Here's how it all went. First, I dumexed my disc. I used MeGUI and selected .THD without AC3 audio. Now I have a .THD file that plays back in VLC (sound only ofcourse). I'm using an offline version of MeGUI with all of the files and programs in one big folder (fulled updated). I downloaded the Nero AAC executable and dropped it into the folder (I know this portion should work as I took a DTS file and converted it). I attempted to convert that THD file into an MP4 AAC file with Dolby Pro Logic II support and I recieved an error.

MeGUI seems it can't decode the THD file. Here is my complete log.

[Error] Log
-[Information] Versions
--[Information] MeGUI Version : 1911 (svn)
--[Information] OS : Windows Seven Ultimate Edition x64 (
--[Information] Latest .Net Framework installed : 4.0 (4.0.30319)
--[Information] Avisynth Version : (12/21/2008 9:46:54 PM)
-[Information] Update detection
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:30:05 AM] Connecting to server:
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:30:06 AM] All files are up to date
-[Error] Log for job1 (audio, F1_T3_Audio - -> F1_T3_Audio - English.mp4)
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:31:10 AM] Started handling job
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:31:10 AM] Preprocessing
--[Information] Avisynth script
---[NoImage] DirectShowSource("C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Blu-Ray Rips\Demux\Blade Runner\F1_T3_Audio -")
---[NoImage] EnsureVBRMP3Sync()
---[NoImage] # detected channels: 6 channels
---[NoImage] # detected channel positions: 3/2/0.1
---[NoImage] c6_dpl2(ConvertAudioToFloat(last))
---[NoImage] Normalize()
---[NoImage] return last
---[NoImage] # 5.1 Channels L,R,C,LFE,SL,SR -> stereo + LFE
---[NoImage] function c6_stereo(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      lf = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
---[NoImage]      fl_sl = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.2929, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      fr_sr = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      fc_lf = MixAudio(fc, lf, 0.2071, 0.2071)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_sl, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_sr, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,SL,SR or L,R,LFE,SL,SR-> Stereo
---[NoImage] function c5_stereo(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      fl_sl = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.3694, 0.3694)
---[NoImage]      fr_sr = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.3694, 0.3694)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_sl, fc, 1.0, 0.2612)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_sr, fc, 1.0, 0.2612)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,LFE,S -> Stereo
---[NoImage] function c52_stereo(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      lf = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      fl_bc = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      fr_bc = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      fc_lf = MixAudio(fc, lf, 0.2265, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_bc, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_bc, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 4 Channels Quadro L,R,SL,SR -> Stereo
---[NoImage] function c4_stereo(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.5, 0.5)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.5, 0.5)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 4 Channels L,R,C,LFE or L,R,S,LFE or L,R,C,S -> Stereo
---[NoImage] function c42_stereo(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      lf = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      fc_lf = MixAudio(fc, lf, 0.2929, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, fc_lf, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, fc_lf, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 3 Channels L,R,C or L,R,S or L,R,LFE -> Stereo
---[NoImage] function c3_stereo(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5.1 Channels L,R,C,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c6_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
---[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2265, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c5_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2265, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c52_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.4142, -1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,LFE,S -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c53_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -0.2929)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 4 Channels Quadro L,R,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c4_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.4142, -1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 4 Channels L,R,LFE,S  -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c42_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.5858, -0.4142)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 4 Channels L,R,C,S -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c43_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 0.2929)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -0.2929)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 3 Channels L,R,S  -> Dolby ProLogic
---[NoImage] function c3_dpl(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.5858, -0.4142)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5.1 Channels L,R,C,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
---[NoImage] function c6_dpl2(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
---[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2818, 0.1627)
---[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.1627, -0.2818)
---[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
---[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, ssl, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, ssr, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
---[NoImage] function c5_dpl2(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2818, 0.1627)
---[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.1627, -0.2818)
---[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
---[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, ssl, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, ssr, 1.0, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
---[NoImage] function c52_dpl2(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
---[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.3714, 0.2144)
---[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.2144, -0.3714)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, ssl, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, ssr, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
---[NoImage] # 4 Channels Quadro L,R,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
---[NoImage] function c4_dpl2(clip a)
---[NoImage]   {
---[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
---[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
---[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 3)
---[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 4)
---[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.3714, 0.2144)
---[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.2144, -0.3714)
---[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, ssl, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, ssr, 0.4142, 1.0)
---[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
---[NoImage]   }
--[Information] Commandline used: -ignorelength -hev2 -q 0.4 -if - -of "{0}"
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:31:45 AM] Encoding started
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:31:45 AM] Encode thread started
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:31:45 AM] Avisynth script environment opened
--[Error] An error occurred
---[Error] Exception message
----[NoImage] DirectShowSource: Could not open as video or audio.
----[NoImage] Video returned:  "DirectShowSource: couldn't open file C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Blu-Ray Rips\Demux\Blade Runner\F1_T3_Audio -
----[NoImage] Cannot play back the file.  The format is not supported."
----[NoImage] Audio returned:  "DirectShowSource: couldn't open file C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Blu-Ray Rips\Demux\Blade Runner\F1_T3_Audio -
----[NoImage] Cannot play back the file.  The format is not supported."
---[Error] Stacktrace
----[NoImage]    at MeGUI.AviSynthClip..ctor(String func, String arg, AviSynthColorspace forceColorspace, AviSynthScriptEnvironment env)
----[NoImage]    at MeGUI.AviSynthAudioEncoder.encode()
---[Error] Inner exception: null
--[Information] [2/25/2011 4:31:46 AM] Job completed
I attempted to convert to FLAC and a few other choices. All failed.

What I want to do ideally is take THD/DTSMA and AAC encode them with Dolby Pro Logic II support. I generally do this in Handbrake with DVDs for my small rips using the DVD AC3 or DVD DTS track as my source. With Blu-Ray disc ripping now, I still need a small portable version that I can stream to my phone or toss on a CD. I figured why should I be converting already compressed tracks when I have access to lossless versions.

Anybody have any idea what I could be doing wrong here? Or does anybody know of another program/utility that will allow me to take DTSMA/THD tracks and turn them into AAC tracks with Dolby Pro Logic II support?

Any insight would be appreciated!