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  1. Hi!
    Whenever I try to watch an original dvd movie directly from the player or any kind of mpeg2 movie (DivX) from the HDD, I get the same type of error from the player (software). I have tried full versions of Intervideo WinDVD4, PowerDVD 4.0, DivX PLayer 2.0 Alpha and Windows Media Player for XP (8.0).
    The error messages are:

    Windows Media Player:
    Create Overlay failed. Please lower your screen resolution or color depth and try again

    PowerDVD does not support the current display mode. (DDraw Overlay mode is recommended)
    Please lower the screen resolution and color depth, for example, 800x600 with 256 colors.
    Or you may adjust the refresh frequency, for example, to 75 Hz.

    - which does nothing for me when I try it.
    I tried updating the nVIDIA drivers, but I rather suspect it is a DirectX error, since DirectXDiag says:

    DirectDraw Acceleration is not availlable (but the test works fine).
    Direct3D Acceleration is Enabled, but trying to test Direct3D gives the following error message:
    "Direct3D test results: Failure at step 8 (Creating 3D Device): HRESULT = 0x8007000e (Out of memory)"

    Can anybody please help me find a solution to this problem?
    The whole box is hardly a month old, it is freaking me out!!

    thx -

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  2. Did you install DX8.1??? sounds like it's missing.
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  3. I have wxp sp1 installed, which integrates directx 8.1

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