when calling:
"g:\avs2yuv.exe" "H:\Temp\tempPreviewAvisynthFile09_24_41_503.avs" - | "G:\mplayer.exe" -slave -demuxer y4m -  -forcedsubsonly -nosub -noautosub -noidx -noaspect -cache 20480 -fps 25 -ao win32 -vo direct3d -lavdopts threads=1
I get a log of:
Command buffer of file descriptor 0 is full: dropping content.
When I remove the "-slave", everything works fine, but since I need the slave mode I wanted to know if someone knows how to fix this?

Cu Selur

Ps.: I plan to do this on Linux&MacOSX and not just on Windows, so directly opening the Avisynth script through mplayer won't work, also mplayer might be 64bit and Avisynth is always 32bit on my systems.