hey everyone

While reading through a few thread topics and then finally heading over to the users suggestions of software he was refering to: ie, mkvmergegui .. a thought occured to me for a good idea: when a member is in one of the tools webpages, (ie, mkvmergegui) how about including a:

see also:

PopCorn MKV AudioConverter

*1 for the above, how hard would it be to add a script that does a search for any tools with "*MKV*" in it, and then those tools (titles) will list just below the see also text ?

*2 maybe extend on this by including a brief description of each tool: ie, AutoMKV --- all in one dvd/ts/avi/avs to ...

. . .

or, consider this idea:

for more MKV tools, see also: here

* for either of the suggestions, perhaps something with "tags" of common terms or tools could be auto-inserted in these tool pages via some auto search phrase or something.

I don't know..does it sound like something plausable, or what ? I mean.. the thing is.. lately I've been busy at a lot of searching around. Mostly on h264 encoding. And, currently, it branched off to MKV anything, (momentarily) and I'm now finding interesting things on this video container and all that it has to offer. It started with borky issues with h264 encodings, to tools, and other things.

So, in the end, these little tool-tips (don't know what else to call this, term-wise) might help that little extra in our daily endeavors on this board. I don't know. Maybe play around with the idea a bit and see what you might be able to do, or not. Thanks.

from the busy video workstation of,
-vhelp 5045