: ...ARGH! I wasn't running command prompt as an admin. Those little details nobody mentions...
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  8. I have the same problem but don't understand this blocking thing? I have checked the security tab under properties for the files but I have never seen/heard about this blocking thing before - where would I see if the files were blocked?

    Part from that I've done exactly what is suggested above but I still have the same error message - any other ideas...?
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  9. i did all of the above but i get an error messange:

    error in setupapi
    missing entry:installhinfsection

    any help?
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  10. I followed exactly the advise to install codecs (both changing security settings and running command prompt as administator), either lame mp3 or ac3, do not get any error messages as if everything installs properly, and yet VirtualDub does not show either codecs. Please advise.
    Foxconn A79A-S|AMD Phenom 9950 BE|8GB RAM|150GB WD Velociraptor|2 HD4850 in Crossfire|Windows Vista 64 Ultimate SP1

    Abit NF7-S|AMD Barton 2500|1GB RAM|3*160GB HD|HD3850|Windows XP Pro SP3
    Quote Quote  
  11. Originally Posted by edt
    I finally figured out the problem (after about 8 system restores after each failed installation).

    For some reason, Vista had a block on the LameACM.inf, LameACM.acm and lame_acm.xml because the files "came from another computer". How silly... and there were no indication whatsoever that the files were being blocked. I so happened to right click and view the properties of the files and found that they were blocked. I simply "Unblocked" each of the files and installed it by:

    1. Opening up a command prompt by typing "cmd" in the run box and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to run as Administrator).
    2. Changing directories to sysWOW64 ("cd C:\windows\syswow64")
    3. Typing the following (example_path replaced with the actual path to the extracted files), then hit enter: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\codecXXX.inf

    And now Lame shows up as an encoding option in VirtualDub! I wonder how many more of these ridiculous "hidden security features" windows has to waste my time with.

    Hope this helps others out there.
    Thx a lot man, I had the exact same problem and this worked for me perfectly.
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  12. Member
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    I really need help from anyone - but let me first thank you for the clear-up on installing 32-bit codecs on 64-bit systems! That certainly helped...
    Back to my problem: Has anyone had conflicts running both versions of the codec? Sony Vegas Pro 8.1 (64-bit) will no longer render HuffYUV - and I can't even configure settings for the codec before rendering! When I start to render all I see is the ETA keep rising above 30mins and even further, without any progress (I check the task manager, which tells me the processor isn't doing anything - very strange). I have a 60min feature I just completed and now this! And just earlier I did some in-project rendering with huffyuv 64 ...
    Can anyone give any leads? Should I just focus on using HuffYUV 32 or 64 and trash the other?
    Any help appreciated!

    -- DGT
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  13. Member
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  14. Hi,

    I did everything like MysticOdin said and was looking that it was installed but still in my VirtualDub doesn't exist. Can someone help me to solve this problem. I'm newbe in this subject and please be patient about my lack of knowledge of some things.
    My OS is Vista x64, and I have VirtulDub 1.9.9 x64 and VirtualDub 1.9.7 and on both. I cannot use lame MP3. In virtualdub 1.9.7 I see in audio compression lame mp3 but when I choose, I've got the message: Error initializing audio stream decompression:
    No installed audio codec could be found to decompress the compressed source audio.
    Quote Quote  
  15. To anyone with a 64-bit OS, if nothing else is working for you, try this (worked for me):

    1. Download the LAME x64 files (including .INF) here:
    2. Open an instance of command prompt (Start --> Run --> cmd)
    3. Change working directory to system32 (yes, system32) by typing "cd C:\windows\system32"
    4. Type the following: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\LameACM.inf

    Make sure to replace c:\Temp_Folder_Path with the folder you actually have the extracted files in (for example, your desktop).

    I hope this method works for you!
    Quote Quote  
  16. Hi All,
    I've followed every single step as mentioned above, but still receiving the following error message: "An Error occurred while copying file LameACM.acm. Cannot copy file to destination directory.'

    What else should I do in order to get Lam MP3 working in the virtualdub???????
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	11092
Size:	229.3 KB
ID:	4310
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  17. Member wolfdogg's Avatar
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    wonder if he made sure the .acm file is in there too, not just the .inf, just a quick thought since at one point i too copied the inf file for the install, and this message popped up. note for anybody else thats having this problem.
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  18. Just a quote from pcspeak's link:
    64-bit versions belong in system32. 32-bit versions belong in syswow64.
    As I wasn't clear on why some worked with SysWOW64 & others with System32.
    Last edited by Newrone; 10th Aug 2011 at 19:00. Reason: Correction
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  19. Member
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    Originally Posted by NoBugsOnMe View Post
    To anyone with a 64-bit OS, if nothing else is working for you, try this (worked for me):

    1. Download the LAME x64 files (including .INF) here:
    2. Open an instance of command prompt (Start --> Run --> cmd)
    3. Change working directory to system32 (yes, system32) by typing "cd C:\windows\system32"
    4. Type the following: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\LameACM.inf

    Make sure to replace c:\Temp_Folder_Path with the folder you actually have the extracted files in (for example, your desktop).

    I hope this method works for you!
    Thanks NoBugsOnMe! This worked for me.
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  20. Member
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    Originally Posted by NoBugsOnMe View Post
    To anyone with a 64-bit OS, if nothing else is working for you, try this (worked for me):

    1. Download the LAME x64 files (including .INF) here:
    2. Open an instance of command prompt (Start --> Run --> cmd)
    3. Change working directory to system32 (yes, system32) by typing "cd C:\windows\system32"
    4. Type the following: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\LameACM.inf

    Make sure to replace c:\Temp_Folder_Path with the folder you actually have the extracted files in (for example, your desktop).

    I hope this method works for you!
    Sweet! This really helped me out. Thanks.
    Quote Quote  
  21. Originally Posted by joylamyy View Post
    Hi All,
    I've followed every single step as mentioned above, but still receiving the following error message: "An Error occurred while copying file LameACM.acm. Cannot copy file to destination directory.'

    What else should I do in order to get Lam MP3 working in the virtualdub???????
    [Attachment 4310 - Click to enlarge]
    Just registered to say that you need to run the command prompt in administrator mode (find it in Start menu, right click>Run as Administrator) if this message appears.
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  22. Originally Posted by Clerlic View Post
    Just registered to say that you need to run the command prompt in administrator mode (find it in Start menu, right click>Run as Administrator) if this message appears.
    Yeah, running as Admin was only mentioned about 5 times earlier in this thread.
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  23. Originally Posted by edt View Post

    1. Opening up a command prompt by typing "cmd" in the run box and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to run as Administrator).
    2. Changing directories to sysWOW64 ("cd C:\windows\syswow64")
    3. Typing the following (example_path replaced with the actual path to the extracted files), then hit enter: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp_Folder_Path\codecXXX.inf
    Thanks this worked for me on Win 7 64. But how do I uninstall the files if I don't want it anymore? Do I need to do it through commandline also? What do I type?
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  24. Searching for knowledge. trodas's Avatar
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    Thanks, joylamyy, that works!
    "I believe that all the people who stand to profit by a war and who help provoke it should be shot on the first day it starts..." - Hemingway :) my config
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