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  1. Hi guys,

    I'm sure you've gotten this question a million times but I've already searched for the forums and can't find the answer.

    I'm capturing from a VHS tape using an ATI TV WONDER PCI card. I have tried both VirtualDub and WinVCR. When they are done recording, there is no audio.

    I remember there was one time with VDub that I had audio but it was very quiet.

    I like the way WinVCR works (easy to use) but there's still no audio.

    Before and during the capture (with both vdub and winvcr) I can hear the audio just fine. But the audio doesn't get recorded.

    Any known fixes?

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  2. Member
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    Dominican Republic
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    Check the play settings
    Make sure your line in (record) is not muted
    This is the last day of the rest of your life
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  3. Okay, let's throw a monkey wrench into it.

    When I close the program (either Vdub or WinVCR) and re-open it, all audio is gone. If I restart my computer, the audio returns.

    Nothing is muted.

    Either way, there's no audio on the file containing captured video.


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  4. CLARAFICATION: I still have basic computer audio, such as playing music and alerts and things, but all audio when playing WinVCR and VirtualDub is gone.
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  5. I have this card too

    Make sure to use the 7.1 drivers from ATI or use generic drivers.
    Ive had problems with the 7.6 drivers.
    Do not install ATI's multimedia software, it has been attributed to crashing.

    Sometimes, for an unknown reason, the the line-in audio settings in the sound card will reset to mute all by itself, in which case you will have to keep going back in and changing that. (Ive had that problem with both the SantaCruz and the SoundBlaster).

    You will find yourself eventually wanting to get a different card, this thing sucks. Almost all capture programs dont work smoothly with this card. The issues are sporadic and not consistent and things just start screwing up for no reason, so be forewarned.

    generic drivers:
    ATI's drivers:

    good luck! and when u discover fixes or work arounds for this card, please post them so others may benefit from your sweat and tears
    ATI TV WONDER PCI, AMD 1600, GA7DXR-AMD761, 512DDR, HD's: 40MB+40BM+30MB, PNY G3, XP Pro.
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  6. Thanks Remo. I'll try the different drivers.

    Do you guys recommend the ATI All-In-Wonder or are all ATI cards crap for capturing? I've always loved the quality of the ATI video cards but this is my first experience with their capture card.

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  7. "good for capturing" really comes down to how much you want to spend.

    unless you a are an extreme gamer, then the trade off of getting an ATI 7500 AIW isnt too bad. I installed only one of these in a machine i built a few weeks ago, and it worked flawlessly when test-capturing a 10 minute clip of a tv show.

    Just my limited opinion, do a search here, because Ive seen a whole bunch of replies in the past to similar topics.
    ATI TV WONDER PCI, AMD 1600, GA7DXR-AMD761, 512DDR, HD's: 40MB+40BM+30MB, PNY G3, XP Pro.
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  8. Member
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    Washington, D.C.
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    In the for what its worth category, I am using the ATI Rage Fury Pro 128 capture card (its a 4x agp card). First it captures everything, including audio when you remember to turn on the recording portion (not just playback). I use it to capture everything. I can say that the MPEG-1 files that ATI generates look better after reencoding with Tmpgenc. The MPEG2 files are OK. They could use a better codec. IMHO.
    The best results for me are to capture in AVI mode and convert with tmpgenc. Very good results. I am using the latest (well nearly) drivers and MMC 7.1. I have not tried MMC 7.5/6. Have not heard that much good about it so.......
    The only downside was I had to move to an NTFS system to get full movie length caps.
    I am still experimenting with all the various options etc to find the right settings or better settings. So far in my system I do not have a reason to swap out the ATI card. OBTW, I am using the composite in line. I suppose things would / could be better if I used the S-vid input. But, thats another experiment.

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  9. Well, I know it may sound like too basic, but one can never know... I myself had the same problem sometime ago, and it turned out to be something I didn't completly understand about Windows.

    Are you sure the line-in "recording" volume is not muted? It is not the same as the line-in "playback" volume. I didn't know there was this difference, and whenever I opened the volume control, everything seemed fine to me there, so apparently the problem was not there. But, if you click at Options > Properties, you will see that there is an independent control for "recording" volume. This one cannot be muted.

    The line-in "playback" volume is simply a passthrough volume control, mixing it with other sources directly to the speaker.

    Hope that helps.

    Best rgds,
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