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  1. I have two powerpoint presentations that need to be converted to avi or mpeg. They are about 25 minutes long each. Obviously you need a capture card and a program that will record everything on the screen in real time, as well as a fast computer and a huge hard drive. Would anyone be willing to convert them for money? If you are willing, please e-mail me at:

    No jokes please. Only real offers. Thank you.
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  2. well, if they aren't fullscreen... you can use Hypercam... that seems to do the trick
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  3. Do a search for "camtasia". That is the program you want. It as its own compression codec. You specify which window or full screen to capture and the number of frames per second and it creates the avi as it goes. If you then want mpeg, use tmpgenc to make the mpeg. Its really very simply
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  4. why not just export the slides as still images and make those into MPEGs/AVIs or even better use VCD Toolkit from Phillips to do stills and clips as a VCD. you can set duration, etc.
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